0000 | Luftkissen-Bahnen, -Tische (Demonstrationsgeräte für Mechanik) | 0000_air cushion tracks, tables (demonstration devices for mechanics) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0005 | Mess- und Demonstrationsgeräte der Mechanik (außer 0010, 0020, 2430, 2440, 2850 und 8800-8990) | 0005_mechanics measuring and demonstration devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0010 | Drehwaagen | 0010_torsion scales | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0010 | Geräte zur Messung der Gravitationskraft (Drehwaagen, Pendelgeräte, außer Gravimeter 0410) | 0010_devices for measuring the gravitational force | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0010 | Pendelgeräte (außer Gezeitenpendel 0410) | 0010_pendulum devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Aufsetzkreisel (Kompass) | 0020_top-down gyroscope (compass) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Gyroskope | 0020_gyroscopes | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Kreiselgeräte (Kompasse, Lageregler, Steuerkreisel) | 0020_gyro devices (compasses, attitude controllers, control gyros) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Kreiselkompasse | 0020_gyrocompasses | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Lageregler (Kreiselgeräte), Horizontzeiger | 0020_attitude controllers (gyroscopes), horizon pointers | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Spezielle Geräte der Mechanik, Kreiselgeräte | 0020_special devices of mechanics, gyro devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Stabilisierte Plattformen (außer 0480) | 0020_stabilized platforms (except 0480) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0020 | Vermessungskreisel | 0020_survey gyroscope | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Hydrophone | 0040_hydrophones | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Kehlkopfmikrofone | 0040_throat microphones | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Kondensatormikrofone | 0040_condenser microphones | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Luft- und Körperschallaufnehmer, Mikrofone | 0040_airborne and structure-borne sound pickups, microphones | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Messmikrofone | 0040_measurement microphones | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Mikrofonstative | 0040_microphone stands | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Richtmikrofone | 0040_directional microphones | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Schwingungsaufnehmer, -wandler (außer 0420) | 0040_vibration pickup, converter (except 0420) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0040 | Schwingungsmesser, Schwingungswächter (Luft- und Körperschallaufnehmer) | 0040_vibration meter, vibration monitor (airborne and structure-borne noise pickup) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Bauakustische Messgeräte, Modelle | 0050_building acoustics measuring devices, models | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Echtzeit-Terz-Analysatoren | 0050_real-time 1/3 octave analyzers | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Klangspektrographen | 0050_sound spectrographs | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Lärm-Analysatoren (Schallspektrographen) | 0050_noise analyzers (sound spectrographs) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Nachhall-Analysatoren, -Messgeräte | 0050_reverberation analyzers, measuring devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Schallspektrographen und Raumakustik-Messgeräte | 0050_sound spectrographs and room acoustics measuring devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Sonagraphen (Klangspektrographen) | 0050_sonagraphs (sound spectrographs) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0050 | Tonfrequenzspektrographen (mit Terz/Oktav-Filtern) | 0050_audio frequency spectrographs (with third-octave/octave filters) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Akustische Mess- und Prüfgeräte mit Zubehör | 0060_acoustic measuring and testing devices with accessories | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Geräuschmesser | 0060_noise meter | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Impulsschallpegel-Messgeräte | 0060_impulse sound level meters | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Kalibriergeräte für akustische Geräte | 0060_calibrators for acoustic devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Kundtsche Rohre (Schallabsorptionsmessung) | 0060_kundt's tubes (sound absorption measurement) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Lärmmessgeräte, -dosimeter | 0060_noise measuring devices, dosimeters | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Lautstärkemesser | 0060_volume meter | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Phonmesser | 0060_phone knife | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Schalldämmzahlmesser | 0060_sound reduction index meter | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Schalldruckmessgeräte, -waagen | 0060_sound pressure measuring devices, scales | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Schallgeschwindigkeits-Messgeräte | 0060_speed of sound measuring devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0060 | Schallpegelmesser | 0060_sound level meter | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Akustische Schwingungserreger (außer 6700) | 0070_acoustic vibration exciters (except 6700) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Eicherreger zur Eichung von Beschleunigungsaufnehmern | 0070_calibration exciter for calibrating accelerometers | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Eichschallquellen | 0070_calibration sound sources | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Mikrofon-Eichgeräte | 0070_microphone calibrators | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Normhammerwerke (Trittschall-Messung) | 0070_standard hammer works (impact sound measurement) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Schallgeneratoren und mechanische Schwingungserreger | 0070_sound generators and mechanical vibration exciters | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Schwingungserreger | 0070_vibration exciter | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0070 | Vibrationserreger | 0070_vibration exciter | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Schallköpfe (Ultraschall) | 0080_transducers (ultrasound) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Schwingquarze (Ultraschall, außer 6360) | 0080_quartz crystals (ultrasonic, except 6360) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Sonotroden | 0080_sonotrodes | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Ultraschallempfänger, -messgeräte | 0080_ultrasonic receivers, measuring devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Ultraschall-Generatoren, -Schwinger und -Messgeräte (außer 2290, 3900 und 4120) | 0080_ultrasonic generators, transducers, and meters (except 2290, 3900, and 4120) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Ultraschall-Interferometer (außer 4120) | 0080_ultrasonic interferometer (except 4120) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Ultraschall-Schwinger, -Erzeuger, -Quarze | 0080_ultrasonic oscillators, generators, quartz | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0080 | Ultraschall-Universal-Laborgeräte | 0080_ultrasonic universal laboratory equipment | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Akustische Geräte (außer 0040-0080 und 6700) | 0090_acoustic devices (except 0040-0080 and 6700) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Camera Silens, schallabsorbierende Kabine | 0090_camera silens, sound-absorbing booth | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Filter (akustische und mechanische), Resonatoren | 0090_filters (acoustic and mechanical), resonators | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Gehörprüfkabinen | 0090_hearing test booths | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Gehörschutzgeräte | 0090_hearing protection devices | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Reflexionsfreie Räume (Schall) | 0090_anechoic rooms (sound) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Resonatoren, akustische | 0090_resonators, acoustic | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Schalldämpfer und -Anlagen | 0090_silencers and systems | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Schallmesskabinen, reklexionsfreie | 0090_noise measuring cabins, reflection-free | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Schallschutzgeräte, Schallabschirmung, -isolation | 0090_soundproofing devices, sound shielding, isolation | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Schwingungs-Schutzmittel, -Isolation, Schwingplatten | 0090_anti-vibration means, isolation, vibrating plates | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0090 | Sonstige Geräte der Mechanik und Akustik (außer 0000-0080) | 0090_other mechanical and acoustic devices (except 0000-0080) | 00_mechanics, acoustics |
0100 | Elektromagnete | 0100_electromagnets | 01_magnetism |
0100 | Labormagnete | 0100_laboratory magnets | 01_magnetism |
0110 | Hochstabile Magnete (mit homogenem oder speziellem Feldverlauf) | 0110_highly stable magnets (with a homogeneous or special field profile) | 01_magnetism |
0120 | Hochfeldmagnete | 0120_high field magnets | 01_magnetism |
0120 | Kryomagnete | 0120_cryomagnets | 01_magnetism |
0120 | Magnetspulen (supraleitende) | 0120_magnetic coils (superconducting) | 01_magnetism |
0120 | Supraleitende Labormagnete | 0120_superconducting laboratory magnets | 01_magnetism |
0130 | Analysiermagnete | 0130_analyzing magnets | 01_magnetism |
0130 | Fokussiermagnete für Mikrowellenröhren und Elektronenoptik | 0130_focusing magnets for microwave tubes and electron optics | 01_magnetism |
0130 | Helmholtz-Spulen, -Systeme | 0130_helmholtz coils, systems | 01_magnetism |
0130 | Quadrupolmagnete, magnetische Linsen | 0130_quadrupole magnets, magnetic lenses | 01_magnetism |
0130 | Schaltmagnete (für Kernphysik) | 0130_switching magnets (for nuclear physics) | 01_magnetism |
0130 | Spezielle Magnete (Strahlführungsmagnete, Höchstfeldmagnete, außer 0100-0120 und 6830) | 0130_special magnets (beam guiding magnets, maximum field magnets, except 0100-0120 and 6830) | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Feldstärkemessgeräte, Magnetfeldmesser | 0140_field strength measuring devices, magnetic field meters | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Fluxmeter, Magnetflussmesser | 0140_flux meter, magnetic flow meter | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Gauß-Meter | 0140_gauss meter | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Hall-Effect-Messgeräte | 0140_hall effect meters | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Kernmagnetometer, Protonenmagnetometer | 0140_nuclear magnetometer, proton magnetometer | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Kraftfluss-Sonden, Magnetstrom-Suchsonden | 0140_force flow probes, magnetic current search probes | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Magnetfeld- und -flussmessgeräte (außer Geomagnetik 0400) | 0140_magnetic field and flux measuring devices (except geomagnetic 0400) | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Magnetsonden (außer 4140 und 4170) | 0140_magnetic probes (except 4140 and 4170) | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Protonen-Magnetometer (außer 0400 für Geophysik) | 0140_proton magnetometer (except 0400 for geophysics) | 01_magnetism |
0140 | SQUID-Geräte (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) | 0140_squid devices (superconducting quantum interference device) | 01_magnetism |
0140 | Teslameter | 0140_teslameter | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Eisen- (Verlust-) Messgeräte für Elektrobleche | 0150_iron (loss) gauges for electrical sheets | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Epstein-Messplätze | 0150_epstein measuring sites | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Foner-Magnetometer, Vibrations-Magnetometer | 0150_foner magnetometer, vibration magnetometer | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Geräte zur Messung der magnetischen Materialeigenschaften | 0150_devices for measuring the magnetic properties of materials | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Hysteresemessgeräte (magnetisch) | 0150_hysteresis gauges (magnetic) | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Koerzimeter | 0150_coercimeter | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Magnetwerkstoff-Prüfgeräte | 0150_magnetic material testing equipment | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Permeabilitätsmessgeräte | 0150_permeability gauges | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Suszeptibilitätsmessgeräte | 0150_susceptibility meters | 01_magnetism |
0150 | Vibrations-Magnetometer | 0150_vibration magnetometer | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Entmagnetisierungsgeräte und Einrichtungen (außer für Magnetbänder 7150) | 0160_degaussing devices and devices (except for magnetic tapes 7150) | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Feldreguliereinheiten | 0160_field regulation units | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Gradienten-Polschuhe | 0160_gradient pole shoes | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Hall-Stabilisatoren, Magnetfeldregler | 0160_hall stabilizers, magnetic field controllers | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Magnetfeld-Stabilisatoren | 0160_magnetic field stabilizers | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Magnetisiergeräte | 0160_magnetizers | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Magnetstromregler | 0160_solenoid current controller | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Magnetzubehör | 0160_magnet accessories | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Netzgeräte für supraleitende Magnete | 0160_power supplies for superconducting magnets | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Polschuhe | 0160_pole shoes | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Stromversorgungs- und Steuergeräte für Magnete: Zubehör | 0160_power supply and control devices for magnets: accessories | 01_magnetism |
0160 | Supraleitende Schalter für Kryomagnete | 0160_superconducting switches for cryomagnets | 01_magnetism |
0190 | Lasthebe-Magnete | 0190_lifting magnets | 01_magnetism |
0190 | Magnete, sonstige (außer 0100-0130) | 0190_magnets, other (except 0100-0130) | 01_magnetism |
0190 | Spezielle magnetische Mess- und Versuchseinrichtungen | 0190_special magnetic measuring and testing facilities | 01_magnetism |
0200 | Neutronenquellen, -generatoren (Physik) | 0200_neutron sources, generators (physics) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0200 | Positronenquellen | 0200_positron sources | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0200 | Prüfstrahler | 0200_check source | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0200 | Radioaktive Quellen (Physik) | 0200_radioactive sources (physics) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0200 | Strahlungsquellen (Radioisotope, Neutronenquellen) | 0200_radiation sources (radioisotopes, neutron sources) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Betatrons (Physik) | 0210_betatrons (physics) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Elektronenbeschleuniger | 0210_electron accelerator | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Ionenbeschleuniger, Schwerionenbeschleuniger (außer Ionenimplantationsanlagen 0910) | 0210_ion accelerators, heavy ion accelerators (except for ion implantation systems 0910) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Kaskadenbeschleuniger | 0210_cascade accelerator | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Linearbeschleuniger (Physik) | 0210_linear accelerator (physics) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Protonen-Beschleuniger | 0210_proton accelerator | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Synchrozyklotrons, Synchrotrons | 0210_synchrocyclotrons, synchrotrons | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Tandembeschleuniger | 0210_tandem accelerator | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Teilchenbeschleuniger (Physik) | 0210_particle accelerator (physics) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Van-de-Graaff-Beschleuniger | 0210_van de graaff accelerator | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0210 | Zyklotrons | 0210_cyclotron | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0220 | Hilfs- und Ergänzungseinrichtungen für Teilchenbeschleuniger | 0220_auxiliary and supplementary equipment for particle accelerators | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0220 | Target-Kammern für kernphysikalische Untersuchungen | 0220_target chambers for nuclear physics investigations | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0230 | Kernreaktoren | 0230_nuclear reactors | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0240 | Brennelemente | 0240_fuel assemblies | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0240 | Kernbrennstoffe, -elemente | 0240_nuclear fuels, elements | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0240 | Kernreaktor-Komponenten | 0240_nuclear reactor components | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0240 | Komponenten, Hilfs- und Ergänzungseinrichtungen für Kernreaktoren | 0240_components, auxiliary and supplementary equipment for nuclear reactors | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0240 | Reaktorlade- und -entladeeinrichtungen | 0240_reactor loading and unloading facilities | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Alpha-, Beta-Messplätze | 0260_alpha, beta measuring stations | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | C14 -Messplätze, Strahlungsmessplätze für Altersbestimmung | 0260_c14 measuring stations, radiation measuring stations for age determination | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Detektorssteme für Strahlungsmessung (vollständig mit Zählelektronik) | 0260_detector system for radiation measurement (complete with counting electronics) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Digitale Strahlungsmessplätze | 0260_digital radiation measuring stations | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Gamma-Messplätze (außer 3360 und 4050) | 0260_gamma counters (except 3360 and 4050) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Impulshöhen-Analysatoren (vollständige Strahlungsmessplätze) | 0260_pulse height analyzers (complete radiation measurement stations) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Neutronenmessplätze, -flussmesser | 0260_neutron measuring stations, flux meters | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Strahlungsmessplätze (außer 0330, 3300-3390, 4050 und 6150-6190) | 0260_radiation measuring stations (except 0330, 3300-3390, 4050 and 6150-6190) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0260 | Strahlungsmessplätze für feste Proben (Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma-Strahlung) | 0260_radiation measuring stations for solid samples (alpha, beta, gamma radiation) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Cerenkov-Zähler | 0270_cerenkov counter | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Detektoren für Strahlungsmessung, Kernspuremulsionen | 0270_detectors for radiation measurement, nuclear track emulsions | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Durchflußzähler (Strahlungsdetektoren) | 0270_flow meters (radiation detectors) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Gamma-Zählrohre | 0270_gamma counters | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Ge(Li)-Detektoren | 0270_ge(li) detectors | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Geiger-Müller-Zählrohre | 0270_geiger-müller counter tubes | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Halbleiter-Zähler (Nuklear-Messtechnik) | 0270_semiconductor counter (nuclear measurement technology) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Ionisationskammern | 0270_ionization chambers | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Methandurchflusszähler | 0270_methane flow meter | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Neutronenzähler, Zählrohre | 0270_neutron counter, counter tubes | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Oberflächen-Sperrschicht-Zähler | 0270_surface junction counter | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Planar-Detektoren | 0270_planar detectors | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Proportionalzähler, -zählrohre | 0270_proportional counters, counter tubes | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Si(Li)-Detektoren | 0270_si(li) detectors | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Spaltkammern (Strahlungsmessung) | 0270_fission chambers (radiation measurement) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Strahlungsdetektoren | 0270_radiation detectors | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Szintillationssonden | 0270_scintillation probes | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Szintillatoren, Flüssigkeits-, Kristall-, Kunststoff- | 0270_scintillators, liquid, crystal, plastic | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Thermolumineszenz-Detektoren, -Dosimeter | 0270_thermoluminescence detectors, dosimeters | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0270 | Zählrohre (Strahlenmessung) | 0270_counter tubes (radiation measurement) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0280 | Beta-Kameras (mit Funkenkammer) | 0280_beta cameras (with spark chamber) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0280 | Blasenkammern, Nebelkammern, andere spezielle Messeinrichtungen der Kernphysik | 0280_bubble chambers, cloud chambers, other special measuring devices of nuclear physics | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0280 | Funkenkammern | 0280_spark chambers | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0280 | Isotopen-Kameras (mit Funkenkammer-Detektor) | 0280_isotope cameras (with spark chamber detector) | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0280 | Radiochromatogramm-Funkenkammern | 0280_radiochromatogram spark chambers | 02_nuclear physics (radiation sources, measurement technology) |
0310 | Manipulatoren, Fernbedienung für heiße Zellen | 0310_manipulators, remote control for hot cells | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0320 | Abschirmeinrichtungen (Strahlenschutz, außer 3280) | 0320_shielding devices (radiation protection, except 3280) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0320 | Abzüge, Abzugsschränke für Radioisotope | 0320_fume cupboards, fume cupboards for radioisotopes | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0320 | Bleikammern | 0320_lead chambers | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0320 | Bleiziegel, Bleibausteine | 0320_lead bricks, lead building blocks | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0320 | Schutzeinrichtungen (Strahlenschutz) | 0320_protective devices (radiation protection) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0320 | Strahlenschutz, heiße Zellen (außer für Radiologie 3280) | 0320_radiation protection, hot cells (except for radiology 3280) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Aerosol-Monitore | 0330_aerosol monitors | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Auswertegeräte für Dosismessung | 0330_evaluation devices for dose measurement | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Curie-Meter | 0330_curie meter | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Dosimeter, Dosismesser (Strahlenüberwachung) | 0330_dosimeter, dosimeter (radiation monitoring) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Dosimeter-Ladegeräte | 0330_dosimeter chargers | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Dosisleistungs-Messgeräte (Dose-Rate) | 0330_dose rate measuring devices (dose rate) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Inkorporations-Monitore | 0330_incorporation monitors | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Isotopen-Kalibratoren, -Eichgeräte | 0330_isotope calibrators, -equipment | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Kontaminations-Monitore | 0330_contamination monitors | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Luft- (Gas-) Monitore | 0330_air (gas) monitors | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Neutronen-REM-Counter | 0330_neutron sem counter | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Strahlenüberwachung, Monitore, Warngeräte | 0330_radiation monitoring, monitors, warning devices | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0330 | Taschendosimeter | 0330_pocket dosimeter | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0350 | Behälter und Anlagen für Transport und Lagerung von strahlendem Material | 0350_containers and installations for transport and storage of radioactive material | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0360 | Anlagen zur Gewinnung und Bearbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen | 0360_plants for the extraction and processing of nuclear fuel | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0360 | Anreicherungsanlagen (außer Diffusionsanlagen 1130, Gaszentrifugen 1220, Trenndüsenanlagen 1240) | 0360_enrichment systems (except for diffusion systems 1130, gas centrifuges 1220, separating jet systems 1240) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0360 | Isotopen-Trennanlagen für Kernbrennstoffe (außer 1130, 1220, 1240 und 1400) | 0360_nuclear fuel isotope separators (except 1130, 1220, 1240 and 1400) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0370 | Abfallbeseitigungsgeräte für radioaktive Laborhilfsmittel (Probefläschchen) | 0370_waste disposal devices for radioactive laboratory aids (sample vials) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0370 | Anlagen zur Aufbereitung und Entsorgung von Brennelementen | 0370_plants for processing and disposal of fuel elements | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0370 | Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen (Kerntechnik) | 0370_reprocessing plants (nuclear technology) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0380 | Dekontaminierungsanlagen | 0380_decontamination facilities | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0390 | Isotopengeneratoren, -batterien | 0390_isotope generators, batteries | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0390 | Sonstige Geräte der Atom- und Kernphysik (außer 0200-0380 und 6100-6190) | 0390_other atomic and nuclear physics equipment (except 0200-0380 and 6100-6190) | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0390 | Strahlungsmessgeräte-Zubehör | 0390_radiation meter accessories | 03_nuclear physics, nuclear technology (radiation protection, laboratory technology) |
0400 | Bussolen | 0400_buses | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Erdmagnetische und geoelektrische Messgeräte | 0400_geomagnetic and geoelectric measuring devices | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Erdmagnetismus-Messgeräte+Z(1320)S | 0400_earth magnetism meters+z(1320)s | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Feldwaagen (magnetische) | 0400_field scales (magnetic) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Geovariographen | 0400_geovariographs | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Magnetkompasse | 0400_magnetic compasses | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Magnetographen | 0400_magnetographs | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Magnetometer (Erdfeld-) | 0400_magnetometer | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Magneto-Tellurik-Messanlagen | 0400_magneto-telluric measuring systems | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Torsionsmagnetometer | 0400_torsion magnetometer | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0400 | Variographen, Variometer (erdmagnetische) | 0400_variographs, variometers (geomagnetic) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0410 | Bohrloch-Neigungsmesser (Gezeiten-Pendel) | 0410_borehole inclinometer (tide pendulum) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0410 | Erdgezeiten-Gravimeter, -Registrieranlagen | 0410_earth tide gravimeters, recording systems | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0410 | Gravimeter und Gezeitenpendel | 0410_gravimeter and tide pendulum | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0410 | Seegravimeter | 0410_sea gravimeter | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0410 | Tiltmeter (Neigung der Erdoberfläche) | 0410_tiltmeter (inclination of the earth's surface) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0420 | Geophone | 0420_geophones | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0420 | Hammerschlag-Seismometer | 0420_hammer blow seismometer | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0420 | Horizontal-Seismometer | 0420_horizontal seismometer | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0420 | Seismometer und Geräte für Sprengseismik | 0420_seismometers and devices for blasting seismics | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0420 | Vertikalseismometer | 0420_vertical seismometer | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0420 | Zündmaschinen für Sprengungen | 0420_blasting machines for blasting | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0430 | Bodenprobennehmer, Erdbohrgeräte (für Bodenproben) | 0430_soil samplers, augers (for soil samples) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0430 | Kolbenlote | 0430_butt solders | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0430 | Rammsonden | 0430_percussion probes | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0440 | Spezielle Geräte zur Erforschung von Erdoberfläche und Untergrund (außer 0400-0430) | 0440_special equipment for exploring the earth's surface and subsoil (except 0400-0430) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0450 | Multisonden für Druck, Temperatur, Leitfähigkeit | 0450_multi-probes for pressure, temperature, conductivity | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0450 | Salinometer-, Thermometer-, kombinierte Sonden | 0450_salinometer, thermometer, combined probes | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0450 | Sonden (kombinierte) für Meeresforschung | 0450_probes (combined) for marine research | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0460 | Echographen | 0460_echographs | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0460 | Fischlupen | 0460_fish magnifying glasses | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0460 | Meerestiefenmesser, Echolote, Sonare | 0460_depth gauges, echo sounders, sonars | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0460 | Tiefenmesser, Tiefenmess-Sonden | 0460_depth gauges, depth measuring probes | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0470 | Current-Meter (Meeresströmung) | 0470_current meter (sea current) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0470 | Pinger (Unterwasser-Schallgeber) | 0470_pinger (underwater sounder) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0470 | Profilstrommesser (Ozeanographie, außer 2440) | 0470_profile current meter (oceanography, except 2440) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0470 | Strommesser, spezielle Fernmess- und Steuergeräte für Meeresforschung | 0470_ammeters, special remote measuring and control devices for marine research | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0480 | Messbojen | 0480_measuring buoys | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0480 | Spezielle Fahrzeuge, Geräteträger der Meeresforschung (außer Schiffe 2400) | 0480_special vehicles, marine research equipment carriers (except ships 2400) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0490 | Küstenforschungsgeräte | 0490_coastal research devices | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0490 | Ozeanographische Messgeräte und Einrichtungen (außer 0450-0480) | 0490_oceanographic gauges and facilities (except 0450-0480) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0490 | Wasserforschung, Messgeräte (außer 0450-0480, 0510-0530 und 1000-1990) | 0490_water research, gauges (except 0450-0480, 0510-0530 and 1000-1990) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0490 | Wellenhöhen-Messgeräte (Meeresforschung) | 0490_wave height measuring devices (marine research) | 04_geophysics (solid earth, oceanography) |
0500 | Barometer, Barographen | 0500_barometers, barographs | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0500 | Höhenmesser (barometrisch), Taschenhöhenmesser | 0500_altimeter (barometric), pocket altimeter | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0500 | Hypsometer, barometrische Höhenmesser | 0500_hypsometer, barometric altimeter | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0500 | Luftdruckschreiber | 0500_air pressure recorder | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0500 | Meteorographen | 0500_meteorographers | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0510 | Hygrometer, Luftfeuchtemesser, Thermohygrographen | 0510_hygrometers, humidity meters, thermohygrographs | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0510 | Psychrometer (Luftfeuchte) | 0510_psychrometer (humidity) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0510 | Taupunktmesser | 0510_dew point meter | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0510 | Thermographen | 0510_thermographs | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0520 | Niederschlagsmessgeräte, Wasserstandsmessgeräte | 0520_rain gauges, water level gauges | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0520 | Ombrometer | 0520_ombrometer | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0520 | Pegel (Wasserstandsmessgeräte) | 0520_level (water level gauges) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0520 | Regenmesser | 0520_rain gauge | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0520 | Regentropfenspektrometer | 0520_raindrop spectrometer | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0530 | Akustische Dopplerradarsysteme (Windvektormessung) | 0530_acoustic doppler radar systems (wind vector measurement) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0530 | Anemometer (Meteorologie, außer 8860) | 0530_anemometer (meteorology, except 8860) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0530 | Flügelrad-Anemometer | 0530_vane anemometer | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0530 | Winddruck-, -geschwindigkeits-, -richtungsmessgeräte | 0530_wind pressure, speed, direction measuring devices | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0530 | Windmessgeräte | 0530_wind gauges | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0540 | Aktinometer | 0540_actinometer | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0540 | Solarimeter | 0540_solarimeter | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0540 | Sonnenscheinmesser, Gesamtstrahlungsmessgeräte | 0540_sunshine meters, total radiation meters | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0540 | Sternpyranometer | 0540_star pyranometer | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0540 | Strahlungsbilanzmessgeräte | 0540_radiation balance meters | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0550 | Lidar-Geräte, Licht-Radar | 0550_lidar devices, light radar | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0550 | Sichtweitemessgeräte, Wolkenmesser | 0550_visibility meters, cloud meters | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0560 | Messgeräte für Luftelektrizität, Elektronendichte | 0560_measuring devices for air electricity, electron density | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0570 | Atmosphärische Analysatoren (-Stationen) | 0570_atmospheric analyzers (stations) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0570 | Ballon-Wettersonden | 0570_balloon weather probes | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0570 | Radio-Sonden-Empfänger | 0570_radio probe receiver | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0570 | Spezielle meteorologische Messgeräte (Wettersonden) | 0570_special meteorological measuring devices (weather probes) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0570 | Wettersonden-Radar und Empfangsgeräte | 0570_weather probe radar and receivers | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0580 | Ionosphärenforschungs-Apparaturen | 0580_ionospheric research apparatus | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0580 | Spezielle Messgeräte zur Erforschung der höheren Atmosphäre | 0580_special measuring devices to study the higher atmosphere | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Aerometer (Luftgewichts-Messung) | 0590_aerometer (air weight measurement) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Evaporimeter, Verdunstungsmesser | 0590_evaporimeter, evaporation meter | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Feldstationen | 0590_field stations | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Masten für meteorologische Messungen, für Umwelt-, Luft-Überwachung | 0590_masts for meteorological measurements, for environmental, air monitoring | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Meteorologische Geräte und Zubehör (außer 0500-0580) | 0590_meteorological devices and accessories (except 0500-0580) | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Meteorologische Messwarten | 0590_meteorological control rooms | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Sonstige meteorologische Geräte und Einrichtungen | 0590_other meteorological devices and facilities | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Tauwaagen | 0590_rope scales | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Thermometerhütten | 0590_thermometer huts | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Verdunstungsmessgeräte | 0590_evaporation gauges | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0590 | Wetterhütten | 0590_weather huts | 05_geophysics (air, meteorology) |
0600 | Bussolen-Theodolite | 0600_bussolen theodolites | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0600 | Tachymeter-Bussolen | 0600_tachymeter buses | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0600 | Theodoliten, Markscheidegeräte | 0600_theodolites, marrow cutting devices | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0610 | Nivellier-Instrumente | 0610_level instruments | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0620 | Basis-Entfernungsmesser | 0620_base range finder | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0620 | Elektrooptische Distanzmesser (Geodäsie) | 0620_electro-optical distance meters (geodesy) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0620 | Entfernungsmessgeräte, Tachymeter, Tellurometer | 0620_distance measuring devices, tachymeters, tellurometers | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0620 | Geodimeter | 0620_geodimeter | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0620 | Mekometer, Laser-Mekometer | 0620_mekometer, laser mekometer | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0620 | Reduktionstachymeter | 0620_reduction total station | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0620 | Streckenmessgeräte (Geodäsie) | 0620_distance measuring devices (geodesy) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Entzerrungsgeräte (Luftbild-Auswertung) | 0640_correction devices (aerial photo evaluation) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Kartiergeräte (außer 7400 und 7450) | 0640_mappers (except 7400 and 7450) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Luftbildentzerrgeräte | 0640_aerial rectifiers | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Orthoprojektionsgeräte | 0640_ortho projection devices | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Photogrammetrische Geräte (außer Messkammern 5450) | 0640_photogrammetric devices (except measurement chamber 5450) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Planigraphen | 0640_planigraphs | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Spiegelstereoskope | 0640_mirror stereoscopes | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Stereo-Auswertesysteme (Photogrammetrie) | 0640_stereo evaluation systems (photogrammetry) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Stereokomparatoren (Photogrammetrie) | 0640_stereo comparators (photogrammetry) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Stereoplanigraphen | 0640_stereoplanigraphs | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0640 | Stereoskope | 0640_stereoscopes | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0650 | Geographische Informationssysteme | 0650_geographic information systems | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0650 | Kartenauswertungsgeräte | 0650_card readers | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0650 | Spezielle Geräte zur Kartenerstellung (außer 0640, 2250, 2260, 7450 und 7460) | 0650_dedicated card making devices (except 0640, 2250, 2260, 7450 and 7460) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0660 | Bildverarbeitungsgeräte für Fernerkundung (außer 0640) | 0660_image processing devices for remote sensing (except 0640) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0660 | Geodätische Positions-Empfangssysteme (GPS) | 0660_geodetic position receiving systems (gps) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0660 | GPS-Systeme (Satellitenvermessung) | 0660_gps systems (satellite survey) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0660 | Kino-Theodoliten, Potenziometer-Theodoliten | 0660_cinema theodolites, potentiometer theodolites | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0660 | Passageinstrumente | 0660_passage instruments | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0660 | Spezielle Geräte für astronomische Vermessung, Satellitengeodäsie und Fernerkundung | 0660_special equipment for astronomical surveying, satellite geodesy and remote sensing | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0670 | Spezielle Einrichtungen und Aufbauten für Geodäsie und Vermessungstechnik | 0670_special equipment and structures for geodesy and surveying technology | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Bohrloch-Vermessungsgeräte | 0690_borehole logging equipment | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Fluchtstäbe, Markierungsstäbe | 0690_ranging sticks, marker sticks | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Gefällemesser | 0690_slope gauge | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Geodätische Geräte (außer 0600-0680) | 0690_geodetic devices (except 0600-0680) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Handgefällemesser | 0690_hand slope meter | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Lotgeräte, Zenit-, Nadirlote | 0690_lot devices, zenith, nadir lots | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Messlatten, Messketten | 0690_measuring rods, measuring chains | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Messtische (Topographie) | 0690_measuring tables (topography) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Neigungsmesser (außer Gezeitenpendel 0410) | 0690_inclinometer (except tide pendulum 0410) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Sonstige geodätische und topographische Geräte | 0690_other geodetic and topographical devices | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Topographische Geräte (außer 0600-0680) | 0690_topographic devices (except 0600-0680) | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Vermessungsgeräte (außer 0600-0680) und Zubehör | 0690_surveying equipment (except 0600-0680) and accessories | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Wasserwaagen, Lote | 0690_spirit levels, plumb bobs | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Zenit- und Nadir-Lote | 0690_zenith and nadir plummets | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0690 | Zubehör zu geodätischen Instrumenten | 0690_accessories for geodetic instruments | 06_geodesy, photogrammetry |
0700 | Cassegrain-Teleskope | 0700_cassegrain telescopes | 07_astronomy |
0700 | Fernrohre, Astronomische | 0700_telescopes, astronomical | 07_astronomy |
0700 | Reflektoren, astronomische Teleskope | 0700_reflectors, astronomical telescopes | 07_astronomy |
0700 | Refraktoren, astronomische | 0700_refractors, astronomical | 07_astronomy |
0700 | Sonnenfernrohre | 0700_solar telescopes | 07_astronomy |
0700 | Spiegelteleskope, Schmidt-Spiegel | 0700_reflecting telescopes, schmidt mirrors | 07_astronomy |
0700 | Teleskope (astronomische) | 0700_telescopes (astronomical) | 07_astronomy |
0710 | Mechanische und elektromechanische Hilfsgeräte für Teleskope, Montierung | 0710_mechanical and electromechanical auxiliary devices for telescopes, mounts | 07_astronomy |
0720 | Astrographen | 0720_astrographs | 07_astronomy |
0720 | Astrokameras und Zubehör | 0720_astro cameras and accessories | 07_astronomy |
0720 | Cölostaten, Polar-Cölostaten | 0720_coelostats, polar coelostats | 07_astronomy |
0720 | Fernrohr-Zubehör | 0720_telescope accessories | 07_astronomy |
0720 | Optische Hilfsgeräte und Zubehör für Teleskope | 0720_optical auxiliary devices and accessories for telescopes | 07_astronomy |
0730 | Elektronische Hilfsgeräte für Teleskope | 0730_electronic auxiliary devices for telescopes | 07_astronomy |
0740 | Radio-Teleskope und Zubehör (außer 6000-6990) | 0740_radio telescopes and accessories (except 6000-6990) | 07_astronomy |
0750 | Spezielle astronomische Geräte (Ballon-Teleskope, Satelliteninstrumentierung) | 0750_special astronomical equipment (balloon telescopes, satellite instrumentation) | 07_astronomy |
0760 | Astronomische Auswertegeräte | 0760_astronomical evaluation devices | 07_astronomy |
0760 | Sternphotometer | 0760_star photometer | 07_astronomy |
0790 | Astronomische Geräte und Hilfseinrichtungen (außer 0700-0760) | 0790_astronomical equipment and auxiliary facilities (except 0700-0760) | 07_astronomy |
0790 | Sonstige astronomische Geräte | 0790_other astronomical devices | 07_astronomy |
0800 | Mössbauer-Antriebe, -Regelungsgeräte, -Funktionen, -Generatoren | 0800_mössbauer drives, control devices, functions, generators | 08_special physical measurement methods |
0800 | Mössbauer-Messplätze | 0800_mössbauer measuring stations | 08_special physical measurement methods |
0810 | Neutronenspektrometer, Neutronenbeugungsanlagen | 0810_neutron spectrometer, neutron diffraction systems | 08_special physical measurement methods |
0850 | Diamantpressen, -Hochdruckpressen (außer 4020, Hochdruck-Röntgenkameras) | 0850_diamond presses, high-pressure presses (except 4020, high-pressure x-ray cameras) | 08_special physical measurement methods |
0850 | Höchstdruckpressen, Tetraederpressen | 0850_high-pressure presses, tetrahedron presses | 08_special physical measurement methods |
0900 | Hadronen-Spektrometer | 0900_hadron spectrometer | 09_special physical test setups |
0900 | Hochenergie-Spektrometer | 0900_high energy spectrometer | 09_special physical test setups |
0910 | Elektronenstrahl-Lithographie-Systeme | 0910_electron beam lithography systems | 09_special physical test setups |
0910 | Epitaxie-Anlagen | 0910_epitaxial plants | 09_special physical test setups |
0910 | Geräte für Ionenimplantation und Halbleiterdotierung | 0910_devices for ion implantation and semiconductor doping | 09_special physical test setups |
0910 | Röntgen-Lithographie-Systeme | 0910_x-ray lithography systems | 09_special physical test setups |
0920 | Atom- und Molekularstrahl-Apparaturen | 0920_atomic and molecular beam apparatus | 09_special physical test setups |
0920 | MOCVD-Anlagen (Molekularstrahl-Beschichtung) | 0920_mocvd systems (molecular beam coating) | 09_special physical test setups |
0920 | PECVD-Anlagen (Plasma-Emissions-Beschichtung) | 0920_pecvd systems (plasma emission coating) | 09_special physical test setups |
0930 | Maskenjustier-, Maskenbelichtungs-Anlagen, Mask Aligner für Halbleitertechnologie | 0930_mask adjustment, mask exposure systems, mask aligners for semiconductor technology | 09_special physical test setups |
0930 | Optische Spezialgeräte für Halbleitertechnologie | 0930_optical special devices for semiconductor technology | 09_special physical test setups |
0930 | Spezialgeräte der Halbleiterprozesstechnik | 0930_special devices for semiconductor process technology | 09_special physical test setups |
1000 | Magnetrührer | 1000_magnetic stirrer | 10_mixing and crushing |
1000 | Mischer, Rührer, Kneter | 1000_mixer, stirrer, kneader | 10_mixing and crushing |
1000 | Mischturbinen | 1000_mixing turbines | 10_mixing and crushing |
1000 | Rührstative | 1000_stirring stands | 10_mixing and crushing |
1000 | Rührwerke, Rührmotore | 1000_agitators, agitator motors | 10_mixing and crushing |
1010 | Zerkleinerungsgeräte, Reib-, Schneide- und Schnitzel-Maschinen | 1010_shredders, grating, cutting and shredding machines | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Backenbrecher | 1020_jaw crusher | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Kugelmühlen | 1020_ball mills | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Mörser, Mörsermühlen | 1020_mortars, mortar grinders | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Mühlen | 1020_mills | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Scheibenschwingmühlen | 1020_vibratory disc mills | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Schlagmühlen | 1020_impact mills | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Schwingmühlen | 1020_vibratory mills | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Walzenbrecher | 1020_roll crusher | 10_mixing and crushing |
1020 | Zentrifugal-Mühlen, Ultra-Zentrifugalmühlen | 1020_centrifugal mills, ultra centrifugal mills | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Aerosol-Generatoren | 1040_aerosol generators | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Bestäubungsanlagen (für Gummi und Kunststoffe) | 1040_pollination systems (for rubber and plastics) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Desintegratoren | 1040_disintegrators | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Dispergierer, Zerstäuber, Homogenisatoren | 1040_dispersers, nebulizers, homogenizers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Emulgatoren, Emulgiergeräte | 1040_emulsifiers, emulsifiers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Ultraschall-Desintegratoren | 1040_ultrasonic disintegrators | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Ultraschall-Nebler | 1040_ultrasonic fogger | 10_mixing and crushing |
1040 | Vernebelungsgeräte | 1040_foggers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1060 | Dilutoren, Pipettiergeräte, Probennehmer | 1060_diluters, pipetting devices, samplers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1060 | Dispensoren (außer 1070) | 1060_dispensers (except 1070) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1060 | Luftprobennehmer | 1060_air sampler | 10_mixing and crushing |
1060 | Mikrosampler | 1060_microsampler | 10_mixing and crushing |
1060 | Probennehmer (außer Bodenproben 0430 oder hydrobiologische 4440) | 1060_sampler (except soil samples 0430 or hydrobiological 4440) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1060 | Probenteiler, Laborprobenteiler | 1060_sample divider, laboratory sample divider | 10_mixing and crushing |
1060 | Verdünnungsgeräte, -automaten | 1060_dilution devices, automatic machines | 10_mixing and crushing |
1070 | Eichgasgeber und -mischer | 1070_calibration gas dispensers and mixers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1070 | Feuchtigkeitsgeneratoren (Eichgas mit definierter Feuchtigkeit) | 1070_humidity generators (calibration gas with defined humidity) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1070 | Gasmisch- und Dosiergeräte, Eichgasgeber | 1070_gas mixing and dosing devices, calibration gas dispensers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1070 | Gasmischpumpen (außer Beatmungspumpen 3700) | 1070_gas mixing pumps (except breathing pumps 3700) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1070 | Gradientenformer und -mischer, Dosiergeräte | 1070_gradient formers and mixers, dosing devices | 10_mixing and crushing |
1070 | Gradientenpumpen | 1070_gradient pumps | 10_mixing and crushing |
1070 | Zuteilrinnen (Dosiergeräte) | 1070_metering channels (metering devices) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Inkubationsschüttler | 1080_incubator shaker | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Längsschüttelmaschinen | 1080_longitudinal shakers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Rundschüttelmaschinen | 1080_rotary shakers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Schüttelgeräte, Rüttler | 1080_shakers, vibrators | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Schüttelinkubatoren | 1080_shaking incubators | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Schüttelthermostate | 1080_shaking circulators | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Schütteltische | 1080_shaking tables | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Schüttelwasserbäder, Wasserbad-Schüttler | 1080_shaking water baths, water bath shakers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Thermostatschüttler | 1080_thermostatic shaker | 10_mixing and crushing |
1080 | Vibratoren (Labor-, außer 0070 und 2920) | 1080_vibrators (laboratory, except 0070 and 2920) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1090 | Farbenausreibemaschinen | 1090_paint rubbing machines | 10_mixing and crushing |
1090 | Löseapparate, Lösemodelle | 1090_dissolving apparatus, dissolving models | 10_mixing and crushing |
1090 | Sonstige Geräte zum Mischen und Zerkleinern (außer 1000-1080) | 1090_miscellaneous mixing and chopping equipment (except 1000-1080) | 10_mixing and crushing |
1090 | Statische Mischgeräte | 1090_static mixers | 10_mixing and crushing |
1100 | Acetylenentwickler | 1100_acetylene developer | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1100 | Gasbehälter, Gasometer (drucklos) | 1100_gas tank, gasometer (unpressurized) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1100 | Gasentwicklungsgeräte, Vergasungsanlagen | 1100_gas development devices, gasification plants | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1100 | Gasspender (außer Gasflaschen 8280) | 1100_gas dispenser (except gas bottles 8280) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1100 | Kippsche Apparate | 1100_kipp's apparatus | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1100 | Wasserstoff-Entwicklungsgeräte, -Generatoren | 1100_hydrogen evolution devices, generators | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1110 | Durchfluss-Reaktoren (für Radiochromatographie) | 1110_flow reactors (for radiochromatography) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1110 | Flüssigkeits-, Festbett-Reaktoren | 1110_liquid, fixed bed reactors | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1110 | Reaktionsgefäße für Niederdruck, (Hydrierung, Katalyse, Polymerisation | 1110_reaction vessels for low pressure, (hydrogenation, catalysis, polymerisation | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1120 | Blitzlicht-Reaktionsapparaturen | 1120_flash reaction apparatus | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1120 | Laser-Reaktionsapparaturen | 1120_laser reaction devices | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1120 | Multi-Mixing-Systeme, Reaktionsapparaturen mit mehreren Kammern | 1120_multi-mixing systems, reaction apparatus with several chambers | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1120 | Photolyse-Apparaturen | 1120_photolysis apparatus | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1120 | Spezielle Reaktionsapparaturen (Blitzlicht-, Laser-, Photolyse, Stopped Flow) | 1120_special reaction apparatus (flash light, laser, photolysis, stopped flow) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Chemische Dialysegeräte, Diffusionsanlagen | 1130_chemical dialysis machines, diffusion systems | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Dialysier-Apparate (Chemie) | 1130_dialysis machines (chemistry) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Elektro-Dialyse-Geräte | 1130_electro-dialysis machines | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Gleichgewichts-Dialyse-Geräte | 1130_equilibrium dialysis equipment | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Osmose-Geräte | 1130_osmosis devices | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Permeations-Anlagen, allgemein | 1130_permeation plants, general | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Revers-Osmose-Geräte | 1130_reverse osmosis devices | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1130 | Umkehr-Osmose-Anlagen (außer 1970) | 1130_reverse osmosis systems (except 1970) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1140 | Absorptionsanlagen, -geräte | 1140_absorption plants, devices | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1140 | Adsorptionsanlagen, Wäscher, Trockner | 1140_adsorption plants, washers, dryers | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1140 | Entwässerungsgeräte (Chemie-) | 1140_dewatering devices (chemical) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1140 | Gasreinigungsgeräte, Gas-Regenerieranlagen | 1140_gas cleaning devices, gas regeneration plants | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1140 | Sorptions-Geräte | 1140_sorption devices | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1150 | PCR-Prozessoren (Polymerase Chain Reaktion) | 1150_pcr processors (polymerase chain reaction) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1150 | Thermal Cycler | 1150_thermal cycler | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1150 | Thermoblöcke (PCR) | 1150_thermoblocks (pcr) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1160 | DNA-Synthesizer | 1160_dna synthesizer | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1160 | Peptid-Synthese-Automaten | 1160_peptide synthesis machines | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1160 | Synthese-Apparaturen der Biochemie Synthese-Apparaturen | 1160_synthesis equipment for biochemistry synthesis equipment | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1170 | Czochralski-Apparaturen | 1170_czochralski appliances | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1170 | Kristallzüchtungsapparaturen, Kristallisationsanlagen | 1170_crystal growing apparatus, crystallization systems | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1170 | Lely-Apparaturen | 1170_lely apparatus | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1190 | Katalysatoren | 1190_catalysts | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1190 | Ozonisatoren, Ozonanlagen | 1190_ozonizers, ozone systems | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1190 | Sonstige Geräte für präparative Chemie (außer 1100-1170) | 1190_other preparative chemistry equipment (except 1100-1170) | 11_preparative chemistry and biochemistry |
1200 | Blutzentrifugen | 1200_blood centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1200 | Hämatokrit-Zentrifugen | 1200_hematocrit centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1200 | Hochgeschwindigkeits-Zentrifugen | 1200_high speed centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1200 | Kühlzentrifugen | 1200_refrigerated centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1200 | Laborzentrifugen (bis 25.000/Min) | 1200_laboratory centrifuges (up to 25,000 rpm) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1200 | Mikrozentrifugen | 1200_microcentrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1200 | Tischzentrifugen | 1200_benchtop centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1210 | Ultrazentrifugen (über 25.000/Min) | 1210_ultracentrifuges (over 25,000 rpm) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Blutzellenzentrifugen | 1220_blood cell centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Dekanter (Zentrifugen) | 1220_decanters (centrifuges) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Filterzentrifugen | 1220_filter centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Gaszentrifugen | 1220_gas centrifuges | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Separatoren (Zentrifugen) | 1220_separators (centrifuges) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Spezielle Zentrifugen (Verfahrenstechnik, Medizin) | 1220_special centrifuges (process engineering, medicine) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Zellseparatoren | 1220_cell separators | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Zell-Wasch-Systeme (mit Zentrifuge und Waschmittelzugabe) | 1220_cell washing systems (with centrifuge and addition of detergent) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1220 | Zentrifugen (für spezielle präparative Aufgaben) | 1220_centrifuges (for special preparative tasks) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1230 | Röntgen-Sedimentometer | 1230_x-ray sedimentometer | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1230 | Scheibenzentrifugen (für Sedimentations-Analysen) | 1230_disc centrifuges (for sedimentation analysis) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1230 | Sedimentationsanalysatoren und -waagen | 1230_sedimentation analyzers and scales | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1230 | Sedimentographen, Scanning Photo- und Röntgen-Sedimentographen | 1230_sedimentographs, scanning photo and x-ray sedimentographs | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Fliehkraftsichter, -abscheider | 1240_centrifugal separators | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Hydrozyklone | 1240_hydrocyclones | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Klärgeräte (Sedimentiergeräte), Klär-Eindichter | 1240_clarifiers (sedimentation devices), clarifier sealers | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Magnetabscheider | 1240_magnetic separator | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Oelabscheider (außer Luftaufbereitung 8220) | 1240_oil separator (except air treatment 8220) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Schwerkraftsichter | 1240_gravity classifier | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Sichter, Abscheider, Sedimentieranlagen (außer 1230) | 1240_classifiers, separators, sedimentation systems (except 1230) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Trenndüsen-Einrichtungen | 1240_separation nozzle devices | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Tropfenabscheider | 1240_droplet eliminator | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Windsichter | 1240_ wind sifter | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1240 | Zyklone | 1240_cyclones | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1250 | Korngrößenbestimmung (Siebmaschinen) | 1250_grain size determination (screening machines) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1250 | Siebe | 1250_sieves | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1250 | Siebgeräte | 1250_screening devices | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1250 | Ultraschall-Siebgeräte | 1250_ultrasonic screening devices | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Entkeimungsfilter | 1260_germicidal filter | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Filterpressen | 1260_filter presses | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Filtriergeräte, Filter | 1260_filtration devices, filters | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Klärfilter | 1260_clarifying filter | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Luftfilter | 1260_air filter | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Membranfilter und -geräte (außer 1130) | 1260_membrane filters and devices (except 1130) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Mikrofilter | 1260_micro filter | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Molekularsiebe | 1260_molecular sieves | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Sterilisationsfilter | 1260_sterilization filter | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Ultrafiltration, Membranfilter, Hohlfiber-Konzentratoren | 1260_ultrafiltration, membrane filters, hollow fiber concentrators | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1260 | Vakuumfilterkammern | 1260_vacuum filter chambers | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1280 | Aufbereitungsanlagen (außer 0370, 1000-1040 und 1200-1260) | 1280_processing plants (except 0370, 1000-1040 and 1200-1260) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1280 | Flotations-, Schlämmapparate | 1280_flotation, slurry apparatus | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Ausschwing-Rotoren | 1290_swing-out rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Durchlaufrotoren | 1290_continuous rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Einfüllvorichtungen für Zonalrotoren | 1290_filling devices for zonal rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Elutriator-Rotoren | 1290_elutriator rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Festwinkelrotoren | 1290_fixed angle rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Scheibenrotoren (für Zentrifugen) | 1290_disc rotors (for centrifuges) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Schwenkbecherrotoren | 1290_swing bucket rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Titan-Rotoren (für Zentrifugen) | 1290_titan rotors (for centrifuges) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Ultrazentrifugen-Rotoren | 1290_ultracentrifuge rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Vertikalrotoren | 1290_vertical rotors | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Zentrifugenzubehör, sonstige Geräte für mechanische Trennverfahren (außer 1230-1280) | 1290_centrifuge accessories, other devices for mechanical separation processes (except 1230-1280) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1290 | Zonalrotoren (für Zentrifugen) | 1290_zonal rotors (for centrifuges) | 12_mechanical separation processes, centrifuges |
1300 | Bidestilliergeräte | 1300_double stills | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Destillier- und Fraktioniergeräte, Rektifiziergeräte | 1300_distillation and fractionation apparatus, rectification apparatus | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Drehbandkolonnen | 1300_rotating band columns | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Füllkörper-Säulen, Destillations-Säulen, -Kolonnen | 1300_packed columns, distillation columns, columns | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Mikrodrehbandkolonnen | 1300_micro rotary band columns | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Molekulardestillationsanlagen | 1300_molecular distillation plants | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Quecksilber-Reinigungs-, -Destilliergeräte | 1300_mercury purifiers, mercury distillers | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Reduziergeräte | 1300_reducers | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Siedeapparaturen | 1300_boiling apparatus | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Vakuumfraktionieranlagen | 1300_vacuum fractionation plants | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1300 | Wasserdestillationsapparate | 1300_water stills | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1310 | Craig-Verteilungsapparaturen | 1310_craig distribution apparatus | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1310 | Extraktionsgeräte, Verteilungsapparaturen | 1310_extraction apparatus, distribution apparatus | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1310 | Extraktions-Kolonnen, -Säulen, Extraktoren | 1310_extraction columns, columns, extractors | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1310 | Flüssig/flüssig-Extraktionsapparaturen | 1310_liquid/liquid extraction apparatus | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1310 | Gegenstrom-Verteilungsapparaturen | 1310_countercurrent distribution apparatus | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1320 | Dünnschicht-Verdampfer | 1320_thin film evaporator | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1320 | Eindampfgeräte, Verdampfer | 1320_evaporators, evaporators | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1320 | Rotationsverdampfer | 1320_rotary evaporator | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1320 | Sprüh-Trocknungsanlagen | 1320_spray drying plants | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1320 | Vakuumverdampfer | 1320_vacuum evaporator | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1330 | Zonenschmelzgeräte | 1330_zone melters | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1340 | Gaschromatographen (außer GC-MS-Kopplung) | 1340_gas chromatographs (except gc-ms coupling) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1340 | Präparative Gaschromatographen | 1340_preparative gas chromatographs | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Aminosäureanalysytoren | 1350_amino acid analyzers | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Field-Flow-Fraktionierungssysteme | 1350_field flow fractionation systems | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Flüssigkeits-Chromatographen (außer Ionentauscher) | 1350_liquid chromatographs (except ion exchangers) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | FPLC-Anlagen | 1350_fplc systems | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Gel-Permeations-Chromatographen (GPC) | 1350_gel permeation chromatographs (gpc) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Hochdruck-Flüssigkeits-Chromatographen (HPLC) | 1350_high pressure liquid chromatographs (hplc) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | HPLC-Geräte (Hochdruck-Flüssigkeits-Chromatographen) | 1350_hplc devices (high-pressure liquid chromatographs) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Ionenchromatographie-Systeme | 1350_ion chromatography systems | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Recycling-Chromatographen | 1350_recycling chromatographs | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Säulenchromatographen | 1350_column chromatograph | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Sektionskolonnen (für Chromatographen) | 1350_section columns (for chromatographs) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Super Fluid Chromatographie-Systeme | 1350_super fluid chromatography systems | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Überkritische Flüssigchromatographen | 1350_supercritical liquid chromatograph | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1350 | Zuckeranalysatoren | 1350_sugar analyzers | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1360 | Dünnschicht-, Papier-, Gel-Chromatographen | 1360_thin layer, paper, gel chromatographs | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Dünnschicht-Scanner (Radiochromatographie, außer Funkenkammern 0280) | 1370_thin layer scanner (radiochromatography, except spark chambers 0280) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Papierchromatogramm-Scanner | 1370_paper chromatogram scanner | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Radio-Chromatogramm-Scanner | 1370_radio chromatogram scanner | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Radio-Chromatographen, Detektoren und Auswertegeräte | 1370_radio chromatographs, detectors and evaluation devices | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Radio-Dünnschicht-Chromatographen | 1370_radio thin layer chromatograph | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Radio-Gaschromatographen | 1370_radio gas chromatograph | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Radio-Papier-Chromatographen | 1370_radio paper chromatograph | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1370 | Radio-Säulenchromatographie-Systeme | 1370_radio column chromatography systems | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Chromatogramm-Spektralphotometer | 1380_chromatogram spectrophotometer | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Chromatographie-Datenanalysatoren, -integratoren | 1380_chromatography data analyzers, integrators | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Chromatographie-Säulen | 1380_chromatography columns | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Detektoren für Chromatographie (außer Radioaktivitäts-Monitore 1370) | 1380_detectors for chromatography (except radioactivity monitor 1370) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Dichtegradienten-Fraktionatoren | 1380_density gradient fractionators | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Dioden-Array-Detektoren für Chromatographie | 1380_diode array detectors for chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Doppelkolbenpumpen für HPLC | 1380_double piston pumps for hplc | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Durchfluß-Photometer zusammen mit Fraktionensammler und Registriergerät (für Chromatographie) | 1380_flow photometer together with fraction collector and recorder (for chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Elektrochemische Detektoren (ELCD) (für Chromatographie) | 1380_electrochemical detectors (elcd) (for chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Elektroneneinfangdetektoren (ECD) | 1380_electron capture detectors (ecd) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Elutionsgeräte für Dünnschicht-Chromatographie | 1380_elution devices for thin layer chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Entwicklungskammern für (Chromatographie) | 1380_development chambers for (chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Flammenionisationsdetektoren (FID) | 1380_flame ionization detectors (fid) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Fluoreszenz-Detektoren (für Chromatographie) | 1380_fluorescence detectors (for chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Fraktionenteiler | 1380_fraction divider | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Fraktionssammler | 1380_fraction collector | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Gasfraktionensammler (Gaschromatographie) | 1380_gas fraction collector (gas chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Gel- (Flachgel-, Rundgel-) Fraktionatoren | 1380_gel (flat gel, round gel) fractionators | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Gel-Präparations- (Polymerisations-) Geräte | 1380_gel preparation (polymerization) equipment | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Gel-Schneidegeräte | 1380_gel cutters | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Gradientenzusätze für Chromatographen (Solvent-Programmer) | 1380_gradient additives for chromatographs (solvent programmer) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Hochdruckpumpen (für Chromatographie) | 1380_high pressure pumps (for chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Integratoren (für Chromatographie) | 1380_integrators (for chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Photoionisations-Detektoren (für Gaschromatographie) | 1380_photoionization detectors (for gas chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Präparative Zusatzgeräte zur Gaschromatographie | 1380_preparative accessories for gas chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Probengeber für Chromatographen | 1380_samplers for chromatographs | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Probeninjektionssysteme, Probenaufgabesysteme für Chromatographen | 1380_sample injection systems, sample application systems for chromatographs | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Pumpen für Chromatographie | 1380_pumps for chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Streichgeräte für Dünnschichtchromatographen | 1380_coating devices for thin-layer chromatographs | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Thermionische Detektoren für Stickstoff, Phosphor (Gaschromatographie) | 1380_thermionic detectors for nitrogen, phosphorus (gas chromatography) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Trennsäulen für Chromatographie | 1380_separation columns for chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | UV-Detektoren für Chromatographie | 1380_uv detectors for chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Wärmeleitfähigkeits-Detektoren | 1380_thermal conductivity detectors | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1380 | Zubehör zur Chromatographie | 1380_accessories for chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1390 | Chromatographen, spezielle (außer 1340-1370) | 1390_chromatographs, special (except 1340-1370) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1390 | Curie-Punkt-Pyrolysegeräte | 1390_curie point pyrolyzers | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1390 | Pyrolysatoren, Pyrolysegeräte für Gaschromatographie | 1390_pyrolyzers, pyrolyzers for gas chromatography | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1390 | Sonstige Geräte zur thermischen Trennung und zur Chromatographie (außer 1300-1380) | 1390_miscellaneous thermal separation and chromatography equipment (except 1300-1380) | 13_distillation, extraction and chromatography |
1400 | Elektrolyse-Apparate, -Zellen | 1400_electrolysis apparatus, cells | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Disk-Elektrophoresegeräte | 1410_disk electrophoresis devices | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Elektrophoresegeräte (analytisch und präparativ) | 1410_electrophoresis devices (analytical and preparative) | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Elektro-Ultrafiltrationsgeräte (EUF) | 1410_electro-ultrafiltration devices (euf) | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Hochspannungselektrophoresegeräte | 1410_high voltage electrophoresis devices | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Immun-Elektrophoresegeräte | 1410_immune electrophoresis devices | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Kapillarelektrophorese-Systeme | 1410_capillary electrophoresis systems | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Kataphoreseapparate | 1410_cataphoresis apparatus | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Polyacrylamid-Elektrophoresegeräte | 1410_polyacrylamide electrophoresis devices | 14_electrochemistry |
1410 | Trägerfreie Elektrophoreseapparaturen | 1410_carrier-free electrophoresis apparatus | 14_electrochemistry |
1420 | Elektrofokussierung, Isotachophoresegeräte | 1420_electrofocusing, isotachophoresis devices | 14_electrochemistry |
1420 | Elektrofokussierungsgeräte, -säulen | 1420_electrofocusing devices, columns | 14_electrochemistry |
1420 | Isoelektrische Fokussierung | 1420_isoelectric focusing | 14_electrochemistry |
1440 | Ionen-Aktivitäts-Messgeräte | 1440_ion activity meters | 14_electrochemistry |
1440 | Ionensensitive Elektroden (Messgeräte) | 1440_ion-sensitive electrodes (measuring devices) | 14_electrochemistry |
1440 | ph-Messgeräte, Ionometer | 1440_ph meters, ionometers | 14_electrochemistry |
1440 | Redoxmess- und Regelgeräte | 1440_redox measuring and control devices | 14_electrochemistry |
1450 | Drucksprung-Geräte (Leitfähigkeitsmessung) | 1450_pressure jump devices (conductivity measurement) | 14_electrochemistry |
1450 | Konduktometer, Konduktoskope | 1450_conductometers, conductoscopes | 14_electrochemistry |
1450 | Leitfähigkeitsmessgeräte | 1450_conductivity meters | 14_electrochemistry |
1450 | Salzgehaltsmessgeräte (außer Meeresforschung 0450) | 1450_salinity meters (except marine research 0450) | 14_electrochemistry |
1460 | Polarographen | 1460_polarographers | 14_electrochemistry |
1460 | Pulspolarographen | 1460_pulse polarographs | 14_electrochemistry |
1460 | Tastpolarographen | 1460_tactile polarographs | 14_electrochemistry |
1470 | Coulometer | 1470_coulometer | 14_electrochemistry |
1470 | Elektroanalytische Systeme (kombiniert) | 1470_electroanalytical systems (combined) | 14_electrochemistry |
1470 | Galvanostaten | 1470_galvanostats | 14_electrochemistry |
1470 | Potenziometer, Geräte für Amperometrie, Voltametrie, Coulometrie | 1470_potentiometers, devices for amperometry, voltammetry, coulometry | 14_electrochemistry |
1470 | Potenziostaten | 1470_potentiostats | 14_electrochemistry |
1490 | Sonstige Geräte der Elektrochemie (außer 1400-1470) | 1490_other electrochemistry devices (except 1400-1470) | 14_electrochemistry |
1500 | Schnellverascher (außer Kaltveraschungs- und Verbrennungsgeräte für Beta/Gamma-Messplätze 3370) | 1500_rapid incinerator (except cold incinerator and incinerator for beta/gamma 3370 rigs) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1500 | Veraschungsgeräte, Schnell-Verascher für Elementaranalyse | 1500_ashing devices, fast incinerator for elemental analysis | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1500 | Verbrennungsapparaturen für Elementaranalyse | 1500_combustion apparatus for elemental analysis | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1500 | Verbrennungsöfen für Makro- und Mikroanalyse | 1500_incinerators for macro and micro analysis | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | CHN-Analysatoren | 1510_chn analyzers | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | Geräte zur Elementaranalyse | 1510_devices for elemental analysis | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | Kalkbestimmungsapparate | 1510_lime determination apparatus | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | Kohlenstoffbestimmungs-Apparate, Kohlenstoff-Analysatoren | 1510_carbon determination apparatus, carbon analyzers | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | N-15-Analysatoren (spektroskopische Stickstoffbestimmung) | 1510_n-15 analyzers (spectroscopic determination of nitrogen) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | Quecksilber-Bestimmungsgeräte | 1510_mercury determination devices | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | Schwefelbestimmungsapparaturen | 1510_sulfur determination apparatus | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | Stickstoff- und Schwefelbestimmungsapparate | 1510_nitrogen and sulfur determination apparatus | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | TAC, TC-Messgeräte (Totaler anorganischer oder Gesamt-Kohlenstoffgehalt) | 1510_tac, tc meters (total inorganic or total carbon content) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | TOC-Analysatoren (Organischer Kohlenstoff) | 1510_toc analyzers (organic carbon) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1510 | Wasserstoffbestimmungsapparate | 1510_hydrogen determination apparatus | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Abgas-Analysengeräte (außer Rauchmessgeräte 1940 und Massenspektrometer 1700-1720) | 1520_flue gas analyzers (except smoke analyzers 1940 and mass spectrometers 1700-1720) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Gasanalysegeräte (außer für Physiologie 3060 und Gasspürgeräte 9880) | 1520_gas analyzers (except for physiology 3060 and gas detectors 9880) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Gas-Mess-Sensorsysteme | 1520_gas measurement sensor systems | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Infrarot-Gasanalysatoren | 1520_infrared gas analyzers | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Magnetische Sauerstoff-Analysatoren | 1520_magnetic oxygen analyzers | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Messgeräte für Gase (O2, CO2) | 1520_measuring devices for gases (o2, co2) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Ozonmessgeräte | 1520_ozone meters | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1520 | Sauerstoffmessgeräte | 1520_oxygen meters | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1530 | Analysenautomaten (außer 1510, 1520 und Klinische Chemie 3100-3130) | 1530_automatic analyzers (except 1510, 1520 and clinical chemistry 3100-3130) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | Abwasseruntersuchungsgeräte, -Überwachungsanlagen | 1550_wastewater testing devices, monitoring systems | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | BSB-Messgeräte (Biologischer Sauerstoffbedarf, BOD) | 1550_bod (biological oxygen demand, bod) meters | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | COD-Messgeräte (Chemischer Sauerstoff-Bedarf) | 1550_cod meters (chemical oxygen demand) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | Gewässeruntersuchungsgeräte | 1550_water testing devices | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | Grundwasseruntersuchungsgeräte | 1550_groundwater testing equipment | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | Labor- (Modell-) Kläranlagen | 1550_laboratory (model) sewage treatment plants | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | Messgeräte für chemischen (COD), biologischen (BSB) Sauerstoffbedarf, Wasseruntersuchungsgeräte | 1550_chemical (cod), biological (bod) oxygen demand meters, water analyzers | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | Sapromaten (R) | 1550_sapromates (r) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1550 | TOD-Messgeräte (Totaler Sauerstoff-Bedarf) | 1550_tod (total oxygen demand) meters | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1560 | Luftüberwachungs- und -analysengeräte (außer Staub-, Rauch- und Aerosolmessgeräte 1920-1940) | 1560_air monitoring and analysis equipment (except dust, smoke, and aerosol meters 1920-1940) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1570 | Spezielle Geräte für Lebens- und Genußmittel-Analytik | 1570_special devices for food and luxury food analysis | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1580 | Farinometer | 1580_farinometer | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1580 | Mess- und Prüfgeräte für Lebensmitteltechnologie | 1580_measuring and testing devices for food technology | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1580 | Milchfettmessgeräte | 1580_milk fat meters | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1590 | Aschegehalt, Messgeräte | 1590_ash content, measuring devices | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1590 | Aufschlußbomben (außer Zellaufbrechbomben 3530) | 1590_demolition bombs (except cell breaker bombs 3530) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1590 | Kohlenuntersuchungsgeräte | 1590_coal inspection equipment | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1590 | Säureaufschlußbomben | 1590_acid digestion bombs | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1590 | Sonstige Analysengeräte (außer 1500-1580) | 1590_other analyzers (except 1500-1580) | 15_special analysis devices (elemental, gas, water analysis) |
1600 | Aräometer | 1600_areometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1600 | Dichtemessgeräte | 1600_density meters | 16_measurement of material constants |
1600 | Dichtemessgeräte mit Kernstrahlung (außer 4430) | 1600_density meters with nuclear radiation (except 4430) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1600 | Dichtewaagen | 1600_density scales | 16_measurement of material constants |
1600 | Gasdichtemessgeräte | 1600_gas density gauges | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Balance-Rheometer | 1610_balance rheometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Brookfield-Viskosimeter | 1610_brookfield viscometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Konsistenzmessgeräte, Konsistometer | 1610_consistency measuring devices, consistometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Kugelfall-Viskosimeter | 1610_falling ball viscometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Mechanische Spektrometer (Zähigkeitsmessung) | 1610_mechanical spectrometer (toughness measurement) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Mikroviskosimeter | 1610_microviscometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Rotationsviskosimeter | 1610_rotational viscometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Viskosimeter, Rheometer | 1610_viscometer, rheometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Weißenberg-Rheometer | 1610_weißenberg rheometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1610 | Zähigkeitsmessgeräte | 1610_toughness gauges | 16_measurement of material constants |
1620 | Penetrometer, Plastometer | 1620_penetrometers, plastometers | 16_measurement of material constants |
1620 | Plastizitätsmessgeräte, Plastometer | 1620_plasticity measuring devices, plastometers | 16_measurement of material constants |
1630 | Dampfdruck-Osmometer | 1630_vapor pressure osmometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1630 | Ebullioskope | 1630_ebullioscopes | 16_measurement of material constants |
1630 | Gefrierpunkt-Erniedrigung, Messgeräte | 1630_freezing point depression gauges | 16_measurement of material constants |
1630 | Geräte zur Molekulargewichtsbestimmung | 1630_devices for determining molecular weight | 16_measurement of material constants |
1630 | Membranosmometer | 1630_membrane osmometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1630 | Osmometer | 1630_osmometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1640 | BET-Oberflächenmessgeräte (nach Brunauer, Emmett, Teller) | 1640_bet surface area measuring devices (according to brunauer, emmett, teller) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1640 | Druckporosimeter | 1640_pressure porosimeter | 16_measurement of material constants |
1640 | Porometer, Porosimeter | 1640_porometer, porosimeter | 16_measurement of material constants |
1640 | Porositäts-und Oberflächenmessgeräte | 1640_porosity and surface area gauges | 16_measurement of material constants |
1650 | Filmwaagen (Langmuir-Tröge) | 1650_film scales (langmuir troughs) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1650 | Interfacial-Tensiometer | 1650_interfacial tensiometer | 16_measurement of material constants |
1650 | Oberflächen-Spannungsmesser | 1650_surface tension meter | 16_measurement of material constants |
1650 | Stalagmometer (Tropfengröße-Messgeräte) | 1650_stalagmometers (drop size measuring devices) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1650 | Tensiometer (Oberflächenspannung) | 1650_tensiometer (surface tension) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1660 | Dekameter | 1660_decameter | 16_measurement of material constants |
1660 | Dipolmeter | 1660_dipole meter | 16_measurement of material constants |
1660 | DK-Messgeräte | 1660_dk gauges | 16_measurement of material constants |
1660 | Multidekameter | 1660_multidecameter | 16_measurement of material constants |
1690 | Dampfdruckmessgeräte (außer 1630) | 1690_vapor pressure gauges (except 1630) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1690 | Geräte zur Messung von Stoffkonstanten (außer Festigkeit 2900-2990, thermische Werte 8640-8690) | 1690_devices for measuring material constants (except strength 2900-2990, thermal values 8640-8690) | 16_measurement of material constants |
1700 | Elektrospray-Massenspektrometer | 1700_electrospray mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1700 | Gaschromatograph-Massenspektrometer | 1700_gas chromatograph mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1700 | GC-MS-Systeme | 1700_gc-ms systems | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1700 | Isotopen-Massenspektrometer | 1700_isotope mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1700 | Maldi-Massenspektrometer | 1700_maldi mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1700 | Massenspektrometer | 1700_mass spectrometry | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1700 | Thermionische Massenspektrometer | 1700_thermionic mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1710 | Massenfilter | 1710_mass filter | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1710 | Partialdruck-, Restgas-Massenspektrometer | 1710_partial pressure, residual gas mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1710 | Partialdruckanalysatoren | 1710_partial pressure analyzers | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1710 | Quadrupolmassenspektrometer | 1710_quadrupole mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1710 | Restgasanalysatoren | 1710_residual gas analyzers | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1720 | Festkörper-Massenspektrometer | 1720_solid state mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1720 | FIM (Feldionen-Massenspektrometer) | 1720_fim (field ion mass spectrometer) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1720 | Ionen-Mikroanalysatoren, Ionensonden | 1720_ion microanalyzers, ion probes | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1720 | Laser-Massen-Analysatoren | 1720_laser mass analyzers | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1720 | Prozesskontroll-Massenspektrometer | 1720_process control mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1720 | Spezielle Massenspektrometer (Cyclotronresonanz-, Ionensonden, SIMS, außer 3060) | 1720_dedicated mass spectrometers (cyclotron resonance, ion probes, sims, except 3060) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1720 | Sekundärionen-Massenspektrometer | 1720_secondary ion mass spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1740 | NMR (Nuklearmagnetische Resonanz)-Spektrometer | 1740_nmr (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1741 | Festkörper-NMR-Spektrometer | 1741_solid state nmr spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1742 | NMR-Spektrometer für Imaging-Anwendung (außer 3231) | 1742_nmr spectrometer for imaging applications (except 3231) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1760 | Kernquadrupolresonanz-Spektrometer (NQR) | 1760_nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometer (nqr) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1770 | Elektronenspinresonanz-Spektrometer (EPR, ESR) | 1770_electron spin resonance spectrometer (epr, esr) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1770 | ENDOR-Geräte (Electron-Nuclear-Double-Resonance) | 1770_endor (electron nuclear double resonance) devices | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1780 | Auger-Elektronenspektrometer | 1780_auger electron spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1780 | ESCA-Apparaturen | 1780_esca devices | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1780 | Photoelektronenspektrometer (PES, UPS, XPS) | 1780_photoelectron spectrometer (pes, ups, xps) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1780 | Zylinder-Auger-Spektrometer | 1780_cylinder auger spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1790 | Baugruppen und Zubehör für Spektrometer (Massen-, NMR-) | 1790_assemblies and accessories for spectrometers (mass, nmr) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1790 | Kugelsektor-Analysatoren, Kugel-Kondensatoren für Massen- und Elektronenspektrometer | 1790_spherical sector analyzers, spherical condensers for mass and electron spectrometers | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1790 | Mikrowellen-Spektrometer | 1790_microwave spectrometer | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1790 | Spektrometer (Massen-, NMR-, außer 1700-1780) | 1790_spectrometers (mass, nmr, except 1700-1780) | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1790 | Zylinderkondensatoren für Massen- und Elektronenspektrometer | 1790_cylindrical capacitors for mass and electron spectrometers | 17_spectrometer (mass, NMR, ESR) |
1800 | Gitterspektralphotometer (UV und VIS) | 1800_grating spectrophotometer (uv and vis) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Gitterspektrographen | 1800_grating spectrograph | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Prismenspektrographen | 1800_prism spectrograph | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Quarzspektrographen | 1800_quartz spectrograph | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Spektralapparate (außer Interferometer 5300) | 1800_spectral apparatus (except interferometer 5300) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Spektralphotometer (UV, VIS), Spektrographen (außer Monochromatoren 5650) | 1800_spectrophotometers (uv, vis), spectrographs (except monochromators 5650) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Spektrographen, Spektrometer (Ultraviolett, sichtbares Licht) | 1800_spectrographs, spectrometers (ultraviolet, visible light) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Spektrophotometer (UV und VIS), Einstrahl-, Zweistrahl- | 1800_spectrophotometer (uv and vis), single-beam, double-beam | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | UV-Spektrometer, -Spektrographen | 1800_uv spectrometers, spectrographs | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | UV-Vakuumspektrographen | 1800_uv vacuum spectrographs | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | UV-VIS-Spektralphotometer | 1800_uv-vis spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Vakuumspektrographen | 1800_vacuum spectrograph | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Vakuum-UV-Spektrometer | 1800_vacuum uv spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | XUV-Spektrographen | 1800_xuv spectrographs | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1800 | Zweiwellenlängen-Spektralphotometer | 1800_dual wavelength spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1810 | Atomabsorptions-Spektrophotometer und Spezialzubehör (AAS) | 1810_atomic absorption spectrophotometer and special accessories (aas) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1810 | Flammenspektralphotometer | 1810_flame spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1810 | Graphitrohrküvetten (Atomabsorption) und Netzanschlußgeräte | 1810_graphite furnace cuvettes (atomic absorption) and power supply units | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1810 | Massmann-Küvetten (Atomabsorptions-Spektrometer) | 1810_massmann cuvettes (atomic absorption spectrometer) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1811 | Emissions-Spektrometer | 1811_emission spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1811 | Funken-Emissionsspektrometer | 1811_spark emission spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1811 | Glimmentladungsspektrometer (GDS) | 1811_glow discharge spectrometer (gds) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1811 | ICP-Systeme (Plasma-Emission) | 1811_icp systems (plasma emission) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1811 | Plasma-Emissionsspektrometer | 1811_plasma emission spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1820 | IR-Gitter-Spektrometer | 1820_ir grating spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1820 | Nah-Infrarot-Spektralphotometer | 1820_near infrared spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1820 | NIR-Spektrometer | 1820_nir spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1820 | THz-Spektrometer | 1820_thz spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1830 | Fourier-Spektrometer (Infrarot) | 1830_fourier spectrometer (infrared) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1830 | Fourier-Transform-IR-Spektrometer | 1830_fourier transform ir spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1830 | FTIR-Spektrometer | 1830_ftir spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1830 | Infrarot-Fourier-Spektrophotometer | 1830_infrared fourier spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1830 | IR-Interferometer | 1830_ir interferometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1830 | Lamellar-Gitter-Interferometer für fernes Infrarot | 1830_far infrared lamellar grating interferometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1840 | Laser-Raman-Molekül-Mikrosonden | 1840_ laser raman molecule microprobes | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1840 | Laser-Raman-Spektrometer | 1840_ laser raman spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1840 | Raman-Spektrometer | 1840_ raman spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1850 | Chemolumineszenz-Spektrometer | 1850_chemiluminescence spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1850 | Chlorophyll-Fluoreszenz-Messgeräte | 1850_chlorophyll fluorescence meters | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1850 | Fluoreszenz-Abkling-Messeinrichtungen | 1850_fluorescence decay measuring devices | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1850 | Fluoreszenz-Spektralphotometer | 1850_fluorescence spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1850 | Phosphoreszenz-Spektralphotometer | 1850_phosphorescence spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1850 | Spektralfluorometer, Lumineszenz-Spektrometer (außer Filterfluorometer) | 1850_ spectrofluorometer, luminescence spectrometer (except filter fluorometer) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Blitzlicht-Spektrometer (Nanosekunden-) | 1860_flash light spectrometer (nanosecond) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Brioullin-Spektrometer | 1860_brioullin spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Dreiprismenspektrographen | 1860_three prism spectrographs | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Laser-Mikrosonden (Emissions-Spektrometer mit Laser-Anregung) | 1860_laser microprobes (emission spectrometer with laser excitation) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Optoakustische Spektrometer (OAS) | 1860_optoacoustic spectrometer (oas) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Photoakustische Spektrometer (PAS) | 1860_photoacoustic spectrometer (pas) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Picosekunden-Spektrometer | 1860_picosecond spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Rapidspektrometer | 1860_rapid spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Rayleigh-Spektrometer | 1860_rayleigh spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Remissions-Spektralphotometer | 1860_remission spectrophotometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Spektrometer (spezielle optische) | 1860_spectrometer (special optical) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Spezielle Spektrographen und Spektrometer | 1860_special spectrographs and spectrometers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Stopped-Flow-Spektrometer | 1860_stopped flow spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1860 | Temperatursprung-Spektrometer | 1860_temperature jump spectrometer | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1870 | Mehrkanal-Spektrographen (optische) | 1870_multi-channel spectrographs (optical) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1870 | Optische Vielkanalanalysatoren, -spektrometer | 1870_optical multi-channel analyzers, spectrometers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1870 | Optische Vielkanalspektrographen | 1870_optical multichannel spectrographs | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1870 | Spektralanalysenautomaten (optische) | 1870_automatic spectral analyzers (optical) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1870 | Spektrumanalysatoren (optische) | 1870_spectrum analyzers (optical) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1870 | Vielkanalspektrographen, -analysatoren (optische) | 1870_multi-channel spectrographs, analyzers (optical) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Anregungsgeräte (Spektrographie) | 1880_excitation devices (spectrography) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Auswertegeräte, Zubehör und Bauelemente für optische Spektrometer | 1880_evaluation devices, accessories and components for optical spectrometers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Bausteine für Spektrometer (außer Monochromatoren 5650) | 1880_building blocks for spectrometers (except monochromators 5650) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Brenner für Atomabsorptions- und Emissionsspektrophotometer | 1880_burners for atomic absorption and emission spectrophotometers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Funkenbogengeneratoren, Funkenbogenstände | 1880_arc generators, arc stands | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Funkenerzeuger | 1880_spark generator | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Funkenstative | 1880_spark stands | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Graphit-Elektroden-Spitzmaschinen | 1880_graphite electrode pointing machines | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | IR-Polarisatoren | 1880_ir polarizers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Kondensoroptiken für Spektralphotometer | 1880_condenser optics for spectrophotometers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Kugeln (Ulbricht-), Kugelansätze für Remissionsmessungen | 1880_spheres (integrating), spherical approaches for remission measurements | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Mikroilluminatoren | 1880_microilluminators | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Photometerkugeln, Ulbricht-Kugeln | 1880_photometer spheres, integrating spheres | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Remissionsansätze für Spektralphotometer | 1880_remission approaches for spectrophotometers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Spektren-Auswertegeräte, Spektren-Rechengeräte | 1880_spectrum evaluation devices, spectra calculators | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Spektrenprojektoren | 1880_spectrum projectors | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Spektrographenspalte | 1880_spectrograph column | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Stickstoff-Spüleinrichtungen für IR-Spektrographen | 1880_nitrogen flushing devices for ir spectrographs | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Stopped-Flow-Zusätze | 1880_stopped flow additives | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Temperatursprung-Zusätze (für Stopped-Flow) | 1880_temperature jump additives (for stopped flow) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Transmission-Extinktion-Wandler (-Rechner) für optische Spektrometer | 1880_transmission extinction converter (calculator) for optical spectrometers | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1880 | Zubehör für Spektrometer (außer Küvetten 5280) | 1880_accessories for spectrometers (except cuvettes 5280) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1890 | Optische Spektrometer (außer 1800-1860) | 1890_optical spectrometers (except 1800-1860) | 18_spectrometer (optical) |
1900 | Büretten (außer 1070) | 1900_burettes (except 1070) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1900 | Motorbüretten | 1900_motorized burettes | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1900 | Titriergeräte, -stände | 1900_titration devices, stands | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1910 | Feuchtigkeitsmessgeräte (außer Luft- (0510) und Bodenfeuchte (4430) -Messung) | 1910_moisture meters (except air (0510) and soil moisture (4430) measurement) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1910 | Feuchtigkeits-Überwachungsgeräte | 1910_humidity monitors | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1910 | Karl-Fischer-Wasserbestimmungsgeräte | 1910_karl fischer water determination devices | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1910 | Wassergehaltsmessgeräte | 1910_water content meters | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Durchfluß- und Mengenmesser (außer für Blut 3010) | 1920_flow and quantity meter (except for blood 3010) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Gasmesser | 1920_gas meter | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Gasuhren | 1920_gas meters | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Massendurchflußmesser | 1920_mass flow meter | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Ovalradzähler | 1920_oval gear meter | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Trommelzähler (Durchflußmesser) | 1920_drum counter (flow meter) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Wasseruhren, Wasserzähler | 1920_water clocks, water meters | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1920 | Woltmann-Zähler (Durchflußmesser) | 1920_woltmann meter (flow meter) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1930 | Aerosol-, Staub-Sammler | 1930_aerosol, dust collector | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1930 | Impaktoren, Kaskaden-Impaktoren | 1930_impactors, cascade impactors | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1930 | Konimeter (Staubmessung) | 1930_konimeter (dust measurement) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1930 | Luftkeim-Untersuchungs- und -Überwachungsgeräte | 1930_airborne microbial testing and monitoring devices | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1930 | Staubmessgeräte | 1930_dust monitors | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1930 | Staubsammelgeräte | 1930_dust collection devices | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1940 | Rauch- und SO2-Messgeräte (außer Streulichtphotometer 5360) | 1940_smoke and so2 measuring devices (except scattered light photometer 5360) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1940 | Rauchmess- und -überwachungsgeräte | 1940_smoke measuring and monitoring devices | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Aerosol- (Size-) Analysatoren, Aerosol-Photometer | 1950_aerosol (size) analyzers, aerosol photometers | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Kondensationskern-Zähler | 1950_condensation nucleus counter | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Korngröße-Analysatoren (optisch, elektronisch, außer 1240, 1250,7430) | 1950_particle size analyzers (optical, electronic, except 1240, 1250,7430) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Lichtblitz-Spektrometer für Teilchenzählung und Klassierung | 1950_flash spectrometer for particle counting and classification | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Partikelzählgeräte und -klassiergeräte (optisch, elektronisch, außer 3500) | 1950_particle counters and classifiers (optical, electronic, except 3500) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Spektralteilchenzähler (Aerosol-Analyse) | 1950_spectral particle counter (aerosol analysis) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Streulicht-Blasen- und -Partikelmessgeräte (-Zähler) | 1950_scattered light bubble and particle measuring devices (counters) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Teilchengröße-Analysatoren (außer 1240, 1250 und 7430) | 1950_particle size analyzers (except 1240, 1250 and 7430) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1950 | Tropfengröße-Spektrometer (außer 0520) | 1950_droplet size spectrometer (except 0520) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Deionisierungsanlagen für Wasser | 1970_deionization systems for water | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Entkeimungsanlagen für Wasser | 1970_disinfection systems for water | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Entsalzungsanlagen für Wasser | 1970_water desalination plants | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Entsilberungsgeräte | 1970_desilvering equipment | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Ionenaustausch-Anlagen für Wasseraufbereitung | 1970_ion exchange systems for water treatment | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Wasseraufbereitungsgeräte, Abwasser-Reinigungsanlagen | 1970_water treatment devices, waste water cleaning systems | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Wasserenthärtungsanlagen | 1970_water softening systems | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1970 | Wasserreinigungsgeräte (außer Destillationsgeräte 1300) | 1970_water purification devices (except stills 1300) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1980 | Granuliermaschinen | 1980_granulating machines | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1980 | Hydraulische Laborpressen | 1980_hydraulic laboratory presses | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1980 | KBR-Tablettenpressen | 1980_kbr tablet presses | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1980 | Pressen für Labor- und Verfahrenstechnik | 1980_presses for laboratory and process engineering | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1980 | Tablettenpressen | 1980_tablet presses | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1990 | Sonstige Geräte der chemischen Betriebstechnik | 1990_other equipment for chemical industrial engineering | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
1990 | Tablettenprüfgeräte (Bruchfestigkeit, Auflösbarkeit) | 1990_tablet testing devices (breaking strength, dissolvability) | 19_other operating and laboratory equipment |
2000 | Drehautomaten (NC und CNC) | 2000_automatic lathes (nc and cnc) | 20_machining |
2000 | Drehbänke | 2000_lathes | 20_machining |
2000 | Drehmaschinen | 2000_lathes | 20_machining |
2000 | Mechaniker-Drehbänke | 2000_mechanic lathes | 20_machining |
2000 | Numerisch gesteuerte Drehmaschinen | 2000_numerically controlled lathes | 20_machining |
2010 | Hobel- und Stoßmaschinen | 2010_planing and slotting machines | 20_machining |
2010 | Holz-Hobelmaschinen, -Dickenhobelmaschinen | 2010_wood planing machines, thickness planing machines | 20_machining |
2010 | Shaping-Maschinen | 2010_shaping machines | 20_machining |
2020 | Bohrmaschinen (spanend) | 2020_drills (cutting) | 20_machining |
2020 | Bohrwerke (außer Bohrgeräte für Tiefbau, Bergbau 2390) | 2020_boring mills (except civil engineering, mining rigs 2390) | 20_machining |
2020 | Handbohrmaschinen | 2020_hand drills | 20_machining |
2020 | Schlag-Bohrmaschinen | 2020_impact drills | 20_machining |
2020 | Ständer-Bohrmaschinen | 2020_column drills | 20_machining |
2030 | Fräsmaschinen | 2030_milling machines | 20_machining |
2030 | NC-, (CNC-) Wekzeugmaschinen | 2030_nc, (cnc) machine tools | 20_machining |
2030 | Numerisch gesteuerte (NC) Werkzeugmaschinen, Fräs- und Bohrwerke | 2030_numerically controlled (nc) machine tools, milling and boring machines | 20_machining |
2030 | Universalfräsmaschinen | 2030_universal milling machines | 20_machining |
2030 | Verzahnungsmaschinen | 2030_gear cutting machines | 20_machining |
2030 | Wälzfräsmaschinen | 2030_hobbing machines | 20_machining |
2040 | Flachschleifmaschinen | 2040_surface grinders | 20_machining |
2040 | Glasschleifmaschinen | 2040_glass grinding machines | 20_machining |
2040 | Handschleifmaschinen | 2040_hand grinders | 20_machining |
2040 | Honmaschinen | 2040_honing machines | 20_machining |
2040 | Läppmaschinen | 2040_lapping machines | 20_machining |
2040 | Messerschärfmaschinen, -automaten | 2040_knife sharpening machines, automatic machines | 20_machining |
2040 | Rundschleifmaschinen | 2040_cylindrical grinding machines | 20_machining |
2040 | Schleifmaschinen | 2040_grinders | 20_machining |
2040 | Werkzeugschleifmaschinen | 2040_tool grinders | 20_machining |
2050 | Bandsägen | 2050_band saws | 20_machining |
2050 | Glassägen, -schneidemaschinen | 2050_glass saws, cutting machines | 20_machining |
2050 | Kaltsägen, Kaltkreissägen | 2050_cold saws, cold circular saws | 20_machining |
2050 | Kettensägen | 2050_chainsaws | 20_machining |
2050 | Kreissägen, Handkreissägen | 2050_circular saws, hand circular saws | 20_machining |
2050 | Sägemaschinen, Sägegatter | 2050_sawing machines, sawing frames | 20_machining |
2050 | Scheren für Metalle | 2050_scissors for metals | 20_machining |
2050 | Steinsägen (außer 4630) | 2050_stone saws (except 4630) | 20_machining |
2050 | Stichsägen | 2050_jigsaws | 20_machining |
2050 | Tafelscheren | 2050_guillotine shears | 20_machining |
2050 | Trennmaschinen (Sägen, Scheren) | 2050_cutting machines (saws, shears) | 20_machining |
2050 | Trennschleifmaschinen | 2050_cut-off machines | 20_machining |
2060 | Feilmaschinen | 2060_filing machines | 20_machining |
2060 | Gewindeschneidmaschinen, -schälmaschinen | 2060_thread cutting machines, peeling machines | 20_machining |
2060 | Graviermaschinen (außer rechnergesteuert 7450) | 2060_engraving machines (except computer-controlled 7450) | 20_machining |
2060 | Kreis-Teilmaschinen | 2060_circle dividing machines | 20_machining |
2060 | Längen-Teilmaschinen | 2060_length dividing machines | 20_machining |
2060 | Räummaschinen (Fertigungstechnik) | 2060_broaching machines (manufacturing technology) | 20_machining |
2060 | Spezielle spanende Werkzeugmaschinen | 2060_special cutting machine tools | 20_machining |
2070 | Anreiß- und Messplatten | 2070_marking and measuring plates | 20_machining |
2070 | Aufspannplatten | 2070_clamping plates | 20_machining |
2070 | Bohrlehren | 2070_drilling jigs | 20_machining |
2070 | Hilfsgeräte und Messeinrichtungen für Werkzeugmaschinen | 2070_auxiliary devices and measuring devices for machine tools | 20_machining |
2070 | Hydraulik-Zylinder, -Spann- und Vorschubeinrichtungen | 2070_hydraulic cylinder, clamping and feed devices | 20_machining |
2070 | Magnetspannplatten | 2070_magnetic chucks | 20_machining |
2070 | Markierungsgeräte, Beschriftungsgeräte für Metall | 2070_marking devices, labeling devices for metal | 20_machining |
2070 | Maschinenschraubstöcke | 2070_machine vices | 20_machining |
2070 | Modelle (Fertigungstechnik und Gießerei) | 2070_models (manufacturing technology and foundry) | 20_machining |
2070 | Pneumatische Arbeitszylinder, Spann- und Vorschub- Einrichtungen, außer 2320 | 2070_pneumatic working cylinders, clamping and feed devices, except 2320 | 20_machining |
2070 | Spanneinrichtungen | 2070_clamping devices | 20_machining |
2070 | Teilmaschinen, Teilköpfe | 2070_sub-machines, sub-heads | 20_machining |
2070 | Vorschub-Antriebe, Kopiersteuerungen (mechanisch) | 2070_feed drives, copy controls (mechanical) | 20_machining |
2070 | Werkzeugmaschinenzubehör | 2070_machine tool accessories | 20_machining |
2070 | Zylinder, Dreh-, Hub-, Linear-Zylinder (hydraulisch, pneumatisch, (außer Prüfmaschinen 2900-2920)) | 2070_cylinders, rotary, lifting, linear cylinders (hydraulic, pneumatic, (except testing machines 2900-2920)) | 20_machining |
2090 | Biegsame Wellen, Schleif- und Fräsmotore (außer 3680, Zahnmedizin) | 2090_flexible shafts, grinding and milling motors (except 3680, dentistry) | 20_machining |
2090 | Universal-Werkstattgeräte | 2090_universal workshop equipment | 20_machining |
2090 | Werkzeugmaschinen, spanend (außer 2000-2070) | 2090_machine tools, cutting (except 2000-2070) | 20_machining |
2099 | 3D-Drucker für metallische Werkstoffe | 2099_3d printer for metallic materials | 20_machining |
2100 | Druckgußmaschinen | 2100_die casting machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2100 | Gießanlagen (Spritzguss, Strangguss) | 2100_casting systems (injection molding, continuous casting) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2100 | Schleudergußmaschinen | 2100_centrifugal casting machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2100 | Spritzgußmaschinen (für Metalle) | 2100_injection molding machines (for metals) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2100 | Stranggußanlagen | 2100_continuous casting plants | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2110 | Anlagen der additiven Fertigung (außer SLM/Laserschweißverfahren) | 2110_additive manufacturing systems (except slm/laser welding processes) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2110 | Formkästen (Gießerei-) | 2110_molding boxes (foundry) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2110 | Formschablonen (Gießerei-) | 2110_mold templates (foundry) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2110 | Maschinen zur Formen- und Modellherstellung und gießereitechnische Maschinen | 2110_machines for mold and pattern making and foundry machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2110 | Putzereimaschinen (Gießerei-) | 2110_blow room machines (foundry) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2110 | Rapid-Prototyping-, Rapid-Tooling-Systeme | 2110_rapid prototyping, rapid tooling systems | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2110 | Stereo-Lithographie-Systeme | 2110_stereo lithography systems | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2120 | Fallhämmer | 2120_drop hammers | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2120 | Gesenkschmiedepressen | 2120_closed-die forging presses | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2120 | Kaltwalzen | 2120_cold rolling | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2120 | Rolliermaschinen, Rollmaschinen für Gewinde | 2120_burnishing machines, rolling machines for threads | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2120 | Walzen | 2120_rolls | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2120 | Walzmaschinen, Hammerwerke und Schmiedepressen | 2120_rolling machines, hammer mills and forging presses | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Abkantpressen | 2130_press brakes | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Bördelmaschinen | 2130_flanging machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Draht-Ziehmaschinen | 2130_wire drawing machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Federbiege, -wickelmaschinen | 2130_spring bending and coiling machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Fließpressen | 2130_extrusion | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Hydraulische Pressen (Umformtechnik, außer Laborpressen 1980 und Schmiedepressen 2120) | 2130_hydraulic presses (forming technology, except laboratory presses 1980 and forging presses 2120) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Pressen (außer 0850, 1980 und 2120) | 2130_presses (except 0850, 1980 and 2120) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Pressen und Maschinen zum Biegen, Drücken, Stanzen, Prägen, Ziehen | 2130_presses and machines for bending, pressing, stamping, embossing, drawing | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Profil-Ziehmaschinen | 2130_profile drawing machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Richtmaschinen | 2130_levelers | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Sickenmaschinen | 2130_beading machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Stanzen, Pressen | 2130_punching, pressing | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Strangpressen | 2130_extrusion | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2130 | Tiefziehpressen | 2130_deep drawing presses | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2140 | Explosionsumformungsgeräte | 2140_explosion forming equipment | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2140 | Maschinen und Einrichtungen für spezielle Umformverfahren | 2140_machines and equipment for special forming processes | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Autogen-Schweißgeräte | 2150_oxy-fuel welders | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Elektro-, Lichtbogen -Schweißgeräte (außer 2620) | 2150_electric arc welders (except 2620) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Elektronenstrahl-Schweißgeräte | 2150_electron beam welders | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Lichtbogen-Schweißgeräte, -Maschinen | 2150_arc welding devices, machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Lichtbogen-Spritzeinrichtungen | 2150_arc spray equipment | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Metall-Spritzgeräte (Oberflächen-Auftrag) | 2150_metal spray equipment (surface application) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Plasma-Schweißgeräte | 2150_plasma welders | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Punktschweißmaschinen | 2150_spot welding machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Reibschweißmaschinen | 2150_friction welding machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Schweißbrenner | 2150_welding torch | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Schweißmaschinen und Brennschneidemaschinen | 2150_welding machines and flame cutting machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Stumpfschweißmaschinen | 2150_butt welding machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2150 | Widerstandsschweißmaschinen | 2150_resistance welding machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Bondergeräte | 2160_bonders | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Durchkontaktiergeräte für Leiterplatten | 2160_through-hole plating devices for printed circuit boards | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Entlötgeräte | 2160_desoldering equipment | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Halbleiter-Kontaktiergeräte, Drahtbonder | 2160_semiconductor contactors, wire bonders | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Lötmaschinen, Lötbäder, Kontaktiergeräte | 2160_soldering machines, soldering baths, contacting devices | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Lötpistolen | 2160_soldering guns | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Punktheizgeräte | 2160_spot heaters | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Thermokompressionsverbinder, -bonder | 2160_thermocompression connectors, bonders | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2160 | Zinnbäder | 2160_tin baths | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Ätzgeräte, -Maschinen | 2170_etching devices, machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Chemische Sägen, Elektrolyse-Ätz-Maschinen, Funkenerosionsgeräte | 2170_chemical saws, electrolytic etching machines, spark erosion machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Draht-Erosionsmaschinen (elektrochemische) | 2170_wire edm machines (electrochemical) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Elektrochemische Senkmaschinen (ECM), Trennmaschinen | 2170_electrochemical sinking machines (ecm), cutting machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Elektroerosionsmaschinen (EDM) | 2170_electro discharge machines (edm) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Leiterplatten-Ätzmaschinen | 2170_printed circuit board etching machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Senkmaschinen, elektrochemische | 2170_sinking machines, electrochemical | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2170 | Ultraschall-Bearbeitungsmaschinen | 2170_ultrasonic processing machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Beizgeräte | 2180_dressing devices | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Beschichtungsgeräte | 2180_coating equipment | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Bondergeräte (Beiz- und Bonderanlagen) | 2180_bonder devices (pickling and bonder systems) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Bürst-Maschinen | 2180_brush machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Eloxiergeräte | 2180_anodizing equipment | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Farbspritzgeräte | 2180_paint sprayers | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Folien-Laminiergeräte, Laminatoren | 2180_foil laminators, laminators | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Imprägniergeräte | 2180_impregnation devices | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Lackiergeräte | 2180_painting equipment | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Laminatoren, Beschichtungsgeräte | 2180_laminators, coating devices | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2180 | Maschinen für Oberflächenbehandlung (Elektropolieren, Galvanisieren, Lackieren, Sandstrahlen) | 2180_surface treatment machines (electropolishing, electroplating, painting, sandblasting) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Bestückungsmaschinen für Leiterplattenfertigung | 2190_assembly machines for printed circuit board production | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Draht-Wickelmaschinen, Ankerwickelmaschinen | 2190_wire winding machines, armature winding machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Haspeln für Band- und Drahtmaterial | 2190_coils for strip and wire material | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Kraftschrauber, Schlagschrauber | 2190_power wrenches, impact wrenches | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Montage-Maschinen, -Automaten (außer 2320 und 4660) | 2190_assembly machines, automatic machines (except 2320 and 4660) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Nietmaschinen, Niethämmer | 2190_riveting machines, riveting hammers | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Schraubwerkzeuge, Kraftschrauber | 2190_screwdrivers, power wrenches | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Spulenwickelmaschinen | 2190_coil winding machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Umformtechnik, Maschinen (außer 2100-2170) | 2190_forming technology, machines (except 2100-2170) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Verseilmaschinen | 2190_stranding machines | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Werkzeugmaschinen, spanlos, Bearbeitungsmaschinen (außer 2100-2170) | 2190_machine tools, chipless, processing machines (except 2100-2170) | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2190 | Wickelmaschinen für Verbundwerkstoffe | 2190_winding machines for composite materials | 21_chipless forming and other processing |
2200 | 3D-Drucker für Kunststoffe | 2200_3d printer for plastics | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2200 | Extruder (für Kunststoffe) | 2200_extruder (for plastics) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2200 | Folienblasmaschinen | 2200_film blowing machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2200 | Kunststoffextruder und -blasmaschinen | 2200_plastic extruders and blow molding machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2200 | Profilpressen für Kunststoffe | 2200_profile presses for plastics | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2200 | Schneckenpressen für Kunststoffe | 2200_screw presses for plastics | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2210 | Formspritzmaschinen für Kunststoffe | 2210_injection molding machines for plastics | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2210 | Gießanlagen für Kunststoffe | 2210_casting plants for plastics | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2210 | Kunststoffpressen und -spritzgußgeräte | 2210_plastic presses and injection molding machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2210 | Pressen für Kunststoffteile | 2210_presses for plastic parts | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2210 | Schäum- und Spritzmaschinen für Kunststoffe | 2210_foaming and injection molding machines for plastics | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2220 | Glasbearbeitungsmaschinen | 2220_glass processing machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2220 | Glasblasgeräte, -maschinen | 2220_glass blowing devices, machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2220 | Glaspressen | 2220_glass pressing | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2220 | Glasschmelzöfen, -wannen | 2220_glass melting furnaces, vats | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Färbegeräte (Labor-) für Textilien | 2230_dyeing apparatus (laboratory) for textiles | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Nähmaschinen (industrielle) | 2230_sewing machines (industrial) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Spinnmaschinen | 2230_spinning machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Steuerungen für Web- und Wirkmaschinen, Jacquard- Einrichtungen | 2230_controls for weaving and knitting machines, jacquard devices | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Textilausrüstungsgeräte | 2230_textile finishing devices | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Textilmaschinen | 2230_textile machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Textil-Zuschnittmaschinen (CNC) | 2230_textile cutting machines (cnc) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Webmaschinen | 2230_weaving machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2230 | Wirkmaschinen, Strickmaschinen | 2230_warp knitting machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2240 | Furniermaschinen, -pressen | 2240_veneer machines, presses | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2240 | Holzverarbeitungsmaschinen (außer 2000-2050) | 2240_wood processing machines (except 2000-2050) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2240 | Imprägniermaschinen (Holz-) | 2240_impregnation machines (wood) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2240 | Kistennagelmaschinen | 2240_box nailing machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2240 | Maschinen für Holz- und Papierverarbeitung | 2240_machines for wood and paper processing | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2240 | Papiermaschinen | 2240_paper machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2240 | Papierverarbeitungs-Maschinen (außer 2260) | 2240_paper converting machines (except 2260) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Composer (Setzmaschinen) | 2250_composer (composition machines) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Druckform-Graviermaschinen | 2250_printing form engraving machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Farbscanner (Reproduktionstechnik) | 2250_color scanner (reproduction technology) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Lichtsetzgeräte, -maschinen | 2250_light setting devices, machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Photosetzgeräte | 2250_photosetters | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Setzerei-Einrichtungen | 2250_typesetting facilities | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Setzmaschinen, Klischiergeräte und reproduktionstechnische Geräte (außer Kameras) | 2250_typesetting machines, cliching devices and reproduction technology devices (except cameras) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2250 | Strichbreite-Wandler, photographische | 2250_line width converter, photographic | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Buchbindermaschinen | 2260_bookbinding machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Druckmaschinen und Druckerei-Hilfsgeräte | 2260_printing machines and printing auxiliary equipment | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Handstanzen (Papier) | 2260_hand punching (paper) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Heftmaschinen | 2260_stapling machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Off-Set-Druckmaschinen | 2260_off-set printing presses | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Papierbohrmaschinen | 2260_paper drills | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Perforierpressen | 2260_perforating presses | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Pressen (Druckerei) | 2260_presses | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Schneidemaschinen (Papier) | 2260_cutting machines (paper) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Siebdruckmaschinen | 2260_screen printing machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Test- und Prüfpressen (Druckerei) | 2260_test and verification presses (printing shop) | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2260 | Tiefdruckmaschinen, Tiefdruck-Kopiermaschinen | 2260_rotogravure printing machines, rotogravure copying machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2270 | Gerbereigeräte | 2270_tanning equipment | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2270 | Spezielle Bearbeitungsmaschinen für keramische Werkstoffe, Gummi, Leder | 2270_special processing machines for ceramic materials, rubber, leather | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2270 | Vulkanisiergeräte | 2270_vulcanizers | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2290 | Kalander, Laborkalander | 2290_calender, laboratory calender | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2290 | Klebemaschinen | 2290_gluing machines | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2290 | Lichtleiterbearbeitungs-Einrichtungen | 2290_optical fiber processing facilities | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2290 | Schweißmaschinen (Ultraschall) für Kunststoffe | 2290_welding machines (ultrasonic) for plastics | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2290 | Sonstige Bearbeitungsmaschinen für nichtmetallische Werkstoffe | 2290_other processing machines for non-metallic materials | 22_processing of non-metallic materials, printing |
2300 | Baustoffmaschinen | 2300_building material machines | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2300 | Baustoffmischmaschinen | 2300_building material mixing machines | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2300 | Baustoffpressen, -formmaschinen | 2300_building material presses and molding machines | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2300 | Beton-Mischmaschinen, -Silos | 2300_concrete mixing machines, silos | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2300 | Mörtelmischer | 2300_mortar mixer | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2310 | Personen- und Lastenaufzüge | 2310_passenger and freight elevators | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Baukräne | 2320_construction cranes | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Flaschenzüge | 2320_pulleys | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Flexible Fertigungs- und Montage-Systeme | 2320_flexible manufacturing and assembly systems | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Greif- und Hebewerkzeuge, Verladeeinrichtungen | 2320_gripping and lifting tools, loading equipment | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Handhabungsgeräte | 2320_handling equipment | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Hubtische | 2320_lifting tables | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Industrie-Roboter, Handhabungsgeräte | 2320_industrial robots, handling devices | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Kräne | 2320_cranes | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Palettieranlagen | 2320_palletizing systems | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Seile, Drahtseile | 2320_ropes, wire ropes | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Seilwinden | 2320_winches | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2320 | Winden | 2320_winds | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2330 | Fließbänder | 2330_assembly lines | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2330 | Gurt- und Gliederförderanlagen | 2330_belt and link conveyor systems | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2330 | Laufbänder | 2330_treadmills | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2330 | Transportbänder und -anlagen | 2330_conveyor belts and systems | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Förderanlagen (außer Gurt- und Gliederförderanlagen) | 2340_conveyor systems (except belt and link conveyor systems) | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Förderanlagen (pneumatisch, hydraulisch, Vibrations-) | 2340_conveyor systems (pneumatic, hydraulic, vibration) | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Förderschnecken | 2340_screw conveyors | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Magnetförderer | 2340_magnetic conveyor | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Pipelines | 2340_pipelines | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Rohrförderanlagen (außer Rohrpostanlagen 6680) | 2340_tubular conveyor systems (except pneumatic tube systems 6680) | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Rohrleitungen und Zubehör (Förderanlagen) | 2340_pipelines and accessories (conveyor systems) | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Schwingförderer | 2340_vibratory feeder | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Transport- und Fördereinrichtungen (außer 2330) | 2340_transport and conveyor devices (except 2330) | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2340 | Zellenradschleusen | 2340_rotary valves | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2350 | Planiergeräte, -Raupen | 2350_bulldozers, bulldozers | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2350 | Räumgeräte, Bagger, Raupen, Lader | 2350_clearing equipment, excavators, caterpillars, loaders | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2350 | Schneefräsen, -schleudern, Schneepflüge | 2350_snow blowers, blowers, snow ploughs | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2350 | Straßenbaumaschinen (außer 2370) | 2350_road construction machines (except 2370) | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2360 | Geräte und Versuchseinrichtungen für Bergbau und Lagerstättenforschung | 2360_devices and test facilities for mining and deposit research | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2370 | Innenrüttler | 2370_internal vibrator | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2370 | Planierwalzen | 2370_leveling rollers | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2370 | Rüttelverdichter | 2370_vibration compactor | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2370 | Spezielle Maschinen für Baustoffherstellung und -bearbeitung | 2370_special machines for the production and processing of building materials | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2370 | Stampfer | 2370_pounder | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2370 | Straßenwalzen | 2370_road rollers | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2370 | Vibratoren, Rüttler (Bau) | 2370_vibrators, vibrators (construction) | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2380 | Abfüll-, Verpackungs-, Verschließmaschinen | 2380_filling, packaging, sealing machines | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Abbruchhämmer | 2390_demolition hammers | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Bau-Rammen | 2390_construction rams | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Bohrgeräte für Tiefbau, Bergbau, Ölförderung, Bohrkronen, Gleisbaumaschinen | 2390_drilling equipment for civil engineering, mining, oil production, drill bits, track construction machines | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Hämmer, Elektro- und Pressluft- | 2390_hammers, electric and compressed air | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Presslufthämmer | 2390_jackhammers | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Rammen | 2390_ram | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Sonstige Baumaschinen und -hilfsgeräte | 2390_other construction machinery and auxiliary equipment | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2390 | Wasserstrahl-Hochdruckgeräte | 2390_high pressure water jet equipment | 23_construction and conveyor technology |
2400 | Forschungsschiffe | 2400_research vessels | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2400 | Motorboote | 2400_motor boats | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2400 | Schiffe, Boote | 2400_ships, boats | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2400 | Schlauchboote | 2400_inflatable boats | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2410 | Drehflügler | 2410_rotorcraft | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2410 | Flugzeuge | 2410_airplanes | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2410 | Hubschrauber | 2410_helicopter | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2410 | Motorsegler | 2410_motor glider | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2410 | Segelflugzeuge | 2410_gliders | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2420 | Stoß-Wellenrohre | 2420_shock wave tubes | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2420 | Windkanäle | 2420_wind tunnels | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2430 | Wasserkanäle, Versuchsgerinne | 2430_water channels, experimental flumes | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Betz-Manometer | 2440_betz pressure gauge | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Hilfseinrichtungen und spezielle Messgeräte für Wind- und Wasserkanäle und Anlagen des Wasserbaus | 2440_auxiliary equipment and special measuring devices for wind and water channels and hydraulic engineering systems | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Messflügel, Schwimmflügel (Strömungsmessung in offenen Gerinnen) | 2440_measuring wings, floating wings (flow measurement in open channels) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Messwehre, Venturi-Rinnen | 2440_measuring weirs, venturi channels | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Planar-Motion-Anlagen | 2440_planar motion systems | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Schleppwagen (Wasserkanal) | 2440_towing car (water canal) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Sechs-Komponentenwaagen (Windkanal) | 2440_six-component balances (wind tunnel) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Strömungsdruckmesser | 2440_flow pressure gauge | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Strömungsforschungs-Apparaturen (außer für Ozeanographie 0470 und Meteorologie 0530) | 2440_flow research equipment (except for oceanography 0470 and meteorology 0530) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Vielfach-Manometer (Windkanal) | 2440_multiple manometer (wind tunnel) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Wellenerzeuger-Maschinen (Wasserkanal) | 2440_wave generator machines (water channel) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Winderzeuger | 2440_wind generator | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Windkanal-Instrumentierung | 2440_wind tunnel instrumentation | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2440 | Windkanal-Waagen | 2440_wind tunnel scales | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2450 | Kavitations-Messeinrichtungen | 2450_cavitation measuring devices | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2450 | Kavitations-Tanks, -Tunnel | 2450_cavitation tanks, tunnels | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Bewegungssimulatoren, Drei-Achsen-Bewegungs-Simulatoren | 2460_motion simulators, three-axis motion simulators | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Drehtischanlagen, Drehbeschleunigungs-Prüfstände | 2460_turntable systems, rotary acceleration test benches | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Flugsimulatoren | 2460_flight simulators | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Höhenmesser (elektronisch für Flugzeuge) | 2460_altimeter (electronic for airplanes) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Navigations- und Messgeräte für Schiffe und Flugzeuge | 2460_navigation and measuring devices for ships and airplanes | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Navigationssysteme, Einzelgeräte (außer 0020, 0400-0590, 6600-6690) | 2460_navigation systems, individual devices (except 0020, 0400-0590, 6600-6690) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Peilgeräte für Navigation | 2460_direction-finding devices for navigation | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Prüfeinrichtungen für Navigations- und Kontrollgeräte | 2460_testing facilities for navigation and control devices | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Radar-Simulatoren (für Ausbildung) | 2460_radar simulators (for training) | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | Schiffssimulatoren | 2460_ship simulators | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2460 | XY-Prüftische für Kreisel- und Plattformvermessung | 2460_xy test tables for gyroscope and platform measurement | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2470 | Spezielle Geräte der Raketentechnik und Ballistik | 2470_special devices of rocketry and ballistics | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Ballone (Luft-), Fessel-Ballone | 2490_balloons (air), captive balloons | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Bojen, Tonnen, schwimmende Verkehrszeichen | 2490_buoys, buoys, floating traffic signs | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Fallschirme | 2490_parachutes | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Fliegerausrüstung | 2490_aviator gear | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Flugzeug- und Schiffs-Zubehör | 2490_airplane and ship accessories | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Luftschiffe | 2490_airships | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Pontons, Schwimmer | 2490_pontoons, floats | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Rettungsboote, -flöße, -inseln, Schwimmwesten | 2490_lifeboats, rafts, islands, life jackets | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Schiffbauversuchsgeräte | 2490_shipbuilding test equipment | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2490 | Sonstige Luft- und Wasserfahrzeuge und Zubehör | 2490_miscellaneous aircraft and watercraft and accessories | 24_shipbuilding, aircraft construction and flow research |
2500 | Automobile, PKWs (LKWs 2510, Geländewagen 2520) | 2500_automobiles, cars (trucks 2510, suvs 2520) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2500 | Personen-Kraftwagen, Omnibusse, Kombiwagen | 2500_passenger cars, buses, station wagons | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2510 | Kastenwagen (Kfz) | 2510_van (motor vehicle) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2510 | Lastkraftwagen | 2510_truck | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Beton-Transportfahrzeuge | 2520_concrete transport vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Geländekraftwagen | 2520_suv | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Gleiskettenfahrzeuge | 2520_caterpillars | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Landrover (R) | 2520_land rover (r) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Mess- und Laborkraftwagen, Messfahrzeuge | 2520_measuring and laboratory vehicles, measuring vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Sonderfahrzeuge (Kfz) | 2520_special vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Spezielle Kraftfahrzeuge (Zugmaschinen, Feuerwehrfahrzeuge, Krankenwagen) | 2520_special motor vehicles (tractors, fire engines, ambulances) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Straßenreinigungs-Fahrzeuge | 2520_street cleaning vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Tankwagen (Lkw) | 2520_tanker (truck) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2520 | Traktoren | 2520_tractors | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2530 | Anhänger für Kraftfahrzeuge | 2530_trailers for motor vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2530 | Camping-Anhänger | 2530_camping trailer | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2530 | Tiefladeanhänger | 2530_flatbed trailer | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2530 | Wohnwagenanhänger | 2530_caravan trailer | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2540 | Elektrokarren | 2540_electric carts | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2540 | Flurförderfahrzeuge | 2540_industrial trucks | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2540 | Gabelstapler | 2540_forklift | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2540 | Hebefahrzeuge | 2540_lifting vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2540 | Hubwagen (motorgetrieben) | 2540_lift truck (motor driven) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2540 | Stapelfahrzeuge | 2540_forklift trucks | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2550 | Krafträder, Fahrräder, Behinderten-Fahrzeuge | 2550_motorbikes, bicycles, disabled vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2550 | Mofas | 2550_mopeds | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2550 | Motorräder | 2550_motorcycles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2560 | Achsvermessungsgeräte | 2560_wheel alignment devices | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2560 | Bremsprüfstände | 2560_brake testers | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2560 | Lichtmaschinen- und Anlasser-Prüfstände | 2560_alternator and starter test benches | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2560 | Prüfstände für Fahrzeuge und Aggregate (außer Motorenprüfstände 2860) | 2560_test benches for vehicles and assemblies (except engine test benches 2860) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2560 | Reifenprüfstände | 2560_tire test benches | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2560 | Rollenprüfstände, Rollreibungsprüfstände | 2560_roller test benches, rolling friction test benches | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2570 | Eisenbahntechnische Forschungsgeräte und Versuchsanlagen | 2570_railway engineering research equipment and test facilities | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2570 | Gleis-Messgeräte (Spurweite, Profil) | 2570_track gauges (gauge, profile) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2570 | Messgeräte für Schienenfahrzeuge und Gleise | 2570_measuring devices for rail vehicles and tracks | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2580 | Fahrschuleinrichtung und -geräte | 2580_driving school equipment and devices | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2580 | Fahrsimulatoren, Fahrstände für Straßen- und Schienenfahrzeuge | 2580_driving simulators, control stations for road and rail vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2580 | Zubehör und Aggregate für Kraftfahrzeuge | 2580_accessories and aggregates for motor vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2590 | Eisenbahnwaggons | 2590_railway wagons | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2590 | Feldbahnen, Waggons und Schienenmaterial (außer 9020) | 2590_light railways, wagons and rail material (except 9020) | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2590 | Gleis- und Schienen-Messfahrzeuge | 2590_track and rail measuring vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2590 | Lokomotiven | 2590_locomotives | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2590 | Magnetschwebebahnen und -fahrzeuge | 2590_maglev trains and vehicles | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2590 | Sonstige Straßen- und Schienenfahrzeuge, Feldbahnen | 2590_other road and rail vehicles, field railways | 25_land vehicle construction, motor vehicles |
2600 | Asynchronmotoren | 2600_asynchronous motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Drehstrommotoren | 2600_three-phase motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Elektromotoren | 2600_electric motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Gleichstrommotoren | 2600_dc motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Linearmotoren | 2600_linear motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Scheibenmotoren | 2600_disc motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Schrittmotoren | 2600_stepper motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Spaltpolmotoren | 2600_shaded pole motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Synchronmotoren | 2600_synchronous motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2600 | Wechselstrommotoren | 2600_ac motors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Drehstromgeneratoren | 2610_alternators | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Drehstromumformer | 2610_three-phase converter | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Dynamomaschinen, Bordgeneratoren | 2610_dynamo machines, on-board generators | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Generatoren und rotierende Umformer | 2610_generators and rotary converters | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Gleichstrom-Generatoren | 2610_direct current generators | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Gleichstrom-Umformer (rotierend) | 2610_dc converter (rotating) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Leonard-Antriebe | 2610_leonard drives | 26_electrical power engineering |
2610 | Mittelfrequenzgeneratoren, -umformer (rotierend, außer 6040) | 2610_medium frequency generators, converters (rotating, except 6040) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2620 | Hochspannungstransformatoren | 2620_high voltage transformers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2620 | Hochstromtransformatoren | 2620_high current transformers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2620 | Maschinentransformatoren | 2620_machine transformers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2620 | Ofentransformatoren | 2620_furnace transformers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2620 | Schweißtransformatoren | 2620_welding transformers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2620 | Transformatoren, Drosseln | 2620_transformers, chokes | 26_electrical power engineering |
2620 | Umspanner | 2620_transformer | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Elektrische Pulseinrichter | 2630_electric pulse setters | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Gleichrichter (Leistungsgleichrichter für Bahnstrom, Elektrolyseanlagen | 2630_rectifiers (power rectifiers for traction current, electrolysis systems | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Hochspannungsgleichrichter (außer Röntgengeneratoren 3200 und 4000) | 2630_high voltage rectifiers (except x-ray generators 3200 and 4000) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Schweißgleichrichter, -stromversorgung (außer Transformatoren 2620 und Schweiß-Aggregate 6050) | 2630_welding rectifier, power supply (except transformers 2620 and welding aggregates 6050) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Silizium-Gleichrichter | 2630_ silicon rectifier | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Stromrichter und Leistungselektronik (Energieübertragung, Antriebe) | 2630_converters and power electronics (energy transmission, drives) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Thyristor-Regler, -Steller | 2630_thyristor controllers, controllers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Thyristor-Stromrichter | 2630_thyristor power converter | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Ventile (elektrische) | 2630_valves (electric) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Vierquadranten-Thyristor-Regler | 2630_four-quadrant thyristor regulator | 26_electrical power engineering |
2630 | Wechselrichter (für Hochspannungsanlagen, Motorantriebe) | 2630_inverters (for high-voltage systems, motor drives) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Hochspannungskondensatoren | 2640_high voltage capacitors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Impulskondensatoren | 2640_pulse capacitors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Kompensations-Kondensatoren | 2640_compensation capacitors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Kondensator-Bänke | 2640_capacitor banks | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Kondensatoren-Batterien | 2640_capacitor batteries | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Leistungskondensatoren, Phasenschieber | 2640_power capacitors, phase shifters | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Motorkondensatoren | 2640_motor capacitors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Pressgaskondensatoren | 2640_compressed gas condensers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2640 | Stoß-Kondensatoren | 2640_surge capacitors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2650 | Anlasser, Regler für elektrische Maschinen (außer 2630) | 2650_starters, controllers for electrical machines (except 2630) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2650 | Motorschutzschalter | 2650_motor protection switch | 26_electrical power engineering |
2650 | Steuer-, Schutzgeräte für elektrische Maschinen und Anlagen (außer 2630) | 2650_control and protection devices for electrical machines and systems (except 2630) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2650 | Synchronisiereinrichtungen für Drehstrom-Generatoren | 2650_synchronizing devices for three-phase generators | 26_electrical power engineering |
2650 | Transformatoren-Zubehör, -Schutz und -Überwachungsgeräte | 2650_transformer accessories, protection and monitoring devices | 26_electrical power engineering |
2650 | Überspannungs-Ableiter | 2650_surge arresters | 26_electrical power engineering |
2660 | HGÜ-Modellanlagen (Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung) | 2660_hvdc model systems (high-voltage direct current transmission) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2660 | Kraftwerksnachbildungen | 2660_power plant replicas | 26_electrical power engineering |
2660 | Modelle und Versuchsanlagen für elektromotorische Antriebe | 2660_models and test systems for electric motor drives | 26_electrical power engineering |
2660 | Netzmodelle und Modellanlagen | 2660_network models and model systems | 26_electrical power engineering |
2670 | Hochspannungsschalter | 2670_high voltage switch | 26_electrical power engineering |
2670 | Leistungsschalter, Lastschalter | 2670_circuit breakers, load switches | 26_electrical power engineering |
2670 | Schaltschränke | 2670_control cabinets | 26_electrical power engineering |
2670 | Schalttafeln, Verteiler | 2670_switchboards, distributors | 26_electrical power engineering |
2670 | Spezielle Geräte der elektrischen Energieübertragung; Kabel, Leitungen, Schalter, Schaltfelder | 2670_special equipment for electric power transmission; cables, lines, switches, switch panels | 26_electrical power engineering |
2670 | Trennschalter | 2670_circuit breaker | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Funkenstrecken (Kugel-) | 2680_spark gaps (spherical) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Hochspannungsbaukästen | 2680_high-voltage construction kits | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Hochspannungsgeneratoren für Laboratorien | 2680_high voltage generators for laboratories | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Hochspannungsisolatoren, -durchführungen | 2680_high voltage insulators, bushings | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Hochspannungsmessgeräte, -teiler | 2680_high voltage measuring devices, dividers | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Spezielle Geräte für Hochspannungs- und Hochstromlaboratorien | 2680_special devices for high voltage and high current laboratories | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Stoßspannungsgeneratoren | 2680_surge generators | 26_electrical power engineering |
2680 | Stoßstromgeneratoren | 2680_surge current generators | 26_electrical power engineering |
2690 | Ausbrenngeräte für Kabelfehler | 2690_burnout devices for cable faults | 26_electrical power engineering |
2690 | Erdungsgeräte | 2690_grounding devices | 26_electrical power engineering |
2690 | Hochspannungsschutz (Schirmung, Erdung, Isolation) | 2690_high voltage protection (shielding, grounding, isolation) | 26_electrical power engineering |
2690 | Prüfschaltungen für Schalter und elektrische Anlagenteile | 2690_test circuits for switches and electrical system components | 26_electrical power engineering |
2690 | Sonstige Geräte der Elektrischen Energietechnik | 2690_other electrical power engineering devices | 26_electrical power engineering |
2700 | Glasfaserkabel (Nachrichtentechnik) | 2700_fiber optic cable (telecommunications engineering) | 27_communications engineering |
2700 | Hohlkabel-Systeme | 2700_hollow cable systems | 27_communications engineering |
2700 | Optische Kabel (Nachrichtenkabel) | 2700_optical cables (communication cables) | 27_communications engineering |
2700 | Spezielle Leitungen und Kabel der Nachrichtentechnik einschl. Baugruppen | 2700_special lines and cables for communications engineering, including assemblies | 27_communications engineering |
2700 | Übertragungssysteme, Modellanlagen der Nachrichtentechnik (außer 6600-6650) | 2700_transmission systems, communications engineering model systems (except 6600-6650) | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Fehlerortungsgeräte (Kabel-) | 2710_fault locators (cable) | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Gruppenlaufzeit-Messplätze | 2710_group delay measuring stations | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Impulsreflektometer (elektrische) | 2710_time domain reflectometer (electric) | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Messleitungen, Slotted line | 2710_test leads, slotted line | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Reflektographen, Reflektometer (elektrische) | 2710_reflectographs, reflectometers (electric) | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Reflexions- und Anpassungsmessgeräte, Laufzeit-Messgeräte | 2710_reflectance and matching meters, time-of-flight meters | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Time-Domain-Reflektometer | 2710_time domain reflectometer | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | VSWR-Messgeräte (Voltage Standing wave ratio) | 2710_voltage standing wave ratio (vswr) meters | 27_communications engineering |
2710 | Zeitbereich-Reflektometer | 2710_time domain reflectometer | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Antennen-Impedanzmeter | 2720_antenna impedance meter | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Dämpfungsmessgeräte für optische Kabel | 2720_attenuation measuring devices for optical cables | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Eichleitungen | 2720_attenuators | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Frequenzgang-Messgeräte, -Analysatoren, -Sichtgeräte | 2720_frequency response meters, analyzers, viewers | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Impedanz- und Dämpfungsmessgeräte, Frequenzgangmessgeräte, Netzwerkanalysatoren | 2720_impedance and attenuation meters, frequency response meters, network analyzers | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Impedanzwobbler | 2720_impedance sweeper | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Leitungsnachbildungen, line Simulator | 2720_line simulations, line simulator | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Pegelschreiber (Nachrichtentechnik) | 2720_level recorder (communications engineering) | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Transfer-Funktions-Messplätze | 2720_transfer function measuring stations | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Vektor-Impedanzmeter, Vektor-Analyzer | 2720_vector impedance meter, vector analyzer | 27_communications engineering |
2720 | Wobbelmessplätze (außer Gruppenlaufzeit-Messplätze 2710 und Messautomaten 7330) | 2720_sweep counters (except group delay counters 2710 and automatic counters 7330) | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Compander (Modulations-) | 2730_compander (modulation) | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Demodulatoren | 2730_demodulators | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Digital-Signalanalysatoren | 2730_digital signal analyzers | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Frequenz- (Band-) Umsetzer | 2730_frequency (band) converter | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Modulatoren, Frequenzhub- und -modulationsmessgeräte | 2730_modulators, frequency deviation and modulation meters | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | PCM-Messplätze (außer 2740) | 2730_pcm measuring stations (except 2740) | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | PCM-Modulatoren, -Signal-Conditioner | 2730_pcm modulators, signal conditioners | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Ringmodulatoren, -mischer | 2730_ring modulators, mixers | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Stereocoder | 2730_stereo coder | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Stereomessdecoder | 2730_stereo measurement decoder | 27_communications engineering |
2730 | Vocoder | 2730_vocoder | 27_communications engineering |
2740 | Datentester, spezielle Datenmessgeräte | 2740_data testers, special data measuring devices | 27_communications engineering |
2740 | Dispersionsmessgeräte für optische Kabel | 2740_dispersion meters for optical cables | 27_communications engineering |
2740 | Impulsmessgeräte für Fernschreib- und Datentechnik (außer Oszilloskope) | 2740_pulse meters for telex and data technology (except oscilloscopes) | 27_communications engineering |
2740 | Phasenverzerrungs-Messgeräte (Fernschreib- und Datentechnik) | 2740_phase distortion measuring devices (teletype and data technology) | 27_communications engineering |
2740 | Spezielle Messgeräte für Fernschreib- und Datentechnik (außer Messautomaten, Logikprüfgeräte 7330) | 2740_special measuring devices for telex and data technology (except measuring machines, logic test devices 7330) | 27_communications engineering |
2740 | Störimpulsdetektoren und -zähler, Glitch-Detektoren | 2740_glitch detectors and counters, glitch detectors | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Empfänger (Funk-), spezielle Messempfänger (außer 6620) | 2750_receiver (radio), special measuring receiver (except 6620) | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Geräuschspannungsmessgeräte | 2750_noise voltage meters | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Gleichlaufschwankungsmesser (WOW & Flutter Meter) | 2750_wow & flutter meter | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Klirranalysatoren | 2750_distortion analyzers | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Klirrfaktormessbrücken | 2750_distortion bridges | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Pegelmessplätze (außer 6420) | 2750_level meters (except 6420) | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Psophometer | 2750_psophometer | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Rausch-Klirr-Messplätze | 2750_noise-to-distortion testers | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Rauschspannungs-Messgeräte, Rauschpegelmesser | 2750_noise voltage meters, noise level meters | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Richtfunkmessplätze (außer 2710-2740) | 2750_microwave test stations (except 2710-2740) | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Spezielle Messgeräte der Fernsprech-, Funk- und Tonstudiotechnik (außer Fernsehtechnik) | 2750_special measuring devices for telephone, radio and recording studio technology (except television technology) | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Störspannungsmessgeräte | 2750_interference voltage measuring devices | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Störwerterfassungsgeräte | 2750_disturbance recording devices | 27_communications engineering |
2750 | Tonhöhen-Schwankungsmesser (WOW & Flutter Meter) | 2750_pitch flutter meter (wow & flutter meter) | 27_communications engineering |
2760 | Bildmuster-Generatoren | 2760_image pattern generators | 27_communications engineering |
2760 | Farbsignal-, (Farbbalken-Generatoren) | 2760_color signal (color bar generators) | 27_communications engineering |
2760 | Spezielle Messgeräte der Fernsehtechnik | 2760_special measuring devices for television technology | 27_communications engineering |
2760 | Video-Laboratory-unit (A/D-Wandler, D/A-Wandler, Display, kombiniert) | 2760_video laboratory unit (a/d converter, d/a converter, display, combined) | 27_communications engineering |
2760 | Video-Prüfsignal-, Prüfzeilen-Generatoren | 2760_video test signal, test line generators | 27_communications engineering |
2770 | Abgeschirmte Räume (elektromagnetisch) | 2770_shielded rooms (electromagnetic) | 27_communications engineering |
2770 | Entstörgeräte | 2770_suppressors | 27_communications engineering |
2770 | Filterkreise (elektrische Abschirmung, Entstörung) | 2770_filter circuits (electrical shielding, interference suppression) | 27_communications engineering |
2770 | Reflexionsfreie Räume (elektromagnetisch) | 2770_anechoic rooms (electromagnetic) | 27_communications engineering |
2770 | Störschutzgeräte und -anlagen, Faraday-Käfige | 2770_anti-jamming devices and systems, faraday cages | 27_communications engineering |
2770 | Stromreiniger (Glättung) | 2770_stream cleaner (smoothing) | 27_communications engineering |
2780 | Kennlinienschreiber (für Halbleiterbauelemente und Röhren) | 2780_characteristic recorder (for semiconductor components and tubes) | 27_communications engineering |
2780 | Prober (Prüfgeräte) für Halbleiterbausteine | 2780_probers (test devices) for semiconductor devices | 27_communications engineering |
2780 | Sondenmessplätze (Wafer Prober) für Halbleiterbausteine | 2780_probe measuring stations (wafer prober) for semiconductor components | 27_communications engineering |
2780 | Spezielle Mess- und Prüfgeräte für Halbleiter und Röhren (außer 6200-6590) | 2780_dedicated semiconductor and tube test and measurement equipment (except 6200-6590) | 27_communications engineering |
2780 | Transistor-, Röhrenprüfgeräte | 2780_transistor, tube testers | 27_communications engineering |
2790 | Sonstige nachrichtentechnische Geräte (außer 2700-2780 und 6600-6790) | 2790_ other communications equipment (except 2700-2780 and 6600-6790) | 27_communications engineering |
2800 | Außenbordmotoren | 2800_outboard motors | 28_engines and turbines |
2800 | Bootsmotoren | 2800_boat engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2800 | Drehkolben-, Wälzkolbenmotoren | 2800_rotary piston, roots engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2800 | Motoren (Otto-, Diesel-) | 2800_engines (otto, diesel) | 28_engines and turbines |
2800 | Prüfmotoren (für Kraftstoffe) | 2800_test engines (for fuels) | 28_engines and turbines |
2800 | Rotationsmotoren | 2800_rotary engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2800 | Verbrennungsmotoren | 2800_internal combustion engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2810 | Dampfmaschinen und -turbinen | 2810_steam engines and turbines | 28_engines and turbines |
2810 | Kolbendampfmaschinen (außer Verdichter 8010) | 2810_piston steam engines (except compressor 8010) | 28_engines and turbines |
2820 | Pressluft- und Hydromotoren | 2820_compressed air and hydraulic motors | 28_engines and turbines |
2820 | Wassermotoren | 2820_water motors | 28_engines and turbines |
2830 | Ölturbinen | 2830_oil turbines | 28_engines and turbines |
2830 | Wasserräder | 2830_water wheels | 28_engines and turbines |
2830 | Wasserturbinen und Hilfseinrichtungen | 2830_water turbines and auxiliary equipment | 28_engines and turbines |
2840 | Expansionsturbinen (Gasverflüssiger) | 2840_expansion turbines (gas liquefiers) | 28_engines and turbines |
2840 | Gasturbinen, Strahltriebwerke, Raketentriebwerke | 2840_gas turbines, jet engines, rocket engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2840 | Staustrahltriebwerke | 2840_ramjet engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2840 | Turbinen für Gas, Pressluft | 2840_turbines for gas, compressed air | 28_engines and turbines |
2840 | Turbolader | 2840_turbocharger | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Antriebe | 2850_drives | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Bremsen (Maschinenelemente) | 2850_brakes (machine elements) | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Drehmomentwandler | 2850_torque converter | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Drehzahlwandler, elektromagnetische | 2850_speed converter, electromagnetic | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Getriebe und spezielle Maschinenteile | 2850_gears and special machine parts | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Hydraulische Getriebe | 2850_hydraulic transmission | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Kugelführungen | 2850_ball guides | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Kupplungen | 2850_couplings | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Lager (Maschinenelemente) | 2850_bearings (machine elements) | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Planetengetriebe | 2850_planetary gear | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Positionier-Antriebe (außer für Optik 5900) | 2850_positioning drives (except for optics 5900) | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Regelgetriebe | 2850_variable speed gearbox | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Schaltgetriebe | 2850_manual transmission | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Torantriebe, Antriebe für Rolläden | 2850_gate drives, drives for roller blinds | 28_engines and turbines |
2850 | Wälzführungssysteme | 2850_roller guide systems | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Abgasmesseinrichtungen | 2860_exhaust gas measuring devices | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Brennkammerprüfstände | 2860_combustion chamber test benches | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Lagerprüfstände | 2860_bearing test benches | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Leistungsmessanlagen für Motoren, Leistungsbremsen | 2860_power measurement systems for engines, power brakes | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Motoren- und Getriebeprüfstände, Verdichterprüfstände | 2860_engine and transmission test benches, compressor test benches | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Motorprüfgeräte, -tester | 2860_engine testing devices, testers | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Pendelgeneratoren | 2860_pendulum generators | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Turbinenprüfstände | 2860_turbine test benches | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Wasserbremsen | 2860_water brakes | 28_engines and turbines |
2860 | Wirbelstrombremsen | 2860_eddy current brakes | 28_engines and turbines |
2870 | Dampferzeuger-, Kesselanlagen für Turbinen und Dampfmaschinen | 2870_steam generators, boiler systems for turbines and steam engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2870 | Kondensatoren, Dampfmaschinen- | 2870_condensers, steam engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2880 | Abgasanlagen, Auspuffanlagen | 2880_exhaust systems, exhaust systems | 28_engines and turbines |
2880 | Abgas-Entgiftungs-, -Reinigungsanlagen | 2880_exhaust gas decontamination and cleaning systems | 28_engines and turbines |
2880 | Elektrofilter (Staub-) | 2880_electrostatic precipitator (dust) | 28_engines and turbines |
2880 | Entgiftungs- und Entstaubungsanlagen | 2880_detoxification and dust collection systems | 28_engines and turbines |
2880 | Rauchgasneutralisationsanlagen | 2880_flue gas neutralization systems | 28_engines and turbines |
2880 | Schornsteine, Abgaskamine | 2880_chimneys, flue gas chimneys | 28_engines and turbines |
2890 | Ionen-Triebwerke | 2890_ion engines | 28_engines and turbines |
2890 | Schwungradspeicher | 2890_flywheel accumulator | 28_engines and turbines |
2890 | Sonstige Motoren und Kraftmaschinen | 2890_other engines and prime movers | 28_engines and turbines |
2890 | Triebwerke, sonstige (außer 2800-2840) | 2890_engines, other (except 2800-2840) | 28_engines and turbines |
2890 | Windkraftmaschinen | 2890_wind turbines | 28_engines and turbines |
2890 | Windräder | 2890_wind turbines | 28_engines and turbines |
2900 | Biegemaschinen (Festigkeitsprüfung) | 2900_bending machines (strength test) | 29_materials testing machines |
2900 | Druckfestigkeitsprüfmaschinen | 2900_compressive strength testing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2900 | Statische und quasistatische Prüfmaschinen und -anlagen | 2900_static and quasi-static testing machines and systems | 29_materials testing machines |
2900 | Zeitstandprüfmaschinen | 2900_creep testing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2900 | Zerreißmaschinen | 2900_tearing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2900 | Zugfestigkeitsmesser | 2900_tensile strength meter | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Dynamische Prüfmaschinen und -anlagen, Pulser | 2910_dynamic testing machines and systems, pulsers | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Federprüfmaschinen | 2910_spring testing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Hydropuls-Maschinen | 2910_hydropulse machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Prüfgerüste (mit hydraulischen Zylindern) | 2910_test stands (with hydraulic cylinders) | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Schwingprüfmaschinen (Resonanzpulser) | 2910_vibration testing machines (resonance pulsers) | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Servohydraulische Prüfmaschinen und Anlagen | 2910_servohydraulic testing machines and systems | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Torsionsmaschinen (Prüfmaschinen) | 2910_torsion machines (testing machines) | 29_materials testing machines |
2910 | Universal-Prüfmaschinen (Zug-, Druck-, dynamisch, statisch) | 2910_universal testing machines (tensile, compression, dynamic, static) | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Katapultanlagen für Aufpralltests | 2920_catapult systems for impact tests | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Rütteltische (Werkstoff-Prüfung) | 2920_vibrating tables (material testing) | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Schlagfestigkeitsprüfgeräte | 2920_impact testers | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Schlagprüfmaschinen, Vibrations- und Beschleunigungs-Prüfanlagen | 2920_impact testing machines, vibration and acceleration test systems | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Schockprüfanlagen | 2920_shock test systems | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Schwingungs-Prüfstände und -Anlagen | 2920_vibration test benches and systems | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Stoßtische | 2920_push tables | 29_materials testing machines |
2920 | Testzentrifugen für Beschleunigungstests und Komponentenprüfung | 2920_test centrifuges for acceleration tests and component testing | 29_materials testing machines |
2930 | Härteprüfer (optische) | 2930_hardness tester (optical) | 29_materials testing machines |
2930 | Härteprüfmaschinen, Reibungs- und Verschleiß-Prüfmaschinen | 2930_hardness testing machines, friction and wear testing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2930 | Punktlastgeräte (Härteprüfung an Gestein) | 2930_point load devices (hardness test on rock) | 29_materials testing machines |
2930 | Schmiermittelprüfmaschinen | 2930_lubricant testing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Bitumen-Prüfgeräte (außer 1610 und 1620) | 2940_bitumen testers (except 1610 and 1620) | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Flügelsonden, Vane-Proben (Bodenscherfestigkeitsmessgeräte) | 2940_vane probes, vane probes (soil shear strength gauges) | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Gipsprüfmaschinen | 2940_plaster testing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Marshall-Prüfpressen, -Verdichtungsgeräte für bituminöse Baustoffe | 2940_marshall test presses, compaction devices for bituminous building materials | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Mess- und Versuchsanlagen für Boden- und Felsmechanik, Bodenerosion | 2940_measuring and testing systems for soil and rock mechanics, soil erosion | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Oedometer (Bodenprüfgerät) | 2940_oedometer (soil tester) | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Pressiometer (Boden- und Baustoffprüfung) | 2940_pressureometer (soil and building material test) | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Proctorgeräte (Bodendichte nach Proctor) | 2940_proctor devices (soil density according to proctor) | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Spezielle Baustoff- und Bodenprüfgeräte, Schergeräte | 2940_special building material and soil testing devices, shearing devices | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Triaxialgeräte (Boden- und Baustoffprüfung) | 2940_triaxial devices (soil and building material testing) | 29_materials testing machines |
2940 | Zementprüfgeräte | 2940_cement testers | 29_materials testing machines |
2950 | Spezielle Prüfmaschinen für Holz und Papier | 2950_special testing machines for wood and paper | 29_materials testing machines |
2950 | Zellstoffprüfapparate | 2950_pulp testers | 29_materials testing machines |
2960 | Faden-Spannungs-Messgeräte, -Strukturanalysegeräte | 2960_thread tension measuring devices, structure analysis devices | 29_materials testing machines |
2960 | Faserfestigkeits-Prüfgeräte | 2960_fiber strength testers | 29_materials testing machines |
2960 | Garnwaagen | 2960_yarn scales | 29_materials testing machines |
2960 | Spezielle Prüfmaschinen für Textilien | 2960_special testing machines for textiles | 29_materials testing machines |
2960 | Spinnprüfmaschinen | 2960_spin testing machines | 29_materials testing machines |
2960 | Textildickenmesser | 2960_textile thickness gauge | 29_materials testing machines |
2970 | Lack- und Farbenprüfgeräte (außer 4130) | 2970_varnish and paint testers (except 4130) | 29_materials testing machines |
2970 | Lichtechtheitsprüfgeräte | 2970_light fastness testers | 29_materials testing machines |
2970 | Spezielle Prüfmaschinen für Kunststoffe, Gummi, Leder und Lack | 2970_special testing machines for plastics, rubber, leather and paint | 29_materials testing machines |
2980 | Klimaprüfkammern für Materialprüfung | 2980_climatic test chambers for material testing | 29_materials testing machines |
2980 | Prüfkammern (Klima, Vakuum, Vibration) und Korrosionsprüfgeräte | 2980_test chambers (climate, vacuum, vibration) and corrosion testers | 29_materials testing machines |
2980 | Vakuumprüfkammern | 2980_vacuum test chambers | 29_materials testing machines |
2990 | Dynamisch-Mechanische Spektrometer | 2990_dynamic mechanical spectrometer | 29_materials testing machines |
2990 | Glasurspannungsmesser | 2990_glaze tension meter | 29_materials testing machines |
2990 | Kriechprüfgeräte | 2990_creep testers | 29_materials testing machines |
2990 | Materialprüfgeräte-Zubehör | 2990_materials testing equipment accessories | 29_materials testing machines |
2990 | Sonstige Werkstoff-Prüfmaschinen und Zubehör (außer 2900-2980 und 4100-4190) | 2990_other materials testing machines and accessories (except 2900-2980 and 4100-4190) | 29_materials testing machines |
2990 | Tonprüfgeräte, Glasurspannungsmesser | 2990_clay testers, glaze strain gauges | 29_materials testing machines |
3000 | Blutdruckmessgeräte und Sphygmographen | 3000_sphygmomanometers and sphygmographs | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3000 | Druckaufnehmer für physiologische Messungen | 3000_pressure transducer for physiological measurements | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3000 | Elektromanometer (Blutdruckmessung) | 3000_electromanometer (blood pressure measurement) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3000 | Gefäßdruckmessgeräte | 3000_vascular pressure gauges | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3000 | Herz-Katheter, Herz-Katheter-Messplätze (außer Röntgeneinrichtungen 3210) | 3000_cardiac catheters, cardiac catheter measuring stations (except x-ray equipment 3210) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3000 | Korotkoff-Mikrofone (Blutdruckmessung) | 3000_korotkoff microphones (blood pressure measurement) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3000 | Sphygmomanometer, -graphen | 3000_sphygmomanometers, graphs | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3010 | (Durchblutungsmessung) | 3010_(blood flow measurement) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3010 | Blutdurchflussmessgeräte | 3010_blood flow meters | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3010 | Blutströmungsmessgeräte (Flowmeter) | 3010_blood flow meters (flow meters) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3010 | Durchblutungsmessgeräte | 3010_blood flow meters | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3010 | Flowmeter (Blutflussmessung) | 3010_flow meter (blood flow measurement) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3010 | Rheographie-Geräte, Elektrorheographie-, Direktrheographiegeräte | 3010_rheography devices, electrorheography, direct rheography devices | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3020 | Hämoreflektometer (Oximeter und HZV-Messung) | 3020_haemoreflexometer (oximeter and cardiac output measurement) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3020 | Herzfrequenz-Messgeräte | 3020_heart rate monitors | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3020 | Herzzeitvolumen- (HZV) Messgeräte, -Rechner | 3020_cardiac output (co) meters, calculators | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3020 | Histographen für Herzrhythmik-Analyse | 3020_histograph for heart rhythm analysis | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3020 | Kardiotokographen | 3020_cardiotocographs | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3020 | Pulsfrequenz- und Herzleistungs-Messgeräte | 3020_pulse rate and cardiac output measuring devices | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3020 | Thermodilutionsgeräte (HZV) | 3020_thermodilution devices (co) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3030 | Defibrillatoren | 3030_defibrillators | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3030 | Demand-Pacemaker (Herzschrittmacher) | 3030_demand pacemaker (pacemaker) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3030 | Herzschrittmacher, -stimulatoren | 3030_cardiac pacemakers, stimulators | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3030 | Herzsteuer- und -überwachungsgeräte | 3030_heart control and monitoring devices | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3030 | Herztherapiegeräte, elektrische | 3030_cardiac therapy devices, electric | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3030 | Pacemaker (Herzschrittmacher) | 3030_pacemaker (cardiac pacemaker) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3030 | Schrittmacher (Herz-) | 3030_pacemaker | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3040 | Belastungsprüfung, Messplätze (Ergometer) | 3040_stress test, measuring stations (ergometer) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3040 | Ergometer | 3040_ergometer | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3040 | Fahrrad-Ergometer | 3040_bicycle ergometer | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3040 | Laufband-Ergometer | 3040_treadmill ergometer | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3040 | Leistungsmesseinrichtungen (physiologische) | 3040_performance measurement devices (physiological) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3040 | Physiologie-Messeinrichtungen für Kreislauf und Leistung | 3040_physiology measuring devices for circulation and performance | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3050 | Atemfrequenz-Messgeräte | 3050_breath rate monitors | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3050 | Baby-Plethysmographen | 3050_baby plethysmographs | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3050 | Ganzkörper-Plethysmographen | 3050_whole body plethysmographs | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3050 | Lungenfunktionsmessgeräte | 3050_lung function monitors | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3050 | Pneumotachographen | 3050_pneumotachographs | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3050 | Spirometer, Spirometrie-Messplätze | 3050_spirometers, spirometry measuring stations | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Astrupgeräte | 3060_astrup devices | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Atemgas- und Blutgas-Analysatoren | 3060_breath gas and blood gas analyzers | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Diaferometer (Grundumsatzbestimmung) | 3060_diaferometer (determination of basal metabolic rate) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Gasanalysatoren für Physiologie | 3060_gas analyzers for physiology | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Grundumsatzgeräte | 3060_basal metabolic devices | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | O2-Analysatoren (Medizin) | 3060_o2 analyzers (medical) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Oximeter (Medizin) | 3060_oximeter (medicine) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Physiologische Gasanalysatoren | 3060_physiological gas analyzers | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Respirations-Massenspektrometer | 3060_respiratory mass spectrometer | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3060 | Respirometer (außer Gaswechsel-Messeinrichtungen 4410) | 3060_respirometer (except gas exchange measuring devices 4410) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3080 | Intensivpflege- und Patientenüberwachungssysteme | 3080_ critical care and patient monitoring systems | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3080 | Patienten-Monitoring-Systeme | 3080_patient monitoring systems | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3090 | Patienten-Simulatoren | 3090_patient simulators | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3090 | Sonstige Kreislauf-Mess- und -Überwachungsgeräte | 3090_other circulatory measuring and monitoring devices | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3090 | Stoffwechsel-Messeinrichtungen (außer 3040-3060, 3560 und 3910) | 3090_metabolism measuring devices (except 3040-3060, 3560 and 3910) | 30_circulatory examination and monitoring |
3100 | Chemolumineszenz-Immunoassay-Geräte | 3100_chemiluminescent immunoassay devices | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | ELISA-Photometer-Messplätze (-Reader) | 3100_elisa photometer measuring stations (readers) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | Enzym-Immunoassay-Messgeräte (außer Photometer 5200) | 3100_enzyme immunoassay measuring devices (except photometer 5200) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | Enzym-Messplätze, -Rechner (außer Photometer 5200) | 3100_enzyme measuring stations, calculators (except photometer 5200) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | Immunochemische Bestimmung (außer Immunelektrophorese 1410) | 3100_immunochemical determination (except immunoelectrophoresis 1410) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | Microplate-Reader | 3100_microplate reader | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | Mikrotiter-Platten-Auswertegeräte | 3100_microtiter plate readers | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | Radio-Immunoassay-Messplätze (außer Gammazähler 3360) | 3100_radio-immunoassay measuring stations (except gamma counter 3360) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3100 | Waschsysteme für ELISA-Messplätze | 3100_washing systems for elisa measuring stations | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3110 | Elektrolytautomaten, -analysatoren (Klinische Chemie) | 3110_electrolyte automats, analyzers (clinical chemistry) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3110 | Glucoseanalysatoren (chromatographische Zuckeranalysatoren s. 1350) | 3110_glucose analyzers (chromatographic sugar analyzers see 1350) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3110 | Harnstoff-N-Analysatoren | 3110_urea-n analyzers | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3110 | Lactat-Analysatoren | 3110_lactate analyzers | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3110 | Serumanalysengeräte für Elektrolyt- und Substrat-Konzentration (außer 1510, 1520 und 5200-5220) | 3110_electrolyte and substrate concentration serum analyzers (except 1510, 1520 and 5200-5220) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3110 | Substrat-Analysengeräte (außer Photometer 5200) | 3110_substrate analyzers (except photometer 5200) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3120 | Mehrkanal-Analysenautomaten für Klinische Chemie | 3120_multi-channel automated analyzers for clinical chemistry | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3120 | Zentrifugalanalysatoren (Klinische Chemie) | 3120_centrifugal analyzers (clinical chemistry) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Agglutinoskope | 3130_agglutinoscopes | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Aggregationsmessgeräte, Aggregometer | 3130_aggregation meters, aggregometers | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Blutanalyse- und -differenziergeräte | 3130_blood analyzers and differentiators | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Blutbild-Differenziergeräte, -Differentialzähler | 3130_blood count differentiators, differential counters | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Blutgerinnungs-(zeit-) Messgeräte | 3130_blood coagulation (time) measuring devices | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Blutgruppen-Bestimmungsgeräte | 3130_blood typing devices | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Blutsenkungsmessgeräte | 3130_blood sedimentation meters | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Blutuntersuchungsgeräte (außer Zentrifugen 1200 und 3100-3120) | 3130_blood test equipment (except centrifuges 1200 and 3100-3120) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Blutzellenmessgeräte, Blutkörperchen-Zähler | 3130_blood cell meters, blood cell counters | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Gerinnungsmessgeräte (Blut-), Koagulometer | 3130_coagulation measuring devices (blood), coagulometers | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3130 | Thrombozyten-Zähler | 3130_platelet counter | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3140 | Blutkonservierungs- und -aufbereitungsgeräte | 3140_blood preservation and processing devices | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3140 | Cytoglomeratoren (nach Huggins), Blutwaschgeräte | 3140_cytoglomerators (according to huggins), blood washers | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3140 | Spezielle Geräte für Blutbank (außer 3130 und Tiefgefrieranlagen 8540) | 3140_blood bank dedicated equipment (except 3130 and freezer 8540) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3150 | DNA-Sequenzer | 3150_dna sequencer | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3150 | Sequenzanalysatoren (DNA- Nucleotid-) | 3150_sequence analyzers (dna nucleotide) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3150 | Next Generation Sequenzer | 3150_next generation sequencer | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3160 | Biomolekular-Interaktionssysteme | 3160_biomolecular interaction systems | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3160 | Biosensor-Systeme | 3160_biosensor systems | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3160 | Oberflächen-Plasmon-Resonanz-Systeme (OPR, SPR) | 3160_surface plasmon resonance systems (opr, spr) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3161 | Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektrometer (FCS) | 3161_fluorescence correlation spectrometer (fcs) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3170 | DNA-Array-Systeme | 3170_dna array systems | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3170 | DNA-Chip-Systeme | 3170_dna chip systems | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3180 | Peptid-, Protein-Sequenzer | 3180_peptide, protein sequencer | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3180 | Sequenzanalysatoren (Peptid-, Protein-) | 3180_sequence analyzers (peptide, protein) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3190 | Hämatologische Messgeräte (außer 3000-3060 und 3100-3180) | 3190_hematology meters (except 3000-3060 and 3100-3180) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3190 | Probenverteilung und Identifikation (Klinische Chemie) | 3190_sample distribution and identification (clinical chemistry) | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3190 | Sonstige Geräte der Klinischen Chemie und Molekularbiologie | 3190_other devices for clinical chemistry and molecular biology | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3190 | Biobank | 3190_biobank | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3190 | Bioproben-Kühlsystem | 3190_bio sample cooling system | 31_clinical chemistry, hematology and molecular biology |
3200 | Digitale Röntgenanlagen (außer Angiographie) | 3200_digital x-ray systems (except angiography) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3200 | Lungendiagnostik-Röntgengeräte | 3200_lung diagnostic x-ray equipment | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3200 | Röntgendagnostikgeräte (außer Angiographie und Tomographie) | 3200_x-ray diagnostic devices (except angiography and tomography) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3200 | Röntgendurchleuchtungs-Arbeitsplätze (Medizin) | 3200_x-ray fluoroscopy workstations (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3200 | Röntgengeneratoren (Medizin) | 3200_x-ray generators (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3200 | Unfallaufnahme-Arbeitsplätze (Röntgen) | 3200_accident recording workstations (x-ray) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3200 | Urologie-Röntgen-Arbeitsplätze | 3200_urology x-ray workstations | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3200 | Xeroradiographie-Geräte (außer Angiographie) | 3200_xeroradiography equipment (except angiography) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3210 | Angiographie-Röntgenanlagen | 3210_angiography x-ray equipment | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3210 | Digital-Subtraktions-Röntgensysteme (DSA-Anlagen) | 3210_digital subtraction x-ray systems (dsa systems) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3210 | Kardangiographie-Einrichtungen | 3210_cardiac angiography facilities | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3210 | Koronarographie-Röntgeneinrichtungen | 3210_coronary x-ray facilities | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3210 | Röntgenarbeitsplätze für Angiographie, Venographie, Lymphographie | 3210_x-ray workstations for angiography, venography, lymphography | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3210 | Röntgenkinematographische Apparate (außer 4070) | 3210_x-ray cinematographic apparatus (except 4070) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3210 | Zweiebenen-Röntgen-Einrichtungen | 3210_two-level x-ray facilities | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Belichtungsautomaten für Röntgenaufnahmen (Medizin) | 3220_exposure machines for x-rays (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Blattfilmwechsler | 3220_sheet film changer | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Hilfseinrichtungen und medizinisches Röntgenzubehör | 3220_auxiliary equipment and medical x-ray accessories | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Hochdruck-Spritzen für Röntgen-Kontrastmittel | 3220_high-pressure syringes for x-ray contrast media | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Lagerungs-, Rasteraufnahme-, Bucky-Tische für Röntgenaufnahmen | 3220_positioning, grid acquisition, bucky tables for x-ray imaging | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Stative für Röntgengeräte | 3220_stands for x-ray machines | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Tageslicht-Entwicklungsmaschinen | 3220_daylight processors | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3220 | Zielgeräte für Röntgenaufnahmen | 3220_target devices for x-ray imaging | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3230 | CAT-Scanner (Computerized Axial Tomography) (Medizin), Materialwissenschaft: 4070 | 3230_computerized axial tomography (cat) scanner (medical), materials science: 4070 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3230 | Computertomographen (Medizin), Materialwissenschaft: 4070 | 3230_computed tomographs (medicine), materials science: 4070 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3230 | Computertomographiegeräte (Röntgen-) (Medizin), Materialwissenschaft: 4070 | 3230_computed tomography equipment (x-ray) (medicine), materials science: 4070 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3230 | CT-(Computertomographie-) Geräte (Röntgen-Tomographie) (Medizin), Materialwissenschaft: 4070 | 3230_ct (computed tomography) equipment (x-ray tomography) (medicine), materials science: 4070 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3230 | Ganzkörper-Computertomographen (Röntgen-Tomographie), Materialwissenschaft: 4070 | 3230_whole-body computed tomography (x-ray tomography), materials science: 4070 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3230 | Schädelscanner (Röntgentomographie) (Medizin), Materialwissenschaft: 4070 | 3230_skull scanner (x-ray tomography) (medicine), materials science: 4070 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3231 | Kernspin-Tomographen, NMR-Spektrometer für Imaging-Anwendung: 1742 | 3231_nuclear spin tomographs, nmr spectrometers for imaging applications: 1742 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3231 | MR-Tomographen (Magnetresonanz-), NMR-Spektrometer für Imaging-Anwendung: 1742 | 3231_mr tomographs (magnetic resonance), nmr spectrometers for imaging applications: 1742 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3231 | MR-Tomographie-System, NMR-Spektrometer für Imaging-Anwendung: 1742 | 3231_mr tomography system, nmr spectrometer for imaging application: 1742 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3232 | Optische Kohärenztomografie (OCT) | 3232_optical coherence tomography (oct) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3233 | Nichtlineare Magnetpartikel Bildgebung, Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) | 3233_ nonlinear magnetic particle imaging, magnetic particle imaging (mpi) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3240 | Bestrahlungsplanungs-Systeme | 3240_ radiation planning systems | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3240 | Phantome für Radiologie | 3240_ phantoms for radiology | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3240 | Therapiesimulatoren, Dosisprogrammiergeräte | 3240_ therapy simulators, dose programmers | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3250 | Beschleuniger (Medizin) | 3250_ accelerator (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3250 | Betatrons (Medizin) | 3250_ betatrons (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3250 | Hochvolttherapie-Anlagen | 3250_ high-voltage therapy systems | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3250 | Kompaktzyklotrons (Medizin) | 3250_ compact cyclotrons (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3250 | Linearbeschleuniger (Medizin) | 3250_ linear accelerator (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3250 | Neutronengeneratoren (Medizin) | 3250_ neutron generators (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3250 | Röntgentherapiegeräte | 3250_ x-ray therapy equipment | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3260 | After-Loading-Einrichtungen (umschlossene Radioisotope) | 3260_ after-loading facilities (capped radioisotopes) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3260 | Blutbestrahlungsapparate | 3260_ blood irradiation devices | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3260 | Gamma-Bestrahlungssysteme (Medizin) | 3260_gamma irradiation systems (medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3260 | Kobalt 60 -Strahler | 3260_ cobalt 60 radiator | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3260 | Strahler und Bestrahlungsgeräte für Medizin/Biologie (außer Beschleuniger 3250) | 3260_ radiators and radiation devices for medicine/biology (except accelerator 3250) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3260 | Telekobalt-Bestrahlungsgeräte | 3260_ telecobalt irradiators | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3270 | Aufnahme- und Archivierungsgeräte für medizinische Röntgentechnik | 3270_recording and archiving devices for medical x-ray technology | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3270 | Betrachtungsgeräte für Röntgenaufnahmen | 3270_x-ray viewers | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3270 | Bildaufnahmegeräte für Radiologie | 3270_imaging devices for radiology | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3270 | Digitale Radiographie-Systeme | 3270_digital radiography systems | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3270 | Kopiereinrichtungen (kontrastausgleichend) für Röntgenfilme | 3270_copying devices (contrast-compensating) for x-ray films | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3270 | Laser-Imager für Röntgenaufnahmen (Medizin) | 3270_laser imager for x-rays (medical) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3270 | Röntgen-Karteien | 3270_x-ray files | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3280 | Abschirmeinrichtungen (Röntgen-) (für Medizin) | 3280_shielding devices (x-ray) (for medicine) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3280 | Strahlenschutzeinrichtungen für Röntgen- und Beschleunigeranlagen der Medizin (außer 0320) | 3280_radiation protection devices for x-ray and accelerator systems in medicine (except 0320) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3290 | Knochendichte-Messsysteme | 3290_bone density measurement systems | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3290 | Mineral Bone Analyzer (Knochen- und Gewebedichte) | 3290_mineral bone analyzer (bone and tissue density) | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3290 | Osteoporose-Diagnostik-Systeme | 3290_osteoporosis diagnostic systems | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3290 | Röntgen-Zubehör, siehe auch elektronische Bildverstärker 5170, Kinokameras 5420 und Videorecorder 6750 | 3290_x-ray accessories, see also electronic image intensifier 5170, cinema camera 5420 and video recorder 6750 | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3290 | Sonstige Geräte der Radiologie und Zubehör | 3290_other radiology equipment and accessories | 32_radiology, medical X-ray technology |
3300 | Blutfluss-Messplätze (Radionuklid-) | 3300_blood flow measuring stations (radionuclide) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3300 | Nieren-Clearence-Messplätze | 3300_kidney clearence counters | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3300 | Radionuklid-Messplätze (Medizin, Biologie) | 3300_radionuclide measuring stations (medicine, biology) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3300 | RCBF-Blutfluss-Messplätze (Radionuklid-) | 3300_rcbf blood flow test stations (radionuclide) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3300 | Uptake-Messplätze (Radionuklid-) | 3300_uptake measuring stations (radionuclide) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3310 | Szintigraphie-Scanner | 3310_scintigraphy scanner | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3310 | Tomographie-Scanner (Radionuklid-) | 3310_tomography scanner (radionuclide) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3320 | Gammakameras (Nuklearmedizin) | 3320_gamma cameras (nuclear medicine) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3320 | Positronenkameras | 3320_positron cameras | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3320 | SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) | 3320_spect (single photon emission computed tomography) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3320 | Szintillationskameras | 3320_scintillation cameras | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3321 | Emissions-Computertomographen (Gamma- oder Positronen-) | 3321_emission computer tomographs (gamma or positron) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3321 | Positronen-Emissions-Tomographen | 3321_positron emission tomographs | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3321 | PET CT (Positronen-Emissionstomograph mit Computertomograph) | 3321_pet ct (positron emission tomography with computer tomography) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3322 | PET-MRT-Hybridgeräte (Positronen-Emissions-Tomograph und Magnetresonanz-Tomograph) | 3322_pet-mri hybrid devices (positron emission tomograph and magnetic resonance tomograph) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3330 | Ganzkörper-Monitore und andere spezielle Monitore für Nuklearmedizin | 3330_whole body monitors and other dedicated nuclear medicine monitors | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3330 | Ganzkörper-Zähler (Nuklearmedizin) | 3330_whole body counter (nuclear medicine) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3350 | Flüssigkeits-Szintillationszähler (Probenwechsler), Beta-Messplätze für flüssige Proben | 3350_liquid scintillation counter (sample changer), beta counters for liquid samples | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3350 | Liquid-Scintillation-Counter | 3350_liquid scintillation counter | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3350 | Low-Level-Beta-Messplätze, -Probenwechsler | 3350_low-level beta measuring stations, sample changers | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3350 | Probenwechsler (Beta-) | 3350_sample changer (beta) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3360 | Filterband-Auswertegeräte (Gammazähler) für RIA | 3360_filter band evaluation devices (gamma counters) for ria | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3360 | Gammaprobenwechsler für flüssige Proben und Radio-Immuno-Assay (RIA) | 3360_gamma sample changer for liquid samples and radioimmunoassay (ria) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3360 | Radio-Immuno-Assay (RIA) -Systeme | 3360_radio-immunoassay (ria) systems | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3360 | RIA-Messplätze | 3360_ria measuring stations | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3370 | Kaltveraschungsgeräte, Kaltverbrennungsgeräte | 3370_cold ashing devices, cold combustion devices | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3370 | Nassveraschungsgeräte | 3370_wet ashing devices | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3370 | Probenaufbereitungs-, Veraschungsgeräte für Beta-, Gamma-Messplätze | 3370_sample processing and ashing devices for beta and gamma measuring stations | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3370 | Tieftemperatur-Veraschungs- (Verbrennungs-) Geräte | 3370_cryogenic incineration (combustion) devices | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3370 | Verbrennungsautomaten für Beta- und Gammamessplätze | 3370_combustion machines for beta and gamma measuring stations | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3390 | Sonstige Geräte der Nuklearmedizin und Zubehör (außer 3300-3380) | 3390_miscellaneous nuclear medicine devices and accessories (except 3300-3380) | 33_nuclear medicine, nuclear radiation measurement technology (medicine) |
3400 | Elektrostimulations-Anästhesie (ESA) -Geräte | 3400_electrostimulation anesthesia (esa) devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3400 | Elektrotherapiegeräte | 3400_electrotherapy devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3400 | Nervenreizgeräte | 3400_nerve stimulators | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3400 | Reizgeräte, Reizgeneratoren, Reizstromgeräte | 3400_stimulation devices, stimulation generators, stimulation current devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3400 | Reizisoliereinheiten (Stimulus-Isolation-Unit) | 3400_stimulus isolation units | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3400 | Stimulatoren (Reizgeräte) | 3400_stimulators | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3410 | Biosignal-Systeme | 3410_biosignal systems | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3410 | Elektromyographen, Nystagmographen | 3410_electromyographs, nystagmographs | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3410 | EMG-Analysatoren, -Systeme (Elektromyographie) | 3410_emg analyzers, systems (electromyography) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3410 | Myographen | 3410_myographs | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3420 | Analyse- und Auswertegeräte für Elektrokardiographen | 3420_analysis and evaluation devices for electrocardiographs | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3420 | EKG-Aufnahme, -Wiedergabe, Datenspeicher (außer Intensivpflege 3080) | 3420_ecg recording, playback, data storage (except intensive care 3080) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3420 | EKG-Formanalysen-, Rhythmus-Analysengeräte | 3420_ecg shape analyzer, rhythm analyzer | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3420 | Elektrokardiographen | 3420_electrocardiographs | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3420 | Impedanzkardiographen | 3420_impedance cardiographs | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3420 | Langzeit-EKG-Registrier-, Speichergeräte | 3420_long-term ecg recording and storage devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3420 | Vektor-Kardiographen | 3420_vector cardiograph | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3430 | EEG-Geräte, EEG-Analysensysteme (mit Rechner) | 3430_eeg devices, eeg analysis systems (with computer) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3430 | Elektroenzephalographen | 3430_electroencephalographs | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3440 | Elektrophysiologische Messsysteme (außer 3000-3090 und 3400-3430) | 3440_electrophysiological measurement systems (except 3000-3090 and 3400-3430) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3440 | Elektroretinographie-, -myographiesysteme | 3440_electroretinography, -myography systems | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3440 | Elektroretinographie-Einrichtungen | 3440_electroretinography facilities | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3440 | Hirndruckmessplätze | 3440_intracranial pressure measuring stations | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3440 | Neurologische Untersuchungsgeräte (außer 3400-3430) | 3440_neurological examination devices (except 3400-3430) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3440 | Polygraphiesysteme (Physiologie) | 3440_polygraphic systems (physiology) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3450 | Magnet-Enzephalographie-Systeme | 3450_magnet encephalography systems | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3460 | Kymographen, Plethysmographen, Muskelkraft-Messung | 3460_kymographs, plethysmographs, muscle strength measurement | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3460 | Plethysmographen (außer Lungenfunktionsmessung 3050) | 3460_plethysmographs (except lung function measurement 3050) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3460 | Schreib- und Griffdruck-Messgeräte, Hand-Dynamometer | 3460_writing and grip pressure gauges, hand dynamometers | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3460 | Tremormessgeräte | 3460_tremor gauges | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3480 | Akustische Sensoren und Geräte für Gehörlose | 3480_acoustic sensors and devices for the deaf | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3480 | Biotelemetriegeräte | 3480_biotelemetry devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3480 | Blindenleit- und -warngeräte | 3480_guide and warning devices for the blind | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3480 | Elektrophysiologische Steuergeräte für Prothesen und Hilfsgeräte | 3480_electrophysiological control devices for prostheses and auxiliary devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3480 | Telemetriegeräte (Medizin/Biologie), spezielle Sensoren und Steuergeräte | 3480_telemetry devices (medicine/biology), special sensors and control devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Sonstige medizinische Registriergeräte und Zubehör | 3490_other medical recorders and accessories | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Aktometer (Aktivitätsmessung) | 3490_aktometer (activity measurement) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Bewegungsanalyse-Systeme | 3490_motion analysis systems | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Blickbewegungs-Registriergeräte, Eye Marker, Eye View Monitor | 3490_eye tracking devices, eye markers, eye view monitors | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Drehstühle für Nystagmus-Untersuchung | 3490_swivel chairs for nystagmus examination | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Gnathographiesysteme (Unterkieferbewegung) | 3490_gnathography systems (mandibular movement) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Kieferbewegungs-Registriersystyeme | 3490_jaw movement registration systems | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Kraftmess-Systeme (Medizin)+E5290 | 3490_force measuring systems (medical)+e5290 | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Okulographie (Blickrichtungs-Registrier-) -Geräte | 3490_oculography (line of sight registration) devices | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Pupillometriegeräte, Pupillometer | 3490_pupillometry devices, pupillometers | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Eye Tracker | 3490_eye tracker | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3490 | Registriergeräte (medizinische) und Zubehör (außer 3410-3480) | 3490_recorders (medical) and accessories (except 3410-3480) | 34_neurology, medical electronics and recorders |
3500 | Bakterien- und Zell-Zählgeräte | 3500_bacterial and cell counters | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3500 | Bakterien-Koloniezähler | 3500_bacterial colony counter | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3500 | Cell-Sorter | 3500_cell sorter | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3500 | Cytophotometer (Impuls-) | 3500_cytophotometer (pulse) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3500 | Durchflusscytophotometer | 3500_flow cytophotometer | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3500 | Impulscytophotometer | 3500_pulse cytophotometer | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3500 | Klassiergeräte (Zellzähl- und Klassiergeräte) | 3500_classifiers (cell counters and classifiers) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3500 | Zellzähl- und Klassiergeräte (außer Blutanalyse), Koloniezähler | 3500_cell counters and classifiers (except for blood analysis), colony counters | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3510 | Biophotometer, Mehrkanal- (für biologische Wachstumsprozesse) | 3510_biophotometer, multi-channel (for biological growth processes) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3510 | Brutschränke, Lichtthermostaten, Gewebekulturgeräte | 3510_incubators, light thermostats, tissue culture devices | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3510 | Inkubatoren, Inkubationsschränke | 3510_incubators, incubation cabinets | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3510 | Rollergeräte zur Gewebekultur (außer 1080) | 3510_roller tissue culture devices (except 1080) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3520 | Bioreaktoren | 3520_bioreactors | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3520 | Blasensäulen-Fermenter | 3520_bubble column fermenter | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3520 | Fermenter, Laborfermenter | 3520_fermenter, laboratory fermenter | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3520 | Submersapparaturen | 3520_submersible apparatus | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3530 | Aufschlußapparate für Bakterien und Zellen | 3530_disruption apparatus for bacteria and cells | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3530 | Bakterien-Pressen | 3530_bacteria presses | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3530 | French-Druckzellen, -Pressen | 3530_french pressure cells, presses | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3530 | Hochdruck-Homogenisatoren, -Aufschlußgeräte | 3530_high-pressure homogenizers, digestion devices | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3530 | Lysotypiegeräte, Lidwell-Apparate (Bakterien-Untersuchung) | 3530_lysotype devices, lidwell apparatus (bacteria examination) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3530 | Zellaufschlußgeräte, Zellaufbrechbomben | 3530_cell disruption devices, cell disruption bombs | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3530 | Zellroller | 3530_cell roller | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Einbettungsautomaten, (für Gewebeuntersuchung) | 3540_embedding machines, (for tissue examination) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Gefriersprühgeräte (Kryofixation von Präparaten) | 3540_freeze sprayers (cryofixation of preparations) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Gewebeeinbettungsgeräte, Fixier- und Färbegeräte | 3540_tissue embedding devices, fixation and staining devices | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Gewebefärbegeräte (Biologie) | 3540_tissue staining equipment (biology) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Gewebetrockner und Einbettungsgeräte | 3540_tissue dryers and embedding devices | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Histomaten (Gewebeeinbettungs-Automaten) | 3540_histomats (tissue embedding machines) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Mikrofiltergeräte zur Entwässerung und Fixierung biologischer Objekte | 3540_micro-filtration devices for dehydration and fixation of biological objects | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Paraffin-Einbettungsgeräte | 3540_paraffin embedding devices | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3540 | Tissue-Prozessoren (Gewebetrocknungs-Automaten) | 3540_tissue processors (tissue drying machines) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3560 | Warburg-Apparaturen, Zellstoffwechsel-Analysengeräte | 3560_warburg apparatus, cell metabolism analyzers | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3590 | Biopsiegeräte | 3590_biopsy devices | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3590 | Elektroporationsgeräte | 3590_electroporation devices | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3590 | Patch-Clamp-Komponenten (Apparaturen mit Mikroskop siehe 5040) | 3590_patch clamp components (apparatus with microscope see 5040) | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3590 | Sonstige Geräte für Gewebe- und Zelluntersuchung | 3590_other devices for tissue and cell examination | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3590 | Zellsammelgeräte, Zell-Harvester | 3590_cell collectors, cell harvesters | 35_cytology, microbiology and histology |
3600 | Dermatologische Geräte | 3600_dermatological devices | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3600 | Hautempfindlichkeits-Prüfgeräte, Ästhesiometer, Sensitivity-Tester | 3600_skin sensitivity testers, esthesiometers, sensitivity testers | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3600 | Hautprüfgeräte (außer psychologische Prüfgeräte 3660) | 3600_skin testers (except psychological testers 3660) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3610 | Gynäkologische Geräte (außer Röntgen 3200 und 3900-3920) | 3610_gynecological devices (except x-ray 3200 and 3900-3920) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Audiometer | 3620_audio meter | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | ERA (Electrical Response Audiometry) -Systeme | 3620_era (electrical response audiometry) systems | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Gehöranalyse, Geräte zur objektiven Analyse von Gehör und Sprache (ERA) | 3620_hearing analysis, devices for objective analysis of hearing and speech (era) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Geräte für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde | 3620_devices for ear, nose and throat medicine | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Glossometer, Glossographen | 3620_glossometers, glossographs | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Hörgeräte | 3620_hearing aids | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Impedanzmessgeräte (Ohrenheilkunde) | 3620_impedance meters (ear medicine) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Laryngoskope, Larynx-Stroboskope | 3620_laryngoscopes, laryngeal stroboscopes | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Otoskope | 3620_otoscopes | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Schallimpedanz-Messer (Ohrenheilkunde) | 3620_sound impedance meter (ear medicine) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Sprach-, Stimm- und Gehör-Prüfgeräte | 3620_speech, voice and hearing testers | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3620 | Tympanographen (Gehöruntersuchung) | 3620_tympanograph (hearing test) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3630 | Spezielle Geräte der Kinderheilkunde | 3630_special devices of pediatrics | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Anomaloskope | 3640_anomaloscopes | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Fundus-Kameras, Funduskope | 3640_fundus cameras, funduscopes | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Ophthalmologische Geräte | 3640_ophthalmic devices | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Ophthalmometer, Ophthalmoskope | 3640_ophthalmometers, ophthalmoscopes | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Perimeter | 3640_perimeter | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Scheitelbrechwert-Messgeräte (Ophthalmologie) | 3640_vertex power measuring devices (ophthalmology) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Spaltlampen | 3640_slit lamps | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Spekular-Mikroskope (für Hornhaut-Untersuchung) | 3640_specular microscopes (for corneal examination) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3640 | Tonometer (Ophthalmologie) | 3640_tonometer (ophthalmology) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3650 | Orthopädische Geräte für Untersuchung und Rehabilitation | 3650_orthopedic devices for examination and rehabilitation | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3650 | Prothesen | 3650_prostheses | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Biofeedbackgeräte (außer für Hautwiderstand 3660, Temperatur 3910, EEG 3430, Puls 3020) | 3660_biofeedback devices (except for skin resistance 3660, temperature 3910, eeg 3430, pulse 3020) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Determinationsgeräte (Psychologie) | 3660_determination devices (psychology) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Hautwiderstandsmessgeräte | 3660_skin resistance gauges | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Programmsteueranlagen für psychologische Tests | 3660_program control systems for psychological tests | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Projektionstachistoskope | 3660_projection tachistoscopes | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Psychologische Test- und Untersuchungsgeräte | 3660_psychological testing and research equipment | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Tachistoskope | 3660_tachistoscopes | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3660 | Verhaltenstherapie-Geräte | 3660_behavior therapy devices | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3670 | Mictiometer, Mictiographen | 3670_mictiometer, mictiograph | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3670 | Nierenuntersuchungsgeräte (außer Röntgen 3200 und Nuklearmedizin 3310) | 3670_kidney examination devices (except x-ray 3200 and nuclear medicine 3310) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3670 | Uroflowmeter, urodynamische Messeinrichtungen | 3670_uroflowmeter, urodynamic measuring devices | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3670 | Urologische Geräte (außer Röntgen 3200) | 3670_urological devices (except x-ray 3200) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3670 | Uromanometer | 3670_uromanometer | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3680 | Bohrmaschinen für Zahnmedizin | 3680_drills for dentistry | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3680 | Zahnmedizinische Geräte | 3680_dental equipment | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3690 | Fachärztliche Spezialgeräte (außer 3600-3680) | 3690_medical specialty devices (except 3600-3680) | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3690 | Sonstige Geräte für fachärztlichen Gebrauch | 3690_other equipment for professional use | 36_special equipment for specialist medical use |
3700 | Atemgas-Befeuchter (außer 1040) | 3700_respiratory gas humidifier (except 1040) | 37_surgery |
3700 | Inhalationsgeräte (außer 1040) | 3700_nebulizers (except 1040) | 37_surgery |
3700 | Narkose- und Beatmungsgeräte | 3700_anesthetic and respiratory equipment | 37_surgery |
3700 | Respiratoren, Ventilatoren | 3700_respirators, fans | 37_surgery |
3710 | Blutpumpen, Herz-Lungen-Maschinen | 3710_blood pumps, heart-lung machines | 37_surgery |
3710 | Gegenpulsationsanlagen zur Herz- und Kreislaufstützung | 3710_counterpulsation systems for heart and circulatory support | 37_surgery |
3710 | Oxygenatoren | 3710_oxygenators | 37_surgery |
3720 | Infusionsgeräte, Katheter | 3720_infusion devices, catheters | 37_surgery |
3720 | Infusionspumpen | 3720_infusion pumps | 37_surgery |
3730 | Operationsmöbel | 3730_surgical furniture | 37_surgery |
3730 | Operationstische | 3730_operating tables | 37_surgery |
3740 | Chirurgie-Laser | 3740_surgical laser | 37_surgery |
3740 | Hochfrequenzchirurgiegeräte | 3740_high-frequency surgical devices | 37_surgery |
3740 | Koagulatoren (Elektrochirurgie, Laser-) | 3740_coagulators (electrosurgery, laser) | 37_surgery |
3740 | Laser-Koagulatoren | 3740_laser coagulators | 37_surgery |
3740 | Medizin-Laser und elektrochirurgische Geräte | 3740_medical lasers and electrosurgical devices | 37_surgery |
3740 | Netzhaut-Koagulatoren | 3740_retinal coagulators | 37_surgery |
3750 | Kryochirurgische Geräte | 3750_cryosurgical devices | 37_surgery |
3770 | Instrumentenschränke | 3770_instrument cabinets | 37_surgery |
3770 | Operationsinstrumentarien (außer 3740 und 3750) | 3770_surgical instruments (except 3740 and 3750) | 37_surgery |
3780 | Inkubatoren für Neu- und Frühgeborene | 3780_incubators for newborns and premature babies | 37_surgery |
3780 | Laminar-Flow-Systeme für OP (außer reine Werkbänke und Laminar- Flow-Boxen 4680) | 3780_laminar flow systems for operating theaters (except workbenches only and laminar flow boxes 4680) | 37_surgery |
3780 | Luftstromisolatoren | 3780_airflow isolators | 37_surgery |
3780 | Patientenisolatoren | 3780_patient isolators | 37_surgery |
3780 | Spezielle Ausstattung von Operationsräumen, keimfreie Räume | 3780_special equipment of operating rooms, sterile rooms | 37_surgery |
3790 | MKM-Systeme (Mikrokoordinatenmanipulatoren) | 3790_mkm systems (micro coordinate manipulators) | 37_surgery |
3790 | Navigationssysteme (Neurochirurgie) | 3790_navigation systems (neurosurgery) | 37_surgery |
3790 | Neuronavigationssysteme | 3790_neuronavigation systems | 37_surgery |
3790 | Organersatz und Implantate (außer Schrittmacher 3030 und Prothesen 3650) | 3790_organ replacement and implants (except pacemaker 3030 and prosthesis 3650) | 37_surgery |
3790 | Sonstige spezielle Geräte der Chirurgie | 3790_other special surgical devices | 37_surgery |
3790 | Viewing Wand Systeme | 3790_viewing wall systems | 37_surgery |
3800 | Geräte für Tieruntersuchungen | 3800_devices for animal testing | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3800 | Spezielle Untersuchungsgeräte für die Veterinärmedizin | 3800_special examination devices for veterinary medicine | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3810 | Operationsgeräte für Veterinärmedizin | 3810_surgical devices for veterinary medicine | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3850 | Lerngeräte, Testgeräte, Konditionierungskammern | 3850_learning devices, testing devices, conditioning chambers | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3850 | Skinner-Boxen | 3850_skinner boxes | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3860 | Aktivitäts-Messanlagen (Tieraktivität) | 3860_activity measuring systems (animal activity) | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3860 | Lokomotions-Kompensationsgeräte (Kramer-Kugel) für Insekten | 3860_locomotion compensation devices (kramer ball) for insects | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3860 | Motilitäts-Testgeräte | 3860_motility testing devices | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3870 | Stereotaktische Instrumente | 3870_stereotactic instruments | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3880 | Spezielle Einrichtungen für Versuchstierhaltung | 3880_special facilities for laboratory animal husbandry | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3890 | Sonstige veterinärmedizinische und zoologische Geräte | 3890_other veterinary and zoological equipment | 38_veterinary medicine, zoology and laboratory animal husbandry |
3900 | Echo-Enzephalographen, -Enzephaloskope (Ultraschall) | 3900_echo-encephalographs, -encephaloscopes (ultrasound) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3900 | Echo-Kardiographiegeräte | 3900_echocardiography devices | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3900 | Echo-Ophthalmographen (Ultraschall) | 3900_echo-ophthalmographs (ultrasound) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3900 | Grauwert-Ultraschall-Diagnostikgeräte | 3900_gray value ultrasound diagnostic devices | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3900 | Sector-Scanner, Phased-Array- (Ultraschall-Diagnostik) | 3900_sector scanner, phased array (ultrasound diagnostics) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3900 | Sonographiegeräte (Ultraschall-Diagnostik) | 3900_sonography devices (ultrasound diagnostics) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3900 | Ultraschall-Diagnostikgeräte | 3900_ultrasound diagnostic devices | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3910 | ELC-Thermosysteme (Hauttemperaturmessung mit Flüssigkristallplatten) | 3910_elc thermal systems (skin temperature measurement with liquid crystal panels) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3910 | Hauttemperaturmessgeräte | 3910_skin temperature gauges | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3910 | Medizinische Thermometer | 3910_medical thermometers | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3910 | Thermographische Diagnostikgeräte, Thermometer | 3910_thermographic diagnostic devices, thermometers | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3920 | Arthroskope | 3920_arthroscopes | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3920 | Bronchoskope | 3920_bronchoscopes | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3920 | Cystoskope | 3920_cystoscopes | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3920 | Endoskope (Medizin) | 3920_endoscopes (medicine) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3920 | Kolposkope | 3920_colposcopes | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3940 | Künstliche Nieren | 3940_artificial kidneys | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3940 | Medizinische Dialysegeräte | 3940_medical dialysis machines | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Diathermie-Apparate | 3950_diathermy apparatus | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Lichtkästen, Lichtbäder | 3950_light boxes, light baths | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Lithotrypter (Nierensteinzertrümmerung) | 3950_lithotripter (kidney stone crushing) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Mikrowellen-Therapiegeräte | 3950_microwave therapy devices | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Nierenlithotrypter | 3950_renal lithotrypter | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Nierenstein-Zertrümmerungs-Systeme | 3950_kidney stone crushing systems | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Therapeutische Wärmestrahler | 3950_therapeutic radiant heaters | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Ultraschall-, Wärme-, und Hochfrequenz-Therapiegeräte | 3950_ultrasound, heat and high-frequency therapy devices | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3950 | Ultraschall-Therapiegeräte | 3950_ultrasound therapy devices | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3960 | Bäder (medizinische), spezielle Geräte (außer 9680) | 3960_baths (medical), special devices (except 9680) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3960 | Hyperthermiegeräte (Ganzkörper-) | 3960_hyperthermia devices (whole body) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3960 | Hypothermie-, Kältetherapiegeräte | 3960_hypothermia, cold therapy devices | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3960 | Massagegeräte | 3960_massagers | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3960 | Physikalische Therapiegeräte und medizinische Bäder (außer 3250, 3400, 3950, 3970, 9680) | 3960_physical therapy equipment and medicinal baths (except 3250, 3400, 3950, 3970, 9680) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3960 | Vibratoren (Therapie) | 3960_vibrators (therapy) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3970 | Druckkammern für Medizin, Taucher, spezielle flugmedizinische Apparaturen | 3970_pressure chambers for medicine, divers, special aeromedical equipment | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3970 | Taucherdruckkammern | 3970_diver hyperbaric chambers | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3970 | Unterdruck-Kammern (Medizin, Flugmedizin) | 3970_negative pressure chambers (medicine, aviation medicine) | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3970 | Zentrifugen für flugmedizinische Untersuchungen | 3970_centrifuges for aeromedical examinations | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
3980 | Geräte zur Konservierung und Lagerung von Transplantaten | 3980_devices for preservation and storage of transplants | 39_other devices for diagnostics and therapy |
4000 | Drehanoden-Röntgengeneratoren | 4000_rotating anode x-ray generators | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4000 | Eintank-Röntgengeneratoren | 4000_single tank x-ray generators | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4000 | Radiographiegeräte (technisch) | 4000_radiographic equipment (technical) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4000 | Röntgenanlagen (außer Medizin 3200) | 4000_x-ray systems (except medicine 3200) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4000 | Röntgendurchleuchtungseinrichtungen (Werkstück- und Warenprüfung) | 4000_x-ray fluoroscopy equipment (workpiece and goods inspection) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4000 | Röntgengeneratoren (Strukturforschung, Werkstoffprüfung) | 4000_x-ray generators (structural research, materials testing) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4000 | Röntgengeräte für Werkstoffanalyse und -prüfung | 4000_x-ray equipment for material analysis and testing | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4010 | Einkristall-Diffraktometer | 4010_single crystal diffractometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4010 | Flächendetektor-Röntgen-Diffraktometer (CCD, PDS) | 4010_area detector x-ray diffractometer (ccd, pds) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4010 | Röntgendiffraktometer | 4010_x-ray diffractometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4010 | Vierkreis-Diffraktometer | 4010_four circle diffractometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4011 | Pulverdiffraktometer (mit Zählrohr-Goniometer) | 4011_powder diffractometer (with counter tube goniometer) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4011 | Textur-Spannungs-Goniometer | 4011_texture stress goniometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Bürger-Präzessions-Kammern, -Goniometer | 4020_citizen precession chambers, goniometers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Debye-Scherrer-Kameras, Zylinder-Kammern | 4020_debye-scherrer cameras, cylinder chambers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Flachkammern für Röntgenstruktur-Untersuchungen | 4020_flat chambers for x-ray structure investigations | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Guinier-Kammern, Guinier-Simon-Kammern | 4020_guinier chambers, guinier-simon chambers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Hochdruck-Röntgenkameras (mit Diamant-Press-Stücken) | 4020_high-pressure x-ray cameras (with diamond press pieces) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Hochtemperatur-Kameras (Röntgen) | 4020_high temperature cameras (x-ray) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Kleinwinkel-Kameras | 4020_small angle cameras | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Kratky-Kameras | 4020_kratky cameras | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Lang-Kameras (Röntgen-), Röntgenmikrographie-Kammern | 4020_lang cameras (x-ray), x-ray micrography chambers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Präzessionskammern | 4020_precession chambers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Reciprocal Lattice Explorer | 4020_reciprocal lattice explorer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Röntgenfeinstruktur-Kammern, -Anlagen (außer Diffraktometer 4010) | 4020_x-ray fine structure chambers, systems (except diffractometer 4010) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Röntgenkameras für Feinstruktur und Topographie | 4020_x-ray cameras for fine structure and topography | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Röntgenvakuumkameras | 4020_x-ray vacuum cameras | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Tieftemperatur-Kameras (Röntgen-) | 4020_cryogenic cameras (x-ray) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4020 | Weißenberg-Goniometer | 4020_weißenberg goniometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Mehrkanal-Röntgenspektrometer (MRS) | 4030_multichannel x-ray spectrometer (mrs) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Quantometer (Röntgen) | 4030_quantometer (x-ray) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Röntgenfluoreszenz-Spektrometer | 4030_x-ray fluorescence spectrometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Röntgenspektrometer | 4030_x-ray spectrometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Röntgenvakuumspektrographen | 4030_x-ray vacuum spectrographs | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Sequenz-Röntgenspektrometer (SRS) | 4030_sequence x-ray spectrometer (srs) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Simultan- (Mehrkanal-) Röntgenspektrometer | 4030_simultaneous (multi-channel) x-ray spectrometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4030 | Vakuumröntgenspektrometer | 4030_vacuum x-ray spectrometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4040 | Electron-Microprobe-X-Ray-Analyzer | 4040_electron microprobe x-ray analyzer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4040 | Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalysatoren | 4040_electron beam microanalyzers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4040 | Elektronenstrahl-Röntgenspektrometer | 4040_electron beam x-ray spectrometer | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4040 | Mikroanalysatoren (Elektronenstrahl-Röntgen-) | 4040_microanalyzers (electron beam x-ray) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4040 | Röntgenmikrosonden | 4040_x-ray microprobes | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4040 | X-Ray-Microanalyzer (Microprobes) | 4040_x-ray microanalyzer (microprobes) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Bragzellen | 4050_brag cells | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Euler-Wiegen | 4050_euler cradles | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Euzentrische Goniometerköpfe | 4050_eucentric goniometer heads | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Goniometer (Röntgen-Mikrosonden-) | 4050_goniometer (x-ray microprobe) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Goniometer-Köpfe (Röntgen-) | 4050_goniometer heads (x-ray) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Messelektronik und Zubehör für Röntgengeräte | 4050_measuring electronics and accessories for x-ray devices | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Röhrenhalterungen für Feinstruktur-Röntgenröhren | 4050_tube holders for fine structure x-ray tubes | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Röntgenmesselektronik und Zubehör für Strukturforschung | 4050_x-ray measurement electronics and accessories for structural research | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Röntgenmonochromatoren | 4050_x-ray monochromators | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4050 | Schrittschaltwerke (Röntgenspektrometer-) | 4050_stepping mechanisms (x-ray spectrometer) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4060 | Energie-/Wellenlängen-dispersive Röntgenanalysegeräte | 4060_energy/wavelength dispersive x-ray analyzers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4060 | Mikroanalysegeräte, -Zusätze (Energie-/Wellenlängen-dispersiv) | 4060_microanalysis devices, additives (energy/wavelength dispersive) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4060 | Röntgenanalysengeräte | 4060_x-ray analysis equipment | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4060 | Wellenlängen-/Energie-dispersive Röntgenanalysegeräte | 4060_wavelength/energy dispersive x-ray analyzers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | CT-(Computertomographie-) Geräte (Röntgen-Tomographie) für Materialwissenschaft | 4070_ct (computed tomography) equipment (x-ray tomography) for materials science | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | Mikroradiographiekammern (Kontakt-Mikroradiographie) | 4070_microradiography chambers (contact microradiography) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | Röntgenblitz-Anlagen (außer Medizin 3210) | 4070_x-ray flash systems (except medicine 3210) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | Röntgengeräte für Strukturanalyse (außer 4000-4060) | 4070_x-ray units for structural analysis (except 4000-4060) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | Röntgenmakrosonden | 4070_x-ray macroprobes | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | Röntgen-Reflexsichtgeräte | 4070_x-ray reflex viewers | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | Spezielle Röntgengeräte für Material-Analyse, Strukturforschung, Werkstoff-Bestrahlung | 4070_special x-ray devices for material analysis, structural research, material irradiation | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4070 | Textur-Goniometer (Röntgen) | 4070_texture goniometer (x-ray) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4080 | Auswertegeräte für Röntgenstrukturanalyse (außer Densitometer 5230) | 4080_evaluation devices for x-ray structure analysis (except densitometer 5230) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4080 | Diffraktionsmessgeräte (Röntgen-Auswertegeräte) | 4080_diffraction measuring devices (x-ray evaluation devices) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4080 | Messtische für Diffraktions-Diagramme | 4080_measuring tables for diffraction diagrams | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4090 | Röntgenröhren und sonstige Röntgengeräte | 4090_x-ray tubes and other x-ray equipment | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4090 | Röntgenstrahler (Röntgenröhren) | 4090_x-ray emitter (x-ray tubes) | 40_X-ray devices for material analysis and structural research |
4100 | EG-Messgeräte (Elastizität, Dämpfung) | 4100_eg meters (elasticity, damping) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4100 | Elastizitäts-, Spannungs- und Dämpfungsmessgeräte | 4100_elasticity, tension and damping measuring devices | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4100 | Mechanische Spektrometer | 4100_mechanical spectrometer | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4110 | Geräte zur Schallemissionsanalyse | 4110_devices for acoustic emission analysis | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4120 | Akustische Holographiegeräte | 4120_acoustic holographic devices | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4120 | Beton- und Zementprüfgeräte (Ultraschallgeräte) | 4120_concrete and cement testing devices (ultrasonic devices) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4120 | Impulsechomessgeräte | 4120_pulse echo meters | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4120 | Ultraschall-Holographiegeräte | 4120_ultrasonic holography devices | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4120 | Ultraschall-Materialprüfgeräte | 4120_ultrasonic material testing equipment | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4130 | Dickenmessgeräte (magnetisch, Wirbelstrom; mechanische siehe 8700) | 4130_thickness gauges (magnetic, eddy current; mechanical see 8700) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4130 | Dickenmessgeräte mittels Kernstrahlung | 4130_thickness gauges using nuclear radiation | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4130 | Flächengewichts-Messeinrichtungen | 4130_basis weight measuring devices | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4130 | Porenprüfgeräte für Lacke und Beschichtungen | 4130_pore testing devices for paints and coatings | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4130 | Schichtdickenmessgeräte (außer Ellipsometer 5360, Vakuumbedampfung 8380) | 4130_coating thickness gauges (except ellipsometer 5360, vacuum coating 8380) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4140 | Fehlerprüfgeräte (Rissprüfung), elektrische oder magnetische | 4140_flaw detectors (crack detection), electric or magnetic | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4140 | Gleichstrom-Potenzialsonden- (PSV) Geräte (Rissprüfung) | 4140_direct current potential probe (psv) devices (crack testing) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4140 | Kelvin-Sonden (Korrosionsprüfung) | 4140_kelvin probes (corrosion testing) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4140 | Rissprüfgeräte (elektrische, magnetische) | 4140_crack detectors (electric, magnetic) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4140 | Wirbelstrom-Materialprüfgeräte (Rissprüfung) | 4140_eddy current material testing devices (crack detection) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4150 | Ebenheitsprüfer | 4150_flatness tester | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4150 | Oberflächen-Prüfgeräte (Profil,Rauhtiefe) | 4150_surface test devices (profile, roughness) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4150 | Perthometer (R) (Rauhtiefe, Profil) | 4150_perthometer (r) (roughness, profile) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4150 | Rauhtiefemessgeräte | 4150_roughness gauges | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4170 | Leitungssuchgeräte (Metallsuchgeräte) | 4170_cable locators (metal detectors) | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4170 | Metallsuchgeräte | 4170_metal detectors | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4180 | Flammpunktprüfer | 4180_flash point tester | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4180 | Prüfgeräte für sicherheitstechnische Stoff- und Geräteeigenschaften | 4180_test devices for safety-related material and device properties | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4190 | Mikrostruktur-Messsysteme | 4190_microstructure measurement systems | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4190 | Oberflächen-Simulations-Syteme | 4190_surface simulation systems | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4190 | Spezielle Geräte der Mikrosystemtechnik | 4190_special devices of microsystems technology | 41_measuring devices for material properties and non-destructive testing |
4300 | Drillmaschinen, Parzellendrillmaschinen | 4300_drills, plot drills | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4300 | Düngerstreuer | 4300_fertilizer spreader | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4300 | Erntemaschinen | 4300_harvesters | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4300 | Landwirtschaftliche Bearbeitungsmaschinen | 4300_agricultural processing machines | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4300 | Landwirtschaftliche Maschinen (Feldarbeit) | 4300_agricultural machinery (field work) | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4300 | Pflück- und Erntemaschinen | 4300_picking and harvesting machines | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4300 | Unkrautbekämpfungsgeräte | 4300_weed control equipment | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4310 | Geräte zur Schädlingsbekämpfung | 4310_pest control devices | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4310 | Spritzgeräte (Schädlingsbekämpfung, außer 9920) | 4310_sprayers (pest control, except 9920) | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4320 | Geräte zur Bearbeitung von landwirtschaftlichen Feldprodukten | 4320_equipment for processing agricultural field products | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4320 | Getreide-Quetschmaschinen | 4320_grain crushers | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4320 | Getreide-Sortiermaschinen, -Trocknungsanlagen | 4320_grain sorting machines, drying plants | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4320 | Häckselmaschinen | 4320_shredders | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4320 | Rübenschneider | 4320_beet slicer | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4320 | Saatgutreinigungsanlagen | 4320_seed cleaning systems | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4320 | Strohpressen | 4320_straw balers | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4330 | Futterdämpfer, -anlagen | 4330_feed steamers, systems | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4330 | Futtermittelmaschinen (außer 1000-1090 und 1980) | 4330_forage machines (except 1000-1090 and 1980) | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4330 | Maschinen zur Bearbeitung von Futtermitteln | 4330_machines for processing fodder | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4330 | Pelletiermaschinen (für Tierfutter) | 4330_pelletizing machines (for animal feed) | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4340 | Brutmaschinen für Geflügelzucht | 4340_incubators for poultry farming | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4340 | Elektrozäune | 4340_electric fences | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4340 | Melkmaschinen | 4340_milking machines | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4340 | Selbsttränken | 4340_self-soak | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4340 | Spezielle Einrichtungen für landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung (außer 9910) | 4340_special equipment for livestock farming (except 9910) | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4350 | Eiersortiermaschinen | 4350_egg grading machines | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4350 | Sortieranlagen für Obst, Gemüse | 4350_sorting plants for fruits, vegetables | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4350 | Spezielle Geräte für Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln | 4350_special equipment for food processing | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4360 | Spezielle Geräte für Milchwirtschaft und Getränkeverarbeitung (außer 1200-1320, 1570,1580) | 4360_special dairy and beverage processing equipment (except 1200-1320, 1570,1580) | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4370 | Dendrometer, Jahrring-Messmaschinen | 4370_dendrometers, tree ring measuring machines | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4370 | Jahrring-Messmaschinen | 4370_tree ring measuring machines | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4370 | Spezielle forstwirtschaftliche Mess- und Prüfgeräte | 4370_special forestry measuring and testing equipment | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4380 | Motorsägen, Schälmaschinen und andere forstwirtschaftliche Arbeitsmaschinen | 4380_chainsaws, peeling machines and other forestry machines | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4390 | Sonstige Geräte für Landwirtschafts- und Forstwissenschaft (außer 4300-4380) | 4390_other agricultural and forestry science equipment (except 4300-4380) | 43_special devices of agriculture and forestry science |
4400 | Klimakammern für Biologie, Medizin (außer begehbare 9830 oder Materialprüfung 2980) | 4400_climatic chambers for biology, medicine (except walk-in 9830 or material testing 2980) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4400 | Pflanzenwuchskammern und -schränke, Klimaversuchsanlagen für Biologie, und Medizin | 4400_plant growth chambers and cabinets, climate test facilities for biology and medicine | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4400 | Phytotrone | 4400_phytotrons | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4410 | Gaswechselmesskammern | 4410_gas exchange measuring chambers | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4420 | Lysimeter | 4420_lysimeter | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4430 | Bodenfeuchte-, Bodendichtemessgeräte | 4430_soil moisture, soil density measuring devices | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4430 | Fließzeit (CST)-Messgeräte (kapillare Fließzeit von Schlamm) | 4430_flow time (cst) meters (capillary flow time of sludge) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4430 | Penetrographen, Feld-Penetrometer (Bodendichte und -kompressibilität) | 4430_penetrographs, field penetrometers (soil density and compressibility) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4430 | Permeameter (Wasserleitfähigkeit des Bodens) | 4430_permeameter (water conductivity of the soil) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4430 | Tensiometer (Wasserdampfspannung im Boden) | 4430_tensiometer (water vapor tension in the soil) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4430 | Wasserleitfähigkeits-Messgeräte (Leitfähigkeit des Bodens) | 4430_water conductivity meters (soil conductivity) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Angeln | 4440_fishing | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Bodengreifer (Hydrobiologie) | 4440_soil grab (hydrobiology) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Bodenuntersuchungsgeräte (Biologie) und hydrobiologische Probenahmegeräte (außer 0430 und 4430) | 4440_soil testing devices (biology) and hydrobiological sampling devices (except 0430 and 4430) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Dredgen | 4440_dredges | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Fischfanggeräte, elektrisch | 4440_fishing gear, electric | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Jagdausrüstung (außer Waffen 9980) | 4440_hunting gear (except weapon 9980) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Mehrfach-Schließnetze | 4440_multiple locking nets | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Netze (für Fischerei und Hydrobiologie) | 4440_nets (for fishing and hydrobiology) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Planktonfanggeräte, -netze | 4440_plankton fishing gear, nets | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Schlammbagger (Seeboden-Probenehmer) | 4440_mud dredger (seabed sampler) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Schöpfflaschen (Wasserprobenehmer), Schöpfer | 4440_dippers (water samplers), scoops | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4440 | Sedimentprobenehmer (außer 0430) | 4440_sediment sampler (except 0430) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4450 | Sammelgeräte, Fanggeräte (außer 4440) | 4450_collecting gear, fishing gear (except 4440) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4470 | Anthropologische Untersuchungsgeräte | 4470_anthropological research devices | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4490 | Sonstige Geräte der Biologie (außer 3000-3990, 4400-4470, 4600-4690) | 4490_other biological devices (except 3000-3990, 4400-4470, 4600-4690) | 44_special devices of biology, animals |
4600 | Gefriermikrotome | 4600_freezing microtomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Gewebeschneidegeräte (Tissue-Chopper) | 4600_tissue cutters (tissue choppers) | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Grundschlittenmikrotome | 4600_basic slide microtomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Hartschnittmikrotome | 4600_hard-cut microtomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Kryostat-Mikrotome | 4600_cryostat microtomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Kryotome | 4600_cryotomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Mikrotome, Ultramikrotome | 4600_microtomes, ultramicrotomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Rotationsmikrotome | 4600_rotary microtomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4600 | Vibratome (Mikrotomie) | 4600_vibratomes (microtomy) | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4610 | Messerbrechgeräte (Knifemaker) | 4610_knife breakers (knifemaker) | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4610 | Mikrotommesser, Mikrotom-Zubehör | 4610_microtome knife, microtome accessories | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4610 | Pyratome | 4610_pyratoms | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4610 | Trimmgeräte und andere Zubehörgeräte für Ultramikrotome | 4610_trimmers and other accessories for ultramicrotomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4630 | Diamantsägen, -sägemaschinen | 4630_diamond saws, sawing machines | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4630 | Innenlochsägen | 4630_id saws | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4630 | Kristall-Sägemaschinen | 4630_crystal sawing machines | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4630 | Ritzgeräte (Diamant-Ritzgeräte) für Halbleiterscheiben | 4630_scribers (diamond scribers) for semiconductor wafers | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4630 | Sägemikrotome | 4630_saw microtomes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4640 | Schleif- und Poliermaschinen (für Labors) | 4640_grinding and polishing machines (for laboratories) | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4660 | Chip-Positionier- und -Montiergeräte | 4660_chip positioning and mounting devices | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4660 | Kapillarausziehgeräte | 4660_capillary pullers | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4660 | Mikrodissektions-Systeme | 4660_microdissection systems | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4660 | Mikromanipulatoren, Elektrodenziehgeräte, Mikroschmieden | 4660_micromanipulators, electrode pullers, micro forges | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4670 | Anaerobe Kammern | 4670_anaerobic chambers | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4670 | Glove-Boxen | 4670_glove boxes | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4670 | Handschuhkästen, Schutzgasanlagen | 4670_glove boxes, inert gas systems | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4670 | Inertgas-Anlagen (Handschuhkästen) | 4670_inert gas systems (glove boxes) | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4680 | Fallstrom-, Umluft- Arbeitsplätze | 4680_downdraft, circulating air workstations | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4680 | Horizontalstrombänke, Querstrombänke | 4680_horizontal flow banks, cross-flow banks | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4680 | Laminarstrom-Boxen, -Werkbänke | 4680_laminar flow boxes, workbenches | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4680 | Mikrobiologische Sicherheitskabinen | 4680_microbiological safety cabins | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4680 | Reine Werkbänke, Laminar-Flow-Bänke | 4680_pure workbenches, laminar flow benches | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4680 | Umluft-Arbeitplätze | 4680_circulating air workplaces | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4690 | Edelmetall-Laborgeräte (außer 1000-1990) | 4690_precious metal laboratory equipment (except 1000-1990) | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4690 | Gießformen für Proben (Spektroskopie, Röntgen) | 4690_casting molds for samples (spectroscopy, x-ray) | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
4690 | Sonstige Geräte für Probenbearbeitung, Laborgeräte aus Edelmetall | 4690_other equipment for sample processing, laboratory equipment made of precious metal | 46_special devices for sample processing (microtomes) |
5000 | Auflichtmikroskope | 5000_reflected light microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Durchlichtmikroskope | 5000_transmitted light microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Fluoreszenzmikroskope | 5000_fluorescence microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Heiztischmikroskope | 5000_hot stage microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Kursmikroskope | 5000_course microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Labormikroskope | 5000_laboratory microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Phasenkontrastmikroskope | 5000_phase contrast microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Polarisationsmikroskope | 5000_polarization microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5000 | Präparationsmikroskope | 5000_preparation microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5010 | Kameramikroskope | 5010_camera microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5010 | Makroskope | 5010_macroscopes | 50_microscopes |
5010 | Photomikroskope | 5010_photomicroscopes | 50_microscopes |
5020 | Binokularmikroskope, -lupen (stereoskopische) | 5020_binocular microscopes, magnifying glasses (stereoscopic) | 50_microscopes |
5020 | Prismenlupen | 5020_prism magnifiers | 50_microscopes |
5020 | Stereolupen | 5020_stereo magnifiers | 50_microscopes |
5020 | Stereomikroskope | 5020_stereo microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5020 | Stereoskopische Mikroskope und Lupen | 5020_stereoscopic microscopes and magnifying glasses | 50_microscopes |
5030 | Profilprojektoren | 5030_profile projectors | 50_microscopes |
5030 | Projektionsmikroskope | 5030_projection microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5030 | Werkstatt- und Messmikroskope | 5030_workshop and measuring microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5030 | Werkzeugmessmikroskope | 5030_tool measuring microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Auflicht-Interferenzmikroskope | 5040_incident light interference microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Fernsehmikroskope | 5040_television microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Interferenzmikroskope | 5040_interference microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Intravitalmikroskope | 5040_intravital microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Inversmikroskope | 5040_inverted microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Kernspurmikroskope | 5040_nuclear track microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Metallmikroskope | 5040_metal microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Multipel-Interferenzmikroskope | 5040_multiple interference microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Patch-Clamp-Apparaturen (-Komponenten siehe 3590) | 5040_patch clamp appliances (components see 3590) | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Planktonmikroskope | 5040_plankton microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Spezielle Mikroskope (außer 5000-5030) | 5040_special microscopes (except 5000-5030) | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Ultraviolett-Mikroskope | 5040_ultraviolet microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Umgekehrte Mikroskope, Umkehrmikroskope | 5040_inverted microscopes, inverted microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Vergleichsmikroskope, -makroskope | 5040_comparison microscopes, macroscopes | 50_microscopes |
5040 | Vielstrahl-Interferenzmikroskope | 5040_multi-beam interference microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5041 | Operationsmikroskope | 5041_surgical microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5042 | Mikroskope für Hochdurchsatz und Screening | 5042_microscopes for high throughput and screening | 50_microscopes |
5050 | Fluoro-Mikrophotometer | 5050_fluoromicrophotometer | 50_microscopes |
5050 | Mikroskop-Interferometer | 5050_microscope interferometer | 50_microscopes |
5050 | Mikroskopphotometer | 5050_microscope photometer | 50_microscopes |
5050 | Mikroskop-Spektralphotometer | 5050_microscope spectrophotometer | 50_microscopes |
5050 | Mikrospektralphotometer | 5050_microspectrophotometer | 50_microscopes |
5050 | Scanning-Mikroskop-Photometer | 5050_scanning microscope photometer | 50_microscopes |
5060 | Auflicht-Illuminatoren | 5060_reflected light illuminators | 50_microscopes |
5060 | Lampenhäuser (für Mikroskope) | 5060_lamp houses (for microscopes) | 50_microscopes |
5060 | Mikroblitzgeräte | 5060_micro flash units | 50_microscopes |
5060 | Mikroskopbeleuchtung | 5060_microscope illumination | 50_microscopes |
5060 | Mikroskopierlampen | 5060_microscope lamps | 50_microscopes |
5060 | Netzanschlussgeräte für Mikroskopbeleuchtung | 5060_mains connection devices for microscope illumination | 50_microscopes |
5060 | Opak-Illuminatoren | 5060_opaque illuminators | 50_microscopes |
5070 | Drehtische für Mikroskope, Universal-Drehtische (außer 5900) | 5070_turntables for microscopes, universal turntables (except 5900) | 50_microscopes |
5070 | Heiz- und Kühltische für Mikroskope | 5070_heating and cooling stages for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5070 | Integrationstische | 5070_integration tables | 50_microscopes |
5070 | Koordinatentische für Mikroskope | 5070_coordinate tables for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5070 | Mechanisches Mikroskop-Zubehör und Hilfsgeräte | 5070_mechanical microscope accessories and auxiliary devices | 50_microscopes |
5070 | Phototuben (Photo-Ansätze für) | 5070_phototubes (photo approaches for) | 50_microscopes |
5070 | Scanning-Tische für Mikroskope | 5070_scanning tables for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Bildeinspiegelungsapparaturen für Mikroskope | 5080_image reflection apparatus for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Fluoreszenzeinrichtungen für Mikroskope | 5080_fluorescence devices for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Fokussiereinrichtungen | 5080_focusing devices | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Hilfsobjektive für Mikroskope | 5080_auxiliary lenses for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Interferenzkontrast-Einrichtungen für Mikroskope | 5080_interference contrast devices for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Kompensatoren für Mikroskope | 5080_compensators for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Kondensoren für Mikroskope | 5080_condensers for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Laser-Scan-Zusätze | 5080_laser scan accessories | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Objektive für Mikroskope | 5080_lenses for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Okulare für Mikroskope | 5080_eyepieces for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Optisches Mikroskopzubehör | 5080_optical microscope accessories | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Phasenkontrasteinrichtungen für Mikroskope | 5080_phase contrast devices for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Polarisations-Zubehör für Mikroskope | 5080_polarization accessories for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Projektionseinrichtungen für Mikroskope | 5080_projection devices for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Sperrfilter (Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie) | 5080_blocking filter (fluorescence microscopy) | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Strichplatten für Mikroskope | 5080_reticules for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Ultraschallinsen | 5080_ultrasonic lenses | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Verlauf-Filter für Mikroskope | 5080_graduated filters for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5080 | Zeichenplatten, -spiegel für Mikroskope | 5080_drawing plates, mirrors for microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5090 | Laser-Scanning-Mikroskope | 5090_laser scanning microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5091 | Raster-Tunnel-, Rasterkraft-Mikroskope | 5091_ scanning tunneling, atomic force microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5092 | Akustische Mikroskope | 5092_acoustic microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5092 | Ultraschall-Mikroskope | 5092_ultrasonic microscopes | 50_microscopes |
5100 | Elektronenmikroskope (Transmission) | 5100_electron microscopes (transmission) | 51_electron optical devices |
5100 | Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskope (TEM) | 5100_transmission electron microscopes (tem) | 51_electron optical devices |
5110 | Hochspannungs-Elektronenmikroskope | 5110_high voltage electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5111 | Hochspannungs-Elektronenmikroskop | 5111_high voltage electron microscope | 51_electron optical devices |
5120 | Auflicht-Rasterelektronenmikroskope | 5120_reflected light scanning electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5120 | Rasterelektronenmikroskope (Auflicht), mit Feldemissionskathode | 5120_scanning electron microscopes (reflected light), with field emission cathode | 51_electron optical devices |
5120 | Rasterelektronenmikroskope (REM) | 5120_scanning electron microscopes (sem) | 51_electron optical devices |
5130 | Durchstrahlungs-Rasterelektronenmikroskope | 5130_transmission scanning electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5130 | Feldelektronenmikroskope | 5130_field electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5130 | Feldemissions-Mikroskope | 5130_field emission microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5130 | Feldionenmikroskope | 5130_field ion microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5130 | Photoemissionsmikroskope | 5130_photoemission microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5130 | Sonstige spezielle Elektronenmikroskope | 5130_other special electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5130 | Transmissions-Rasterelektronenmikroskope | 5130_transmission scanning electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5140 | Belichtungsautomatik für Elektronenmikroskope | 5140_exposure control for electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5140 | Bildstrom-Messplätze für Elektronenmikroskope | 5140_image current measuring stations for electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5140 | Elektronenoptische Hilfsgeräte, sonstige | 5140_electron-optical auxiliary devices, others | 51_electron optical devices |
5140 | Hilfsgeräte und Zubehör für Elektronenmikroskope | 5140_auxiliaries and accessories for electron microscopes | 51_electron optical devices |
5140 | Rastergeneratoren, Elektronenstrahl-Ablenkgeneratoren (Elektronenoptik) | 5140_raster generators, electron beam deflection generators (electron optics) | 51_electron optical devices |
5150 | Elektronenspektrometer, Elektronenanalysatoren | 5150_electron spectrometers, electron analyzers | 51_electron optical devices |
5160 | Elektronenbeugungs-Apparaturen, LEED-, RHEED-, SHEED-Apparaturen | 5160_electron diffraction apparatus, leed, rheed, sheed apparatus | 51_electron optical devices |
5160 | Elektronendiffraktometer (Hochenergie) | 5160_electron diffractometer (high energy) | 51_electron optical devices |
5160 | LEED-Apparaturen (Low Energy Electron Diffraction) | 5160_leed devices (low energy electron diffraction) | 51_electron optical devices |
5160 | LEED-Auger-Apparaturen | 5160_leed auger appliances | 51_electron optical devices |
5160 | RHEED-Apparaturen (Reflected High Energy Electron Diffraction) | 5160_rheed devices (reflected high energy electron diffraction) | 51_electron optical devices |
5160 | SHEED-Apparaturen (Scanning High Energy Electron Diffraction) | 5160_sheed devices (scanning high energy electron diffraction) | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Bildwandler-Kameras | 5170_image converter cameras | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Elektronenoptische Bildwandlergeräte und Bildverstärker (außer Fernsehanlagen 6730) | 5170_electron-optical image converters and image intensifiers (except television sets 6730) | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Image-Converter, -Dissektoren (elektronenoptisch) | 5170_image converters, dissectors (electron-optical) | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Infrarot-Bildwandler, -Sichtgeräte | 5170_infrared imagers, viewers | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Nachtsichtgeräte | 5170_night vision devices | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Photoelektronenverstärker für elektronographische Aufzeichnung | 5170_photoelectron amplifier for electronographic recording | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Restlichtkameras | 5170_low light cameras | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Restlichtverstärker | 5170_residual light amplifier | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | Röntgen-Bildverstärker (elektronenoptisch, außer 3220) | 5170_x-ray image intensifier (electron optical, except 3220) | 51_electron optical devices |
5170 | UV-Bildwandler | 5170_uv imager | 51_electron optical devices |
5180 | Argon- (Ionen-) Kanonen, -Quellen, (Materialbearbeitung) | 5180_argon (ion) guns, sources, (material processing) | 51_electron optical devices |
5180 | Elektronen- und Ionenstrahl-Quellen | 5180_ electron and ion beam sources | 51_electron optical devices |
5180 | Elektroneninjektionsanlagen, Elektronenstrahlgeräte | 5180_electron injection systems, electron beam devices | 51_electron optical devices |
5180 | Elektronenstrahl-Kanonen (außer 8380 für Aufdampfanlagen) | 5180_electron beam guns (except 8380 for vapor deposition systems) | 51_electron optical devices |
5180 | Ionen-Ätzanlagen (Oberflächenbearbeitung und Bohren, außer Präparieranlagen 8330) | 5180_ion etching systems (surface treatment and drilling, except preparation systems 8330) | 51_electron optical devices |
5190 | Baugruppen, Steuergeräte und Zubehör für elektronenoptische Geräte, außer 5140) | 5190_assemblies, control devices and accessories for electron-optical devices, except 5140) | 51_electron optical devices |
5190 | Sonstige elektronenoptische Geräte (außer 4040 und 5100-5180) | 5190_other electron optical equipment (except 4040 and 5100-5180) | 51_electron optical devices |
5200 | Becherglasphotometer | 5200_beaker photometer | 52_photometer |
5200 | Durchflussphotometer (Filter-) | 5200_flow photometer (filter) | 52_photometer |
5200 | Filterphotometer | 5200_filter photometer | 52_photometer |
5200 | Kolorimeter | 5200_colorimeter | 52_photometer |
5200 | Photometer, Absorptionsphotometer (außer Spektralphotometer 1800-1860) | 5200_photometer, absorption photometer (except spectrophotometer 1800-1860) | 52_photometer |
5200 | Titrierkolorimeter | 5200_titration colorimeter | 52_photometer |
5200 | UV-Photometer (Filter-) | 5200_uv photometer (filter) | 52_photometer |
5200 | Zweistrahl-Photometer (Filter-) | 5200_two-beam photometer (filter) | 52_photometer |
5210 | ATP-Photometer (Adenosin-Triphosphat-Photometer) | 5210_atp photometer (adenosine triphosphate photometer) | 52_photometer |
5210 | Biolumineszenz-Messgeräte, -Photometer (ATP-Photometer, Luziferasetest) | 5210_bioluminescence measuring devices, photometers (atp photometer, luciferase test) | 52_photometer |
5210 | Calcium-Magnesium-Analysenautomaten (Flammenphotometer) für Serum, Blutplasma | 5210_automatic calcium-magnesium analyzers (flame photometers) for serum and blood plasma | 52_photometer |
5210 | Flammenphotometer, Emissionsphotometer | 5210_flame photometer, emission photometer | 52_photometer |
5210 | Helium-Glow-Photometer | 5210_helium glow photometer | 52_photometer |
5220 | Fluoreszenz-Photometer, Filterfluorometer | 5220_fluorescence photometer, filter fluorometer | 52_photometer |
5220 | Fluoro-Nephelometer | 5220_fluoro-nephelometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Autodensitometer | 5230_autodensitometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Autoradiographie-Systeme (densitometrische) | 5230_autoradiography systems (densitometric) | 52_photometer |
5230 | Densitometer, Mikrophotometer | 5230_densitometer, microphotometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Dünnschichtscanner (optische) | 5230_thin layer scanner (optical) | 52_photometer |
5230 | Elektrophorese-Auswertegeräte (Densitometer, Photometer) | 5230_electrophoresis evaluation devices (densitometer, photometer) | 52_photometer |
5230 | Flächenabtastphotometer (Area Scanner) | 5230_area scanning photometer (area scanner) | 52_photometer |
5230 | Flying-Spot-Mikrophotometer | 5230_flying spot microphotometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Gel-Scanner (Photometer) | 5230_gel scanner (photometer) | 52_photometer |
5230 | Integrationsphotometer | 5230_integration photometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Integrierende Mikrodensitometer | 5230_integrating microdensitometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Komparator-Densitometer | 5230_comparator densitometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Laser-Densitometer | 5230_laser densitometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Mikrodensitometer | 5230_microdensitometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Pherogramm-Photometer | 5230_pherogram photometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Phosphor-Imager-Systeme | 5230_phosphor imager systems | 52_photometer |
5230 | Spektro-Densitometer | 5230_spectro-densitometer | 52_photometer |
5230 | Fluoreszenz-Imagingsysteme | 5230_fluorescence imaging systems | 52_photometer |
5240 | Photon-Counting-Systeme | 5240_photon counting systems | 52_photometer |
5240 | Photonenzähler, Quantenphotometer | 5240_photon counter, quantum photometer | 52_photometer |
5250 | Beleuchtungsmesser | 5250_light meter | 52_photometer |
5250 | Candelameter, Lichtstärkemesser | 5250_candelameter, light meter | 52_photometer |
5250 | Helligkeits- und Beleuchtungsmessgeräte, Belichtungsmesser | 5250_brightness and illumination meters, exposure meters | 52_photometer |
5250 | Leuchtdichte-Messgeräte | 5250_luminance meters | 52_photometer |
5250 | Leuchtdichte-Photometer | 5250_luminance photometer | 52_photometer |
5250 | Lichtdosiergeräte | 5250_light metering devices | 52_photometer |
5250 | Lichtstärkemesser | 5250_light meter | 52_photometer |
5250 | Lichtstrommesser | 5250_luminous flux meter | 52_photometer |
5250 | Lumenmeter | 5250_lumen meter | 52_photometer |
5250 | Luxmeter | 5250_lux meter | 52_photometer |
5250 | Radiometer (Photometer, allgemein, außer 0540, 5860 und 8620) | 5250_radiometer (photometer, general, except 0540, 5860 and 8620) | 52_photometer |
5250 | Raumbeleuchtungsstärke-Messgeräte | 5250_room illuminance meters | 52_photometer |
5250 | Spot-Photometer (Leuchtdichte-Messung) | 5250_spot photometer (luminance measurement) | 52_photometer |
5270 | Absaugpumpen für Küvetten | 5270_aspirators for cuvettes | 52_photometer |
5270 | Durchfluss-Küvetten | 5270_flow cells | 52_photometer |
5270 | Farbanalysatoren (optisch) | 5270_color analyzers (optical) | 52_photometer |
5270 | Farbauszugsgeräte | 5270_color separation devices | 52_photometer |
5270 | Farbenmessautomaten | 5270_color measuring machines | 52_photometer |
5270 | Farbmessgeräte, Weißgradmesser | 5270_colorimeters, whiteness meters | 52_photometer |
5270 | Farbtemperatur-Messgeräte | 5270_color temperature measuring devices | 52_photometer |
5270 | Hochdruck-Küvetten, -Zellen für Spektrometer | 5270_high pressure cuvettes, cells for spectrometers | 52_photometer |
5270 | Küvettenautomaten, -wechsler | 5270_automatic cuvette changers | 52_photometer |
5270 | Küvettenhalter | 5270_cuvette holder | 52_photometer |
5270 | Leukometer | 5270_leukometer | 52_photometer |
5270 | Mikroküvetten | 5270_microcuvettes | 52_photometer |
5270 | Probenautomaten, -geber, Küvettenautomaten | 5270_sample machines, dispensers, cuvette machines | 52_photometer |
5270 | Temperierbare Küvetten | 5270_temperable cuvettes | 52_photometer |
5270 | Tieftemperatur-Küvetten | 5270_cryogenic cuvettes | 52_photometer |
5280 | Küvetten und Zubehör für Photometer und Spektralphotometer | 5280_cells and accessories for photometers and spectrophotometers | 52_photometer |
5290 | Laser-Photometer (Integratoren für Lichtimpulse) | 5290_laser photometers (integrators for light pulses) | 52_photometer |
5290 | Photometrische Messeinrichtungen (Strahlungsdiagramm) | 5290_photometric measuring devices (radiation diagram) | 52_photometer |
5290 | Sonstige Photometer (außer 1800-1890 und 5200-5270) | 5290_other photometers (except 1800-1890 and 5200-5270) | 52_photometer |
5300 | Fabry-Perot-Interferometer | 5300_fabry-perot interferometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5300 | Fabry-Perot-Platten, -Etalons | 5300_fabry-perot plates, etalons | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5300 | Gasinterferometer | 5300_gas interferometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5300 | Interferometer, Vielstrahl-Interferometer, Etalons | 5300_interferometers, multi-beam interferometers, etalons | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Holographische Interferometer (Mach-Zehnder-Typ), -Kameras | 5310_holographic interferometers (mach-zehnder type), cameras | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Holographische Material-Testgeräte (Interferometer) | 5310_holographic material test equipment (interferometer) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Interferenzapparaturen, Zweistrahl-Interferometer | 5310_interference apparatus, two-beam interferometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Jamin-Platten, -Interferometer | 5310_jamin plates, interferometers | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer | 5310_mach-zehnder interferometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Michelson-Interferometer (außer Fourier-IR-Interferometer 1830) | 5310_michelson interferometer (except fourier ir interferometer 1830) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Piezokeramik für Interferometer einschließlich Steuergeräte | 5310_piezo ceramics for interferometers including control devices | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5310 | Streifenanalysatoren (Zählung von Interferenzstreifen) | 5310_fringe analyzers (counting of interference fringes) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5320 | Kompensations-Polarimeter | 5320_compensation polarimeter | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5320 | Kreispolarimeter | 5320_circular polarimeter | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5320 | Polarimeter (für feste Frequenzen) und Polarisationsgeräte | 5320_polarimeters (for fixed frequencies) and polarization devices | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5320 | Polarisations-Fluorometer | 5320_polarization fluorometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5320 | Polarisationsgrad-Messgeräte, -Richtungszeiger | 5320_polarization degree measuring devices, direction indicators | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5320 | Zuckerpolarimeter | 5320_sugar polarimeter | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5330 | Circular-Dichroismusgeräte, CD-Spektrometer | 5330_circular dichroism devices, cd spectrometers | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5330 | MCD-Geräte (Magnetischer Circular-Dichroismus) | 5330_mcd devices (magnetic circular dichroism) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5330 | ORD-Geräte (Optische Rotations-Dispersion) | 5330_ord devices (optical rotational dispersion) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5330 | Rotationsdispersionsspektrometer (ORD) | 5330_rotational dispersion spectrometer (ord) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5330 | Spektralpolarimeter (CD, ORD), Dichrographen | 5330_spectropolarimeters (cd, ord), dichrographs | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5350 | Abbe-Refraktometer | 5350_abbe refractometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5350 | Differential-Refraktometer | 5350_differential refractometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5350 | Durchfluss-Refraktometer | 5350_flow refractometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5350 | Eintauchrefraktometer | 5350_immersion refractometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5350 | Mikrorefraktometer | 5350_microrefractometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5350 | Refraktometer | 5350_refractometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Aerosol-Photometer (Streulichtphotometer) | 5360_aerosol photometer (scattered light photometer) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Albedo-Messgeräte | 5360_albedo meters | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Charlson-Nephelometer | 5360_charlson nephelometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Ellipsometer, Photoelektrische | 5360_ellipsometer, photoelectric | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Glanzmesser (Gloss-Meter) | 5360_gloss meter (gloss meter) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Goniophotometer | 5360_goniophotometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Laser-Nephelometer | 5360_laser nephelometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Laser-Streuphotometer (Molekulargewichtsbestimmung) | 5360_laser scattering photometer (molecular weight determination) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Lichtstreuungs-Messgeräte | 5360_light scattering gauges | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Messgeräte für gestreutes und reflektiertes Licht, optische Oberflächenprüfung | 5360_measuring devices for scattered and reflected light, optical surface inspection | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Opazimeter | 5360_opacimeter | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Photogoniodiffusometer | 5360_photogoniodiffusometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Photonkorrelationsspektrometer | 5360_photon correlation spectrometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Reflektometer, optische | 5360_reflectometer, optical | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Reflexionsmessgeräte, optischer Bereich | 5360_reflectance meters, optical range | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Staub- und Rauch-Photometer (Streulichtphotometer) | 5360_dust and smoke photometer (scattered light photometer) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Streulichtphotometer | 5360_scattered light photometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Transmissometer (Lichtdurchlässigkeit) | 5360_transmissometer (transmission of light) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Trübungsmesser, Trübungs-Photometer | 5360_turbidimeter, turbidity photometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5360 | Turbidostaten (Trübungsmessung) | 5360_turbidostats (turbidity measurement) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5370 | Optische Spannungsprüfgeräte, Polariskope | 5370_optical voltage detectors, polariscopes | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5370 | Polarisations- (Shearing-) Interferometer | 5370_polarization (shearing) interferometer | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5370 | Polariskope (Spannungsoptik) | 5370_polariscopes (tension optics) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5370 | Schattenoptische Geräte | 5370_shadow optical devices | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5370 | Spannungsoptische Geräte, Schlierenapparaturen | 5370_voltage-optical devices, schlieren apparatus | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5390 | Diffraktometer, optische | 5390_diffractometer, optical | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5390 | Frequenz-Messer, optische | 5390_frequency meter, optical | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5390 | Interferometer, sonstige und Zubehör (außer 5300) | 5390_interferometers, others and accessories (except 5300) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5390 | Polarimeter, sonstige und Zubehör (außer 5320) | 5390_polarimeters, others and accessories (except 5320) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5390 | Refraktometer, sonstige und Zubehör (außer 5350) | 5390_refractometers, others and accessories (except 5350) | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5390 | Sonstige Messgeräte für Lichtbrechung, -reflexion | 5390_other measuring devices for light refraction, reflection | 53_interferometer, polarimeter, refractometer |
5400 | Kleinbildkameras | 5400_35mm cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5400 | Photoapparate (Kleinbildkameras bis 24 x 36 mm) | 5400_cameras (35 mm cameras up to 24 x 36 mm) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5400 | Spiegelreflexkameras (bis 24 x 36 mm) | 5400_slr cameras (up to 24 x 36 mm) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5410 | Großbildkameras | 5410_large format cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5410 | Großformatkameras | 5410_large format cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5410 | Photoapparate (Format größer als 24 x 36 mm) | 5410_cameras (format larger than 24 x 36 mm) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5410 | Plattenkameras | 5410_plate cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5410 | Polaroid-Kameras (R) | 5410_polaroid cameras (r) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5410 | Rolleiflex-Kameras 6x6 (R) | 5410_rolleiflex cameras 6x6 (r) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5410 | Sofortbildkameras | 5410_instant cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5420 | Filmkameras (bis 100 Bilder/Sek) | 5420_film cameras (up to 100 frames/sec) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5420 | Normalfilm-Kameras | 5420_normal film cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5420 | Schmalfilmkameras | 5420_cine cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | CCD-Kameras | 5430_ccd cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Drehprismenkameras | 5430_rotating prism cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Drehspiegelkameras | 5430_rotating mirror cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Funkenblitzkameras | 5430_spark flash cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Funkenzeitlupen | 5430_spark slow motion | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Hochfrequenzkameras | 5430_high frequency cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Hochgeschwindigkeits-Kameras (ab 100 Bilder/Sek) | 5430_high-speed cameras (from 100 frames/sec) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Trommelkameras | 5430_drum cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5430 | Zeitdehnerkameras (ab 100 Bilder/Sek) | 5430_time-expansion cameras (from 100 frames/sec) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5440 | Belichtungsgeräte für Photoresistfolien, Leiterplatten | 5440_exposure devices for photoresist foils, printed circuit boards | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5440 | Dickschicht-Laborsysteme | 5440_thick film laboratory systems | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5439 | Photorepeater | 5439_photo repeater | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5440 | Reproduktionskameras | 5440_reproduction cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Messkammern, terrestrische | 5450_measuring chambers, terrestrial | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Messkammersysteme, ballistisch (Satellitengeodäsie) | 5450_measuring chamber systems, ballistic (satellite geodesy) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Multispektralkameras | 5450_multispectral cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Oszillographen-Kameras | 5450_oscilloscope cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Photographische Spezialkameras (Luftbild-, Registrier-, Stereo-, außer 0640-0660, 5400-5440 und 5460) | 5450_photographic specialty cameras (aerial, recording, stereo, except 0640-0660, 5400-5440 and 5460) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Reihen-Messkammern (Luftbild) | 5450_series measuring chambers (aerial view) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Satellitenkameras | 5450_satellite cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Schirmbildkameras (für Oszilloskope) | 5450_screen cameras (for oscilloscopes) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Sofortbildgeräte für thermoplastischen Film | 5450_thermoplastic film instant imaging devices | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5450 | Unterwasser-Kameras | 5450_underwater cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5460 | Aufsetzkameras | 5460_attachment cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5460 | Mikroaufsetzkameras | 5460_micro cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5460 | Mikrokinematographische Einrichtungen | 5460_micro cinematographic facilities | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5460 | Mikrophotographische Einrichtungen | 5460_microphotographic devices | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5460 | Mikroskopkameras | 5460_microscope cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Anamorphote | 5470_anamorphic | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Balgeneinstellgeräte | 5470_bellows adjusters | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Bereitschaftstaschen (Kameras) | 5470_ever-ready cases (cameras) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Entfernungsmesser (Photozubehör) | 5470_range finder (photo accessories) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Filter (Photographie) | 5470_filter (photography) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Fischaugenlinsen, -objektive | 5470_fisheye lenses, lenses | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Geräuschschutzhauben (Blimp) für Kameras | 5470_noise protection hoods (blimp) for cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Kompendien (Photo-) | 5470_compendia (photo) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Naheinstellgeräte | 5470_close-up devices | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Neigeköpfe, -Stative | 5470_tilting heads, tripods | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Photozubehör (Objektive, Stative, Filter) | 5470_photo accessories (lenses, tripods, filters) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Polarisations-Filter (Photozubehör) | 5470_polarization filter (photo accessories) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Reproduktionsgeräte, -Zusätze für Kameras | 5470_reproduction devices, accessories for cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Schnelleinstellgeräte (Photozubehör) | 5470_quick setting devices (photo accessories) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Spiegelkästen (Photo-Zubehör) | 5470_mirror boxes (photo accessories) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Stative für Kameras | 5470_tripods for cameras | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Sucher (Photo-Zubehör) | 5470_viewfinder (photo accessories) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Taschen für Photogeräte | 5470_bags for photographic equipment | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Teleobjektive | 5470_telephoto lenses | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Verschlüsse (Photo-Zubehör) | 5470_closures (photo accessories) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Vorsatzlinsen | 5470_conversion lenses | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Weichzeichner | 5470_soft focus | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5470 | Weitwinkelobjektive | 5470_wide angle lenses | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Belichtungsautomaten (Photolabor) | 5480_exposure machines (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Belichtungsuhren (Photolabor) | 5480_exposure clocks (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Beschneidemaschinen (Photolabor) | 5480_clipping machines (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Dunkelkammer-Einrichtungen | 5480_darkroom facilities | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Entwicklungsgeräte, Schalen, Tröge (Photolabor) | 5480_processors, bowls, troughs (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Entwicklungsmaschinen (Photo- und Röntgenlabor) | 5480_development machines (photo and x-ray laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Farbmischköpfe (Vergrößerungsgeräte) | 5480_color mixing heads (enlargers) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Filmentwicklungsmaschinen | 5480_film processors | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Filmklebegeräte | 5480_film splicers | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Filmschneidetische | 5480_film editing tables | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Filmspulen | 5480_film spools | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Filmumroller | 5480_film rewinder | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Klebepressen (Photolabor) | 5480_glue presses (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Kopierautomaten, Kopiergeräte (Photolabor) | 5480_photocopiers, photocopiers (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Photographische Laborgeräte und Maschinen | 5480_photographic laboratory equipment and machines | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Prozessoren, Entwicklungsmaschinen (Photolabor) | 5480_processors, developing machines (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Schneidemaschinen für Photolabore | 5480_cutting machines for photo laboratories | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Trockenmaschinen, Trockenpressen (Photolabor) | 5480_drying machines, drying presses (photo laboratory) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Umkopiermaschinen, Optische | 5480_copying machines, optical | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Vergrößerungsgeräte, -automaten, Printer | 5480_enlargers, automatic machines, printers | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Vergrößerungs-Kassetten | 5480_enlargement cassettes | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5480 | Vergrößerungs-Rahmen | 5480_magnifying frame | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5490 | Sonstige Photo- und Kinoapparate (außer 5400-5460) | 5490_other photo and cinema apparatus (except 5400-5460) | 54_photo and cinema apparatus |
5500 | Bildbandprojektoren | 5500_photo projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Diaprojektoren und Episkope | 5500_slide projectors and episcopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Endlosprojektoren | 5500_endless projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Epidiaskope | 5500_epidiascopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Karussellprojektoren | 5500_carousel projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Lichtbildprojektoren | 5500_slide projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Overhead-Projektoren | 5500_overhead projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Schreibprojektoren | 5500_writing projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5500 | Tageslicht-Projektoren | 5500_daylight projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Auswerteprojektoren | 5510_evaluation projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Filmbetrachtungs-, Schneidegeräte | 5510_film viewing, cutting devices | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Filmprojektoren und Projektionsmaschinen | 5510_film projectors and projection machines | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Kinoprojektoren | 5510_cinema projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Lichttonprojektoren | 5510_optical sound projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Magnettonprojektoren | 5510_magnetic sound projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Schmalfilmprojektoren | 5510_narrow film projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Stillstandprojektoren | 5510_standstill projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5510 | Tonfilmprojektoren | 5510_sound film projectors | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5520 | Fiche-Duplizierer | 5520_fiche duplicator | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5520 | Lesegeräte für Mikrofilm | 5520_microfilm readers | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5520 | Lichtblicklesegeräte (Mikrofilm) | 5520_light spot readers (microfilm) | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5520 | Mikrofilmgeräte, -automaten | 5520_microfilm devices and machines | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5520 | Mikrofilm-Kameras, -Lese- und -Rückvergrößerungsgeräte | 5520_microfilm cameras, readers and re-magnifiers | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5520 | Sprocket-Kameras (35 mm, 16 mm) | 5520_sprocket cameras (35mm, 16mm) | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5530 | Holographie-Einrichtungen (außer Interferometer 5310) | 5530_holography facilities (except interferometer 5310) | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5530 | Impulsholographiegeräte | 5530_pulse holography devices | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5540 | Physiologisch-optische Geräte (außer ophthalmologische Geräte 3640 und 5500-5530) | 5540_physiological-optical devices (except ophthalmological devices 3640 and 5500-5530) | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Ablesefernrohre, Kollimatoren, Periskope | 5560_reading telescopes, collimators, periscopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Autokollimationsfernrohre | 5560_autocollimation scopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Bohrloch-Periskope, -Sonden | 5560_borehole periscopes, probes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Endoskope (technisch) | 5560_endoscopes (technical) | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Fadenkreuzfernrohre | 5560_reticle scopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Fiberscope, technische Endoskope | 5560_fiberscope, technical endoscopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Fluchtfernrohre | 5560_alignment scopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Kollimationsfernrohre | 5560_collimating scopes | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5560 | Zielfernrohre, Visiereinrichtungen | 5560_telescopic sights, sighting devices | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Brennweitemessgeräte | 5570_focal length gauges | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Feldstecher | 5570_binoculars | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Fernrohre, Ferngläser (außer 0700 und 5560) | 5570_telescopes, binoculars (except 0700 and 5560) | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Linsen-Justiergeräte | 5570_lens adjusters | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Mess- und Prüfeinrichtungen für optische Geräte | 5570_measuring and testing devices for optical devices | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Objektiv-Prüfgeräte | 5570_lens testing devices | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Prismengläser | 5570_prism lenses | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Scherenfernrohre | 5570_binoculars | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Sphärometer | 5570_spherometer | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5570 | Übertragungsfunktion (optische), Messeinrichtungen | 5570_transfer function (optical), measuring devices | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5580 | Terrestrische Fernrohre, Ferngläser | 5580_terrestrial telescopes, binoculars | 55_projectors, telescopes, optics testing devices |
5600 | Hohlkathodenlampen | 5600_hollow cathode lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5600 | Natriumlampen | 5600_sodium lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5600 | Spektrallampen | 5600_spectral lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5600 | Spektrallichtquellen | 5600_spectral light sources | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5610 | Bandlampen | 5610_tape lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5610 | Glühlampen und Infrarotstrahler für spezielle Anwendung | 5610_incandescent lamps and infrared heaters for special applications | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5610 | Nernst-Stifte | 5610_nernst pens | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5610 | Projektionslampen | 5610_projection lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5610 | Quarzjodlampen | 5610_quartz iodine lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5610 | Schwarze Strahler (Messnormale) | 5610_black body radiators (measurement standards) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5610 | Wolframbandlampen | 5610_tungsten strip lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Analysenlampen, Analysen-Quarzlampen | 5620_analysis lamps, analysis quartz lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Bogenlampen | 5620_arc lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Deuteriumlampen | 5620_deuterium lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Entkeimungsstrahler | 5620_germicidal lamp | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Gasentladungslampen für spezielle Anwendung, UV-Strahler | 5620_gas discharge lamps for special applications, uv lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Photoreaktionslampen | 5620_photoreaction lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Quarzlampen (Bogenlampen) | 5620_quartz lamps (arc lamps) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Quecksilber-Hochdrucklampen | 5620_high-pressure mercury lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Tauchlampen (UV-Lampen) | 5620_submersible lamps (uv lamps) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Ultraviolett-Lampen | 5620_ultraviolet lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Ultraviolett-Strahler, -Bestrahlungssysteme | 5620_ultraviolet emitters, irradiation systems | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Wasserstofflampen | 5620_hydrogen lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5620 | Xenon-Hochdrucklampen | 5620_xenon high-pressure lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Blitzlampen | 5640_flash lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Blitzlichtgeräte (Photographie) | 5640_flash units (photography) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Elektronenblitzgeräte (Photographie, Verkehr) | 5640_electronic flash devices (photography, traffic) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Funkenblitzgeräte | 5640_spark flash devices | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Funkenkammer-Blitzlampen | 5640_spark chamber flash lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Impulslampen, Blitzgeräte, Stroboskope | 5640_pulse lamps, flash units, stroboscopes | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Ringblitzleuchten | 5640_ring flash lights | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Stroboskope (außer Hochgeschwindigkeitskameras 5430) | 5640_strobe lights (except 5430 high-speed cameras) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Verkehrswarnleuchten (Blitz- und Blinklampen) | 5640_traffic warning lights (flashing and flashing lights) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5640 | Warnblinkleuchten | 5640_hazard lights | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Doppelmonochromatoren | 5650_dual monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Ebert-Monochromatoren | 5650_ebert monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Einfachmonochromatoren | 5650_single monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Geradsicht- (Spiegel-) Monochromatoren | 5650_direct view (mirror) monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Gittermonochromatoren | 5650_grating monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Littrow-Monochromatoren | 5650_littrow monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Monochromatoren (außer Röntgen- 4050) | 5650_monochromators (except x-ray 4050) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Polychromatoren | 5650_polychromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Prismenmonochromatoren | 5650_prism monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | UV-Monochromatoren | 5650_uv monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5650 | Vakuum-UV-Monochromatoren | 5650_vacuum uv monochromators | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Atelierleuchten | 5660_studio lights | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Bühnenleuchten | 5660_stage lights | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Grubenlampen | 5660_miner's lamps | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Handscheinwerfer | 5660_hand lamp | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Infrarot-Scheinwerfer | 5660_infrared spotlight | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Operationsleuchten | 5660_surgical lights | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Photoleuchten | 5660_photo lights | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Scheinwerfer und spezielle Leuchten | 5660_headlights and special lights | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5660 | Wolkenscheinwerfer | 5660_cloud spotlight | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5680 | Beleuchtungsregler, Lichtregler, Dimmer | 5680_lighting controller, light controller, dimmer | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5680 | Lampengehäuse | 5680_lamp housing | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5680 | Lampenhäuser, Zündgeräte und Zubehör zu Lichtquellen | 5680_lamp housings, ignitors and accessories for light sources | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5680 | Reflektoren (Optik, Beleuchtung) | 5680_reflectors (optics, lighting) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5680 | Steuergeräte für Lichtquellen | 5680_control devices for light sources | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5680 | Vorschaltgeräte (für Lichtquellen) | 5680_ballasts (for light sources) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5690 | Faserlichtquellen | 5690_fiber light sources | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5690 | Sonstige Lichtquellen (außer 5600-5680, 5700-5790, 9070, 9170) | 5690_other light sources (except 5600-5680, 5700-5790, 9070, 9170) | 56_light sources (except lasers) |
5700 | Festkörper-Laser | 5700_solid state laser | 57_laser |
5700 | Festkörper-Ringlaser | 5700_solid state ring laser | 57_laser |
5700 | Glaslaser | 5700_glass laser | 57_laser |
5700 | Impulslaser (Festkörperlaser) | 5700_pulsed laser (solid-state laser) | 57_laser |
5700 | Neodym-Glas-Laser | 5700_neodymium glass laser | 57_laser |
5700 | Neodym-YAG-Laser | 5700_neodymium yag laser | 57_laser |
5700 | Riesenimpuls-Laser (Festkörperlaser) | 5700_giant pulse laser (solid state laser) | 57_laser |
5700 | Rubinlaser | 5700_ruby laser | 57_laser |
5700 | Titan-Saphir-Laser | 5700_titanium sapphire laser | 57_laser |
5700 | YAG-Laser | 5700_yag laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Argon-Ionen-Laser | 5710_argon ion laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Cadmium-Laser | 5710_cadmium laser | 57_laser |
5710 | CO2-Laser | 5710_co2 laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Dauerstrich-Gaslaser | 5710_cw gas laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Excimer-Laser | 5710_excimer laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Gas-Laser | 5710_gas laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Helium-Neon-Laser | 5710_helium-neon laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Ionen-Laser | 5710_ion laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Kohlendioxid-Laser | 5710_carbon dioxide laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Krypton-Laser | 5710_krypton laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Multigaslaser | 5710_multi gas laser | 57_laser |
5710 | Selen-Laser, Helium- | 5710_selenium laser, helium | 57_laser |
5710 | Stickstoff-Laser, Helium- | 5710_nitrogen laser, helium | 57_laser |
5710 | Tea-Laser (Transversely Excited Atmospheric Laser) | 5710_tea laser (transversely excited atmospheric laser) | 57_laser |
5720 | Dye-Laser, Dye-Zellen (Farbstoff-Laser) | 5720_dye laser, dye cells (dye laser) | 57_laser |
5720 | Farbstoff-Laser | 5720_dye laser | 57_laser |
5720 | Farbstoff-Ringlaser | 5720_dye ring laser | 57_laser |
5720 | Laser-Verbundsysteme (Farbstofflaser mit Pumplaser, Argon-, Stickstoff-) | 5720_laser compound systems (dye laser with pump laser, argon, nitrogen) | 57_laser |
5720 | Ringlaser | 5720_ring laser | 57_laser |
5730 | Chemische Laser | 5730_chemical lasers | 57_laser |
5730 | Halbleiter-Laser | 5730_semiconductor laser | 57_laser |
5730 | Lichtverstärker (Laser) | 5730_light amplifier (laser) | 57_laser |
5730 | Mode-Lock-Zusätze, Moden-Stabilisatoren für Laser | 5730_mode lock additives, mode stabilizers for lasers | 57_laser |
5730 | Spezielle Laser und -Stabilisierungsgeräte (Frequenz, Mode) | 5730_special laser and stabilization devices (frequency, mode) | 57_laser |
5740 | Bearbeitungslaser | 5740_processing laser | 57_laser |
5740 | Laser in der Fertigung | 5740_lasers in production | 57_laser |
5740 | Laser-Bohrmaschinen | 5740_laser drills | 57_laser |
5740 | Lasermaschinen | 5740_laser machines | 57_laser |
5740 | Laser-Schweißgeräte | 5740_laser welders | 57_laser |
5740 | Laser-Trimmgeräte und Scriber | 5740_laser trimmers and scribers | 57_laser |
5740 | Selektives Laserschmelzen (SLM) | 5740_selective laser melting (slm) | 57_laser |
5750 | Spezielle Laser-Mess-Systeme (z.B. Laser-Doppler-Vibrometer) | 5750_special laser measuring systems (e.g. laser doppler vibrometer) | 57_laser |
5760 | Laser-Optik (Strahlaufweitung, Modenfilter) | 5760_laser optics (beam expansion, mode filter) | 57_laser |
5760 | Raumfilter (Laser-Optik) | 5760_spatial filter (laser optics) | 57_laser |
5770 | Akustooptische Deflektoren, Modulatoren | 5770_acousto-optical deflectors, modulators | 57_laser |
5770 | Cavity-Dumper (akustooptische Schalter) | 5770_cavity dumper (acousto-optic switches) | 57_laser |
5770 | Elektrooptische Bauelemente (Modulatoren, Schalter) | 5770_electro-optical components (modulators, switches) | 57_laser |
5770 | Etalons (Laser) | 5770_etalons (lasers) | 57_laser |
5770 | Güteschalter | 5770_quality switch | 57_laser |
5770 | Kerr-Zellen | 5770_kerr cells | 57_laser |
5770 | Laser Timer | 5770_laser timer | 57_laser |
5770 | Laser-Modulatoren | 5770_laser modulators | 57_laser |
5770 | Lichtmodulatoren, Elektrooptik, Magnetooptik | 5770_light modulators, electro-optics, magneto-optics | 57_laser |
5770 | Pockels-Zellen | 5770_pockels cells | 57_laser |
5770 | Pulsschneidezellen für Laser | 5770_pulse cutting cells for lasers | 57_laser |
5770 | Puls-Selektoren | 5770_pulse selectors | 57_laser |
5770 | Q-Switches | 5770_switches | 57_laser |
5770 | Steuergeräte für Lichtmodulatoren | 5770_control devices for light modulators | 57_laser |
5780 | Frequenz-Verdoppler, Frequenzvervielfacher (Optik) | 5780_frequency doubler, frequency multiplier (optics) | 57_laser |
5780 | Laser-Frequenz-Verdoppler | 5780_laser frequency doubler | 57_laser |
5780 | Nichtlineare Optik (Frequenzvervielfacher) | 5780_nonlinear optics (frequency multiplier) | 57_laser |
5790 | Laser-Kristalle | 5790_laser crystals | 57_laser |
5790 | Laser-Netzgeräte | 5790_laser power supplies | 57_laser |
5790 | Plasma-Rohre für Laser | 5790_plasma tubes for lasers | 57_laser |
5790 | Sonstige Laser und Zubehör (außer 5700-5780) | 5790_other lasers and accessories (except 5700-5780) | 57_laser |
5800 | CdS-Photowiderstände | 5800_cds photoresistors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Detektoren für sichtbares Licht (VIS) | 5800_visible light (vis) detectors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Detektoren für UV | 5800_detectors for uv | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Dioden (Photo-)-Array, -Raster, Photodioden-Zeilen | 5800_diode (photo) array, grid, photodiode rows | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Photodetektoren, -zellen, -widerstände für UV/VIS | 5800_photodetectors, cells, resistors for uv/vis | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Photodioden, -transistoren | 5800_photodiodes, -transistors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Photodioden-Arrays | 5800_photodiode arrays | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Photowiderstände, Photoleit-Detektoren (für UV/VIS) | 5800_photoresistors, photoconductive detectors (for uv/vis) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Photozellen (vacuum- und gasgefüllte) | 5800_photocells (vacuum and gas filled) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5800 | Vakuumphotozellen | 5800_vacuum photocells | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5810 | Photoelektrische Wandler, Photoelemente, Solarzellen, Photovoltaik | 5810_photoelectric converters, photo elements, solar cells, photovoltaics | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5810 | Photovoltaik-Systeme | 5810_photovoltaic systems | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5810 | Selen-Zellen | 5810_selenium cells | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5810 | Silizium-Zellen | 5810_silicon cells | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5810 | Solarzellen | 5810_solar cells | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Channeltrons | 5820_channeltrons | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Elektronenvervielfacher | 5820_electron multiplier | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Kanalelektronenvervielfacher | 5820_channel electron multiplier | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Kanalplattenbildverstärker, -elektronenvervielfacher | 5820_channel plate image intensifier, electron multiplier | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Multiplier, Electron- | 5820_multiplier, electron | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Photoelektronen-Vervielfacher | 5820_photoelectron multiplier | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Photomultiplier | 5820_photomultiplier | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5820 | Sekundär-Elektronen-Vervielfacher | 5820_secondary electron multiplier | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5830 | Thermoelektrische Wandler, Thermosäulen | 5830_thermoelectric converters, thermopiles | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5830 | Thermoelemente | 5830_thermocouples | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Bolometer | 5840_bolometers | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Golay-Detektoren | 5840_golay detectors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Halbleiter-Detektoren (IR) | 5840_semiconductor detectors (ir) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Infrarot-Photowiderstände | 5840_infrared photoresistors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Pyroelektrische Detektoren (außer Joulemeter 5860) | 5840_pyroelectric detectors (except joulemeter 5860) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Spezielle Infrarot-Detektoren | 5840_special infrared detectors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | TGS-Detektoren (Triglyzinsulfat) | 5840_tgs (triglycine sulfate) detectors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Thermistor-Bolometer | 5840_thermistor bolometer | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5840 | Triglyzinsulfat-Detektoren | 5840_triglycine sulfate detectors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5860 | Energie-, Leistungsanalysatoren für räumliche Analyse von Laserstrahlen (Linear Array) | 5860_energy, power analyzers for spatial analysis of laser beams (linear array) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5860 | Energiemessgeräte für Laser (Energy Meters) | 5860_laser energy meters | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5860 | Joulemeter (Laser-Energiemessgeräte) | 5860_joulemeter (laser energy meters) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5860 | Laser-Leistungsmessgeräte | 5860_laser power meters | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5860 | Photon Drag Detektoren | 5860_photon drag detectors | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5860 | Pyroelektrische Joulemeter | 5860_pyroelectric joulemeter | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5860 | Radiometer für Laser | 5860_laser radiometers | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5890 | Opto-elektronische Koppler, Opto-Koppler | 5890_opto-electronic couplers, opto-couplers | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5890 | Photoempfänger (außer 5800-5860) | 5890_photoreceiver (except 5800-5860) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5890 | Sonstige Photodetektoren (außer 5800-5860) | 5890_other photodetectors (except 5800-5860) | 58_photodetectors, opto-electronic components |
5900 | Koordinatentische (für optische Komponenten) | 5900_coordinate tables (for optical components) | 59_optical components |
5900 | Optische Bänke einschl. mechanischer Bauelemente | 5900_optical benches including mechanical components | 59_optical components |
5900 | Optische Tische | 5900_optical tables | 59_optical components |
5900 | Platten, Grundplatten, Granitplatten für optische Messsysteme | 5900_plates, base plates, granite plates for optical measuring systems | 59_optical components |
5900 | Positionierungen für optische Komponenten | 5900_positioning for optical components | 59_optical components |
5900 | Rotationstische, Positioniertische (für optische Komponenten) | 5900_rotary tables, positioning tables (for optical components) | 59_optical components |
5900 | Schrittmotorantriebe für optische Komponenten | 5900_stepper motor drives for optical components | 59_optical components |
5900 | Schwingungsisolierte Tische (für optische Messungen) | 5900_vibration isolated tables (for optical measurements) | 59_optical components |
5910 | Prismen | 5910_prisms | 59_optical components |
5920 | Dichroitische Spiegel | 5920_dichroic mirrors | 59_optical components |
5920 | Dielektrische Spiegel | 5920_dielectric mirrors | 59_optical components |
5920 | Drehspiegel, Spiegelsysteme | 5920_rotating mirrors, mirror systems | 59_optical components |
5920 | Hohlspiegel | 5920_concave mirror | 59_optical components |
5920 | Schwarzglasspiegel | 5920_black glass mirror | 59_optical components |
5920 | Spiegel, Spiegel-Optik | 5920_mirror, mirror optics | 59_optical components |
5920 | Tripelspiegel, Spiegelecken | 5920_triple mirror, mirror corners | 59_optical components |
5930 | Analysatoren (Polarisationsoptik) | 5930_analyzers (polarization optics) | 59_optical components |
5930 | Brewster-Platten | 5930_brewster plates | 59_optical components |
5930 | Dachkantprismen | 5930_roof prisms | 59_optical components |
5930 | Glan-Thompson-Prismen | 5930_glan-thompson prisms | 59_optical components |
5930 | Harmonische Strahlenteiler | 5930_harmonic beam splitters | 59_optical components |
5930 | Planparallele Platten | 5930_plane-parallel plates | 59_optical components |
5930 | Polarisatoren | 5930_polarizers | 59_optical components |
5930 | Prismen, Strahlenteiler und Polarisationsoptik | 5930_prisms, beam splitters and polarization optics | 59_optical components |
5930 | Teilerwürfel, -platten (Optik) | 5930_divider cubes, plates (optics) | 59_optical components |
5930 | Verzögerungsplatten (Optik) | 5930_retarder plates (optics) | 59_optical components |
5940 | Beugungsgitter | 5940_diffraction grating | 59_optical components |
5940 | Echelette-Gitter | 5940_echelette grid | 59_optical components |
5940 | Konkavgitter | 5940_concave grille | 59_optical components |
5940 | Optische Gitter | 5940_optical lattice | 59_optical components |
5940 | Plangitter | 5940_plan grid | 59_optical components |
5940 | UV-Gitter | 5940_uv grid | 59_optical components |
5950 | Blenden, Spalte | 5950_aperture, column | 59_optical components |
5950 | Lichtchopper | 5950_light chopper | 59_optical components |
5950 | Lichtunterbrecher | 5950_light interrupter | 59_optical components |
5950 | Lichtverschlüsse | 5950_light shutters | 59_optical components |
5950 | Rotierende Blenden | 5950_rotating bezels | 59_optical components |
5950 | Verschlüsse (Optische) | 5950_shutters (optical) | 59_optical components |
5960 | Filter (optische) | 5960_filters (optical) | 59_optical components |
5960 | Grau-Filter | 5960_gray filter | 59_optical components |
5960 | Interferenzfilter | 5960_interference filter | 59_optical components |
5960 | Lichtfilter | 5960_light filter | 59_optical components |
5960 | Lyot-Filter | 5960_lyot filter | 59_optical components |
5960 | Polarisations-Interferenz-Filter | 5960_polarization interference filter | 59_optical components |
5960 | Schmalbandfilter optische | 5960_narrow band filter optical | 59_optical components |
5970 | Asphärische Linsen, Kondensoren | 5970_aspherical lenses, condensers | 59_optical components |
5970 | Linsen, Kondensoren | 5970_lenses, condensers | 59_optical components |
5970 | Lupen, Handlupen | 5970_magnifying glasses, handheld magnifying glasses | 59_optical components |
5970 | Objektive (außer für Kameras und Mikroskope) | 5970_lenses (except for cameras and microscopes) | 59_optical components |
5980 | Faseroptische Bauelemente | 5980_fiber optic components | 59_optical components |
5980 | Glasfaser-Optik, Fiberoptik, Bauelemente | 5980_glass fiber optics, fiber optics, components | 59_optical components |
5980 | Lichtleiter | 5980_light guide | 59_optical components |
5990 | Sonstige optische Bauelemente | 5990_other optical components | 59_optical components |
6000 | Batterien | 6000_batteries | 60_current and voltage sources |
6000 | Elemente und Akkumulatoren | 6000_elements and accumulators | 60_current and voltage sources |
6000 | Kadmium-Normalelemente | 6000_cadmium normal elements | 60_current and voltage sources |
6000 | Normalelemente | 6000_normal items | 60_current and voltage sources |
6000 | Notstrombatterien | 6000_backup batteries | 60_current and voltage sources |
6010 | Batterie-Ladegeräte, Batterie-Überwachungsgeräte | 6010_battery chargers, battery monitors | 60_current and voltage sources |
6010 | Batterie-Prüfgeräte, -Kontrollgeräte | 6010_battery test devices, control devices | 60_current and voltage sources |
6010 | Notstrom-Einrichtungen (Lade- und Schaltgeräte) | 6010_emergency power facilities (charging and switching devices) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Gegenspannungsgeber, automatische Gegenspannung | 6020_counter-tension generator, automatic counter-tension | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Gleichspannungs-Netzgeräte (außer 0160, 6060 und 6070) | 6020_dc power supplies (except 0160, 6060 and 6070) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Gleichspannungs-Normale, Eichspannungsgeber (außer 6000) | 6020_dc voltage standards, calibration voltage transmitter (except 6000) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Gleichspannungs-Quellen (außer Potenziostaten 1470) | 6020_dc voltage sources (except 1470 potentiostats) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Gleichstromwandler (statische Umrichter für Labor- und Fernmeldegeräte | 6020_dc converters (static converters for laboratory and telecommunications equipment | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Kalibriergeräte für Dehnungs-Messstreifen-Ketten | 6020_calibration devices for strain gauge chains | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Konstantspannungsgeräte, Spannungsgeber | 6020_constant voltage devices, voltage transmitters | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Konstantstromgeräte, Stromgeber | 6020_constant current devices, current transmitters | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Netzanschlussgeräte (allgemein) | 6020_mains connection devices (general) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Netzteile, Schalt-Netzteile | 6020_power supplies, switching power supplies | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Niederspannungs-Netzgeräte, -Versorgung | 6020_low-voltage power supplies, supply | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | ph-Simulatoren (Eichspannungsgeber) | 6020_ph simulators (calibration voltage transmitters) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Power-Pack, -Supply (Stromversorgung) | 6020_power pack, supply (power supply) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6020 | Speisegeräte (elektrische) | 6020_power supplies (electric) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6030 | Drehstromstabilisatoren | 6030_three-phase stabilizers | 60_current and voltage sources |
6030 | Netzstabilisatoren | 6030_grid stabilizers | 60_current and voltage sources |
6030 | Wechselspannungsstabilisatoren, Spannungskonstanthalter | 6030_ac voltage stabilizers, voltage stabilizers | 60_current and voltage sources |
6030 | Wechselstrom-, Wechselspannungsgeber und -standards | 6030_ac, ac voltage sources and standards | 60_current and voltage sources |
6040 | Frequenz-Stabilisatoren | 6040_frequency stabilizers | 60_current and voltage sources |
6040 | Frequenz-Umformer (statisch) und Hochfrequenzgeneratoren | 6040_frequency converters (static) and high-frequency generators | 60_current and voltage sources |
6040 | Frequenz-Wandler (statisch), -Umrichter mit fester Frequenz (außer 2630) | 6040_frequency converter (static), fixed frequency converter (except 2630) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6040 | Mikrowellen-Generatoren (Leistungsgeneratoren, außer Medizin-Wärme 3950 und Funktechnik 6620, 6670) | 6040_microwave generators (power generators, except medicine heat 3950 and radio technology 6620, 6670) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6040 | Mittelfrequenz-Generatoren (statisch) für Erwärmung | 6040_medium frequency generators (static) for heating | 60_current and voltage sources |
6040 | Wechselrichter (Batterieanschluss von Messgeräten) | 6040_inverter (battery connection of measuring devices) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6050 | Aggregate für Stromerzeugung | 6050_aggregates for power generation | 60_current and voltage sources |
6050 | Notstromaggregate (transportabel, außer 2610 und 9850) | 6050_emergency generators (portable, except 2610 and 9850) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6050 | Schweißaggregate (transportable Stromerzeuger) | 6050_welding units (portable power generators) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6050 | Stromerzeuger, transportabel | 6050_power generator, transportable | 60_current and voltage sources |
6050 | Transportable Stromerzeuger (mit Antriebsmotor) | 6050_portable generators (with drive motor) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6060 | Bandgeneratoren, van-de-Graaff-Generatoren (außer 0210) | 6060_band generators, van de graaff generators (except 0210) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6060 | Hochspannungsnetzgeräte, -einbaunetzteile | 6060_high-voltage power supplies, built-in power supplies | 60_current and voltage sources |
6060 | Hochspannungsspeisegeräte (über 1 kV, außer 2680) | 6060_high voltage power supplies (above 1 kv, except 2680) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6060 | Klystron-Netzteile | 6060_klystron power supplies | 60_current and voltage sources |
6060 | Mikrowellen-Netzgeräte | 6060_microwave power supplies | 60_current and voltage sources |
6060 | Photomultiplier-Netzgeräte, -Spannungsversorgung | 6060_photomultiplier power supplies, power supply | 60_current and voltage sources |
6060 | SEV-Betriebsgeräte | 6060_sev control gear | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | Chopper | 6070_choppers | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | DC/DC-Wandler | 6070_dc/dc converter | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | Ladegeräte für Hochspannungskondensatoren | 6070_chargers for high voltage capacitors | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | Programmierbare Stromversorgungsgeräte, Leistungs-Operationsverstärker | 6070_programmable power supplies, power operational amplifiers | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | Spezielle Stromversorgungsgeräte, Versorgungmodule | 6070_special power supply devices, supply modules | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | Stromversorgungsmodule | 6070_power supply modules | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | Unterbrecher | 6070_interrupter | 60_current and voltage sources |
6070 | Zerhacker | 6070_chopper | 60_current and voltage sources |
6090 | Brennstoffzellen | 6090_fuel cells | 60_current and voltage sources |
6090 | Sonstige Strom- und Spannungsquellen (außer 6000-6080) | 6090_other current and voltage sources (except 6000-6080) | 60_current and voltage sources |
6100 | Analogschaltungen | 6100_analog circuits | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Breitbandverstärker | 6100_broadband amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Differenzverstärker | 6100_differential amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Impedanzwandler (außer für Mikrowellen 6860) | 6100_impedance converter (except for microwave 6860) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Ladungsverstärker | 6100_charge amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Leistungsverstärker (außer Studio- und Sendertechnik) | 6100_power amplifiers (except studio and transmitter technology) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Operationsverstärker | 6100_operational amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Reaktanzwandler | 6100_reactance converter | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Sample & Hold-Verstärker, Halteverstärker | 6100_sample & hold amplifier, hold amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Treiber (-Verstärker) | 6100_driver (amplifier) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Verstärker und Bausteine der analogen Messtechnik (außer 6700-6790) | 6100_amplifiers and components for analog measurement technology (except 6700-6790) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6100 | Vorverstärker | 6100_preamp | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6110 | Anzeigeverstärker, abstimmbar | 6110_display amplifier, tunable | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6110 | Boxcar-Integratoren, -Averager | 6110_boxcar integrators, averagers | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6110 | Selektive Verstärker, Lock-in-Verstärker | 6110_selective amplifiers, lock-in amplifiers | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6110 | Trägerfrequenz-Verstärker (außer 8720, 8740, 8970) | 6110_carrier frequency amplifier (except 8720, 8740, 8970) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6120 | Magnetverstärker | 6120_magnetic amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6120 | Maser | 6120_grain | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6120 | Sonstige Analog-Verstärker (z.B. parametrische Verstärker, Wander feldröhren-Verstärker) | 6120_other analog amplifiers (e.g. parametric amplifiers, traveling wave tube amplifiers) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6120 | TWT-Verstärker (Travelling Wave Tube) | 6120_twt (travelling wave tube) amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6140 | Digitale Verstärkersysteme | 6140_digital amplifier systems | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6140 | Impulsformer, -regenerierverstärker | 6140_pulse shaper, regeneration amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6140 | Impulsverstärker | 6140_pulse booster | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6140 | Linearverstärker, Linear-Amplifier | 6140_linear amplifier, linear amplifier | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6140 | Verstärker und -Module der Digitalelektronik, Impulsformer | 6140_digital electronics amplifiers and modules, pulse shapers | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Digitalzähler | 6150_digital counter | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Elektronische Zähler | 6150_electronic counters | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Intervallmesser | 6150_intervalometer | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Preset Scaler, Vorwahl-Zähler | 6150_preset scaler, preset counter | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Scaler, Scaler-Timer | 6150_scaler, scaler timer | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Universal-Zähler | 6150_universal counter | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Untersetzer (digitale Zählschaltungen) | 6150_coasters (digital counting circuits) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Vorwahlzähler | 6150_preset counter | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Zählgeräte (elektronisch), Frequenzzähler und Zählschaltungsmodule | 6150_counters (electronic), frequency counters and counting circuit modules | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6150 | Zeitintervallmesser (elektrische) | 6150_timer (electric) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6160 | Alarm-Display, Schwellen- und Alarmanzeigen | 6160_alarm display, threshold and alarm indicators | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6160 | Amplifier-Analyzer, -Discriminator | 6160_amplifier analyzer, discriminator | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6160 | Biased Amplifier, Verstärker mit Diskriminator | 6160_biased amplifier, amplifier with discriminator | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6160 | Constant-Fraction-Discriminatoren | 6160_constant fraction discriminators | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6160 | Diskriminatoren, Einkanalanalysatoren (außer Analog-Klassiergeräte 7340) | 6160_discriminators, single-channel analyzers (except analog classifier 7340) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6160 | Fenster-Diskriminatoren, -Generatoren | 6160_window discriminators, generators | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6170 | Antikoinzidenz-Einheiten | 6170_anticoincidence units | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6170 | Gate-, Gate or Delay Units, Impulsformungs- und Verzögerungseinheiten | 6170_gate, gate or delay units, pulse shapers and delay units | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6170 | Linear Gate, Lineare Torschaltungen | 6170_linear gate, linear gate circuits | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6170 | Torschaltungen, Koinzidenzschaltungen und Digitallogik-Module | 6170_gate circuits, coincidence circuits and digital logic modules | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6180 | Linearratemeter, Log-Ratemeter | 6180_linear rate meter, log rate meter | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6180 | Mittelwertmesser, Ratemeter, Ratemeter-Integratoren | 6180_average meters, rate meters, rate meter integrators | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6180 | Ratemeter, Mittelwertmesser | 6180_rate meter, average meter | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6190 | Digitale Schaltungen (außer 6140-6180) | 6190_digital circuits (except 6140-6180) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6190 | Sonstige Verstärker und Bausteine der Nuklearelektronik (außer 6100-6180) | 6190_miscellaneous nuclear electronics amplifiers and building blocks (except 6100-6180) | 61_amplifiers and counters, nuclear electronics |
6200 | Breitband-Oszillographen, -Oszilloskope | 6200_broadband oscillographs, oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6200 | Elektronenstrahl-Oszilloskope (Normalröhre) | 6200_electron beam oscilloscopes (standard tube) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6200 | Sampling-Oszillographen, -Oszilloskope | 6200_sampling oscillographs, oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6200 | Service-Oszilloskope | 6200_service oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6200 | Zweistrahl-, Zweikanal-Oszillographen, -Oszilloskope | 6200_two-beam, two-channel oscillographs, oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6210 | Speicheroszilloskope | 6210_storage oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6220 | Großbildoszilloskope | 6220_large screen oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6220 | Impulsspektroskope (Strahlungsmessung) | 6220_pulse spectroscopes (radiation measurement) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6220 | Sichtgeräte (Großbild-Oszilloskope, außer für EDV- und Fernsehanlagen) | 6220_viewing devices (large-screen oscilloscopes, except for computer and television systems) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6220 | Spezielle Elektronenstrahl-Oszilloskope | 6220_special electron beam oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6220 | Stoßspannungs-Oszilloskope | 6220_surge voltage oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Abschwächer-Messköpfe | 6230_attenuator probes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Amplituden-Eichgeräte | 6230_amplitude calibrators | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Differenz-Verstärker-Einschübe (für Oszilloskope) | 6230_differential amplifier modules (for oscilloscopes) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Oszilloskope-Zubehör | 6230_oscilloscope accessories | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Photovorsätze (für Oszilloskope) | 6230_photo attachments (for oscilloscopes) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Recheneinschübe (für Oszilloskope) | 6230_calculator (for oscilloscopes) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Sampling-Einschübe (für Oszilloskope) | 6230_sampling slots (for oscilloscopes) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Sampling-Messköpfe | 6230_sampling probes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Spektrumanalysatoreinschübe | 6230_spectrum analyzer racks | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Verstärker-Einschübe (Oszilloskope) | 6230_amplifier inserts (oscilloscopes) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Zeitbasis-Einschübe | 6230_time base slots | 62_oscilloscopes |
6230 | Zubehör und Einschübe für Elektronenstrahl-Oszilloskope | 6230_accessories and slots for electron beam oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6250 | Lichtpunktschreiber | 6250_hotspot recorder | 62_oscilloscopes |
6250 | Lichtstrahl-Oszillographen | 6250_light beam oscillograph | 62_oscilloscopes |
6250 | Mehrkanal-Registrier-Oszillographen | 6250_multi-channel recording oscillograph | 62_oscilloscopes |
6250 | Registrieroszillographen | 6250_recording oscillographs | 62_oscilloscopes |
6250 | Schleifenoszillographen | 6250_loop oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6250 | Spulenschwinger-Oszillographen | 6250_coil oscillographs | 62_oscilloscopes |
6250 | UV-Schreiber, UV-Registrier-Oszillographen | 6250_uv recorder, uv recording oscillograph | 62_oscilloscopes |
6260 | Düsen-Oszillographen, -Direktschreiber | 6260_nozzle oscillographs, direct recorders | 62_oscilloscopes |
6260 | Flüssigkeitsstrahl-Oszillographen | 6260_liquid jet oscilloscopes | 62_oscilloscopes |
6270 | Galvanometer (für Lichtstrahloszillographen) | 6270_galvanometer (for light beam oscillographs) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6270 | Schleifenschwinger | 6270_loop vibrator | 62_oscilloscopes |
6270 | Spulenschwinger | 6270_coil vibrator | 62_oscilloscopes |
6270 | Zubehör und Vorverstärker für Lichtstrahl- und Flüssigkeitsstrahloszillographen | 6270_accessories and preamplifiers for light beam and liquid beam oscillographs | 62_oscilloscopes |
6290 | Sonstige Oszillographen (außer 6200-6270) | 6290_other oscilloscopes (except 6200-6270) | 62_oscilloscopes |
6300 | Cäsium-Frequenznormale | 6300_cesium frequency standards | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Eichfrequenz-Generatoren | 6300_calibration frequency generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Empfängerprüfsender | 6300_receiver tester | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Frequenz-Dekaden, -Synthesizer | 6300_frequency decades, synthesizer | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Frequenzgeneratoren, -geber | 6300_frequency generators, transmitters | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Leistungsmesssender | 6300_power meter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Messgeneratoren, Messsender, Frequenznormale | 6300_measuring generators, measuring transmitters, frequency standards | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Normalfrequenz-Generatoren | 6300_normal frequency generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Oszillatoren | 6300_oscillators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Pegelsender | 6300_level transmitter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Prüfsender | 6300_test transmitter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | RC-Generatoren, RC-Oszillatoren | 6300_rc generators, rc oscillators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Resonanzmeter (Dipper, Grid-Dipper) | 6300_resonance meter (dipper, grid dipper) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Rubidium-Frequenznormale | 6300_rubidium frequency standards | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Schwebungssummer | 6300_beat buzzer | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Signalgeneratoren, -messsender | 6300_signal generators, measuring transmitters | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Sinusgeneratoren | 6300_sine generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Synthesizer (Messgeneratoren) | 6300_synthesizers (measuring generators) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6300 | Tieffrequenzgeneratoren | 6300_low frequency generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6320 | Sweep-Generatoren | 6320_sweep generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6320 | Wobbelgeneratoren | 6320_wobble generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6320 | Wobbelsender, Wobbelzusätze | 6320_sweep transmitters, sweep add-ons | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Blitzgeneratoren, Doppelblitz-Generatoren (Impulsgeneratoren) | 6330_flash generators, double flash generators (pulse generators) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Doppelimpulsgeneratoren | 6330_dual pulse generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Impulsgeneratoren | 6330_pulse generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Pulsgeneratoren | 6330_pulse generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Scan Delay Generatoren, verzögerte Pulsgeneratoren | 6330_scan delay generators, delayed pulse generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Triggergeneratoren | 6330_trigger generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Univibratoren | 6330_univibrators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6330 | Zündstromgeneratoren (außer 5680 für Lampen und 8410 für Ölbrenner) | 6330_ignition generators (except 5680 for lamps and 8410 for oil burners) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6340 | Dreieck-Generatoren | 6340_triangle generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6340 | Funktionsgeneratoren | 6340_function generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6340 | Programmgeneratoren (digitale) | 6340_program generators (digital) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6340 | Rampengeneratoren | 6340_ramp generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6340 | Rechteck-Generatoren | 6340_square wave generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6340 | Sägezahngeneratoren | 6340_sawtooth generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Bit-Fehler-Messplätze | 6350_bit error measuring stations | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Bit-Muster-Generatoren | 6350_bit pattern generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Fernschreib- und Daten-Signalgeneratoren | 6350_telex and data signal generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Gauß-Zeitfenster-Generatoren | 6350_gaussian time window generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Messgeneratoren (außer 6300-6340) | 6350_measurement generators (except 6300-6340) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Nachlaufsteuergeneratoren | 6350_tracking control generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Normalfrequenz-Empfänger mit Frequenzstandard | 6350_normal frequency receiver with frequency standard | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Rauschgeneratoren | 6350_noise generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Rauschmessplätze | 6350_noise testers | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Referenzgeneratoren (für mechanische Schwingsysteme) | 6350_reference generators (for mechanical oscillating systems) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Scangeneratoren (digitale) | 6350_scan generators (digital) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Spezielle Messgeneratoren (außer 6300-6340) | 6350_dedicated measurement generators (except 6300-6340) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Stereomesssender | 6350_stereo test transmitter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Stereosignalgeneratoren | 6350_stereo signal generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Stochastic-Meter (Zufallsgenerator und Analysengerät, außer 7340) | 6350_stochastic meter (random number generator and analyzer, except 7340) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Wortgeneratoren | 6350_word generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6350 | Zufallsgeneratoren, Pseudo-Zufallssignal-Generatoren | 6350_random number generators, pseudo-random signal generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Analogfilter | 6360_analog filter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Bandpassfilter | 6360_bandpass filter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Digitale Filter | 6360_digital filters | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Filter (elektrische), Resonatoren | 6360_filters (electric), resonators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Frequenzmessgeräte (Resonanz-) | 6360_frequency meters (resonance) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Frequenzweichen | 6360_crossovers | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Hochpässe (Filter) | 6360_high pass (filter) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Hohlleiterfrequenzmesser | 6360_waveguide frequency meter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Hohlraumresonatoren | 6360_cavity resonators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Keramikfilter (Frequenz-) | 6360_ceramic filter (frequency) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Mitlauffilter, Tracking Filter | 6360_tracking filter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Modenfilter, Mikrowellenfilter | 6360_mode filter, microwave filter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Quarzfilter, -Schwinger (HF-Technik) | 6360_quartz filter, oscillator (hf technology) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Resonanzfrequenzmesser | 6360_resonant frequency meter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Spektrum-Entzerrer, -Umformer (Filterkanäle) | 6360_spectrum equalizer, converter (filter channels) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Terz/Oktav-Bandpässe, -filter | 6360_1/3 octave bandpass filters | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Tiefpässe (Filter) | 6360_low pass (filter) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6360 | Zungenfrequenzmesser | 6360_tongue frequency meter | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6370 | Laufzeit-Ketten (auch als Energiespeicher) | 6370_runtime chains (also as energy storage) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6370 | RCL-Ketten | 6370_rcl chains | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6370 | Ultraschall-Verzögerungsleitungen | 6370_ultrasonic delay lines | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6370 | Verzögerungsketten, -leitungen | 6370_delay chains, lines | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Echtzeit-Schmalband- (Frequenz-) Analysatoren | 6380_real-time narrowband (frequency) analyzers | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | FFT (Fast-Fourier-Transform)-Real-Time Spectrum-Analyzer (Echtzeit-Frequenz-Analysatoren) | 6380_fft (fast fourier transform) real-time spectrum analyzer (real-time frequency analyzers) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Frequenzanalysatoren, Schwingungsanalysatoren | 6380_frequency analyzers, vibration analyzers | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Mitlaufanalysatoren | 6380_tracking analyzers | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Modalanalyse-Systeme | 6380_modal analysis systems | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Oberwellen-Analysatoren | 6380_harmonic analyzers | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Spektrumanalysatoren (elektrisch) | 6380_spectrum analyzers (electric) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Suchton-Analysatoren (außer Schallspektrographen 0050) | 6380_search tone analyzers (except sound spectrograph 0050) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6380 | Wave-Analyzer | 6380_wave analyzer | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6390 | Frequenz-Synchronisiergeräte, -Stabilisiergeräte (HF-Technik) | 6390_frequency synchronizing devices, stabilizing devices (hf technology) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6390 | Frequenz-Teiler, -Untersetzer | 6390_frequency divider, divider | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6390 | Frequenz-Vervielfacher (elektrisch) | 6390_frequency multiplier (electric) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6390 | Phasenschieber (Hochfrequenztechnik) | 6390_phase shifter (high frequency technology) | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6390 | Synchronisiergeräte für Frequenzgang-Analysatoren und Messgeneratoren | 6390_synchronizers for frequency response analyzers and measurement generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6390 | Zubehör zu Mess- und Funktionsgeneratoren | 6390_accessories for measurement and function generators | 63_measurement and function generators, filters |
6400 | Analog-Multimeter | 6400_analog multimeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6400 | Multimeter, analog anzeigend | 6400_multimeter, analog display | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6400 | Vielfach-Messinstrumente (Spannung, Strom, Widerstand), analog | 6400_multi-meters (voltage, current, resistance), analog | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | AC-Voltmeter (analog) | 6410_ac voltmeter (analog) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Amperemeter (analog) | 6410_ammeter (analogue) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Analog anzeigende Strom- und Spannungsmesser | 6410_ammeters and voltage meters with analogue readings | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Ballistische Galvanometer | 6410_ballistic galvanometers | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Effektivwert-Voltmeter | 6410_rms voltmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Galvanometer | 6410_galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Hitzedraht-Amperemeter | 6410_hot wire ammeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Lichtmarkengalvanometer | 6410_light mark galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Mikroamperemeter (analog) | 6410_microammeter (analogue) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Mikrovoltmeter (analog) | 6410_microvoltmeter (analog) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Milliamperemeter (analog) | 6410_milliammeter (analog) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Millivoltmeter (analog) | 6410_millivoltmeter (analog) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Nanoamperemeter (analog) | 6410_nanoammeter (analog) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Nanovoltmeter (analog) | 6410_nanovoltmeter (analog) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Photozellengalvanometer | 6410_photocell galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Picoammeter | 6410_picoammeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Schwimmgalvanometer | 6410_floating galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Spiegelgalvanometer | 6410_mirror galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Statische Voltmeter | 6410_static voltmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Thermoamperemeter | 6410_thermal ammeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Verstärker-Voltmeter (außer 6420) | 6410_amplifier voltmeter (except 6420) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6410 | Voltmeter (analog) | 6410_voltmeter (analogue) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6420 | Antennenmessgeräte (Messempfänger für Empfangsantennen) | 6420_antenna measuring devices (measuring receivers for receiving antennas) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6420 | Messempfänger, Feldstärkemessgeräte | 6420_measuring receivers, field strength measuring devices | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6420 | Millivoltmeter, selektive | 6420_millivoltmeter, selective | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6420 | Radiometer (Mikrowellen), Feldstärkemessgeräte | 6420_radiometers (microwaves), field strength meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6420 | RF-Interferometer | 6420_rf interferometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6420 | Selektive Pegelmesser | 6420_selective level meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6420 | Signalverfolger | 6420_signal tracker | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6430 | Digital anzeigende Messgeräte für Spannung, Strom, Widerstand | 6430_digitally displaying measuring devices for voltage, current, resistance | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6430 | Digital-Effektivwert-Voltmeter, -Multimeter | 6430_digital rms voltmeter, multimeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6430 | Digital-Multimeter | 6430_digital multimeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6430 | Digital-Voltmeter (DVM) | 6430_digital voltmeter (dvm) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6430 | Vielfach-Messinstrumente, digital anzeigend | 6430_multiple gauges, digital display | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Aussteuerungs-Messgeräte | 6440_level meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Blindleistungsmesser | 6440_reactive power meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | cos phi-Messgeräte | 6440_cos phi meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Digital-Wattmeter | 6440_digital wattmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Drehrichtungsanzeiger (Drehstrom) | 6440_direction indicator (three-phase current) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Isolationsmesser | 6440_insulation meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Leistungsmesser, Wattmeter | 6440_power meter, wattmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Messgeräte für elektrische Leistung, Phasenwinkel, andere spezielle elektrische Messgrössen | 6440_meters for electrical power, phase angle, other special electrical parameters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Oberwellenmessgeräte | 6440_harmonic meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Phasenmesser (elektrische) | 6440_phase meter (electrical) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Scheinleistungsmessgeräte | 6440_apparent power meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Scheitelfaktor-Messgeräte | 6440_crest factor meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Spitzenspannungsmesser | 6440_peak voltage meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Statistische Voltmeter | 6440_statistical voltmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Stoß-Spannungs-Voltmeter | 6440_surge voltage voltmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Trafo-Übersetzungsmesser | 6440_transformer ratio meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | U-Functionmeter (elektronische Spannungs- und Leistungsmessung) | 6440_u-functionmeter (electronic voltage and power measurement) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Vektor-Komponenten-Voltmeter | 6440_vector component voltmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Vektor-Voltmeter | 6440_vector voltmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Wattmeter | 6440_wattmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6440 | Wirkleistungsmesser | 6440_active power meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Erdschluss-Suchgeräte, -Detektoren | 6450_ground fault locators, detectors | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Erdungsmessgeräte, Erdwiderstands-Messgeräte | 6450_earth measuring devices, earth resistance measuring devices | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Gegeninduktivitäts-Messbrücken | 6450_mutual inductance measuring bridges | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Gütefaktormesser | 6450_figure of merit meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Immittanzbrücken | 6450_immittance bridges | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Induktive Spannungsteiler, Messbrücken | 6450_inductive voltage dividers, measuring bridges | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Induktivitätsmessgeräte | 6450_inductance meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Kapazitätsmessgeräte | 6450_capacitance meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Leitwertmessgeräte | 6450_conductivity meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Messbrücken und Kompensatoren, Widerstandsmessgeräte | 6450_measuring bridges and compensators, resistance measuring devices | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Ohmmeter | 6450_ohmmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Q-Meter | 6450_q meter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | RCL-Messbrücken, -Messgeräte | 6450_rcl measuring bridges, measuring devices | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Scheinwiderstands-Messbrücken | 6450_impedance measuring bridges | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Schering-Maxwell-Brücken | 6450_schering-maxwell bridges | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Teraohmmeter | 6450_teraohmmeter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Thermokraftfreie Kompensatoren | 6450_compensators without thermal power | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Verlustfaktor-Messgeräte | 6450_dissipation factor meters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Walzenbrücken | 6450_roller bridges | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Wechselspannungs-Kompensatoren | 6450_ac compensators | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6450 | Wheatstone-Brücken | 6450_wheatstone bridges | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6460 | Messwandler, Vorwiderstände und Zubehör zu Messinstrumenten | 6460_measuring transformers, series resistors and accessories for measuring instruments | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6460 | Spannungswandler | 6460_voltage converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6460 | Stromwandler | 6460_power converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6460 | Zangenstromwandler, Stromzangen | 6460_clamp-on current transformers, current clamps | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Analog-Digitalwandler | 6470_analog to digital converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Digital-Analogwandler | 6470_digital to analog converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Frequenz-Analogwandler | 6470_frequency to analog converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Gleichstrom-Messwandler | 6470_dc instrument transformer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Lin/log-Konverter | 6470_lin/log converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Logarithmische Konverter, Spannungsumformer | 6470_logarithmic converters, voltage converters | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Messwertwandler, elektronische (außer 730-739) | 6470_transducers, electronic (except 730-739) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Pulse-Code-Umsetzer | 6470_pulse code converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Spannungsfrequenzumformer | 6470_voltage frequency converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Time-Amplitude-Converter | 6470_time-amplitude converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | VCO, Voltage Controlled Oszillator (Messwertwandler) | 6470_vco, voltage controlled oscillator (measurement converter) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6470 | Voltage-to-Frequency-Converter | 6470_voltage-to-frequency converter | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6480 | Elektronik-Laborplätze | 6480_electronics labs | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6480 | Zähler-Prüfplätze, Zähler-Eicheinrichtungen | 6480_meter test stations, meter calibration devices | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Elektrische Größen, Messgeräte (außer 271-276 und 640-648) | 6490_electrical quantities, measuring devices (except 271-276 and 640-648) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Elektrometer (Röhren-) | 6490_electrometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Faden-Galvanometer | 6490_filament galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Leitungs-Prüfgeräte (außer 640-645) | 6490_wire testers (except 640-645) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Messgeräte (elektrische und elektronische), sonstige | 6490_measuring devices (electric and electronic), others | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Quadranten-Elektrometer | 6490_quadrant electrometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Saitenelektrometer, -galvanometer | 6490_string electrometer, galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Schwingkondensator-Elektrometer | 6490_vibrating capacitor electrometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Teilentladungs-Messgeräte (TE-Messgeräte) | 6490_partial discharge measuring devices (pd measuring devices) | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6490 | Vibrations-Elektrometer, -Galvanometer | 6490_vibration electrometer, galvanometer | 64_measuring devices for electrical quantities |
6500 | Linienschreiber, Fallbügelschreiber | 6500_line recorder, drop bar recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6500 | Mehrfarbenschreiber | 6500_multicolor pen | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Extinktionsschreiber | 6510_absorbance recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Flachpultschreiber | 6510_flat desk recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Kompensationslinienschreiber | 6510_compensation line recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Kompensations-Schreiber (XT-Schreiber), Punktdrucker | 6510_compensation recorder (xt recorder), dot printer | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Lin/log-Schreiber | 6510_lin/log writer | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Mehrkanalschreiber | 6510_multichannel recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Multi-Pen-Recorder | 6510_multi pen recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Pigmentschriftschreiber | 6510_pigment scribe | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Schnellschreiber | 6510_fast typist | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6510 | Thermoschreiber | 6510_thermal recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6520 | XY10-Y20-Schreiber | 6520_xy10-y20 recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6520 | XY-Schreiber | 6520_ xy writer | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6520 | XY-T-Schreiber, -Kompensationsschreiber | 6520_xy-t recorder, compensation recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6520 | Zweikoordinaten-Kompensations-Linienschreiber | 6520_two-coordinate compensation line recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6530 | Atmospherics-Counter (Ereigniszähler) | 6530_atmospherics counter (event counter) | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6530 | Event-Recorder | 6530_event recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6530 | Leistungsschreiber, Blindleistungsschreiber | 6530_power recorder, reactive power recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6530 | Polarkoordinatenschreiber | 6530_polar coordinate recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6530 | Registriergeräte, Mehrkanal-Registriergeräte für seismische Messungen | 6530_recorders, multi-channel recorders for seismic measurements | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6530 | Spezielle Registriergeräte (Ereigniszähler, Störungsschreiber, Blitzzähler | 6530_special recording devices (event counters, fault recorders, flash counters | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6530 | Zeitschreiber | 6530_time recorder | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6540 | Elektrizitätszähler | 6540_electricity meter | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6540 | Wattstunden-, kWh-Zähler, Betriebsstundenzähler | 6540_watt hour, kwh counter, operating hours counter | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6550 | Einschubverstärker für Registriergeräte | 6550_plug-in amplifier for recording devices | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6550 | Zubehör für elektrische Registriergeräte | 6550_accessories for electric recorders | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6590 | Registriergeräte (elektrische, außer 6500-6550) | 6590_recorders (electric, except 6500-6550) | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6590 | Sonstige elektrische Registriergeräte (außer 6500-6550) | 6590_miscellaneous electrical recorders (except 6500-6550) | 65_electric recorders, recorders |
6600 | Fernsprechanlagen, Vermittlungsanlagen | 6600_telephone systems, switching systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6600 | Nebenstellenanlagen | 6600_private branch exchanges | 66_telecommunication systems |
6600 | Telefonanlagen und Zubehör | 6600_telephone systems and accessories | 66_telecommunication systems |
6600 | Telefonträger (-Schwenkarm) | 6600_telephone carrier (swivel arm) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6600 | Wähler, Wählergestelle (Fernsprechtechnik) | 6600_voters, voter stands (telephone technology) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Faksimile-Schreiber | 6610_facsimile clerk | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Fax-Geräte | 6610_fax machines | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Fernkopierer | 6610_facsimile | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Fernschreibanlagen, Bildtelegraphiegeräte | 6610_teleprinters, video telegraphs | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Fernschreiber (für Postanschluss) | 6610_telex (for postal connection) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Telefaxgeräte | 6610_fax machines | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Telefon-Kopiergeräte | 6610_telephone copiers | 66_telecommunication systems |
6610 | Wetterkartenschreiber | 6610_weather chart recorder | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Allwellenempfänger | 6620_all-wave receiver | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Dopplermesssysteme | 6620_doppler measurement systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Empfängeranlagen (Funkanlagen) | 6620_receiver systems (radio systems) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Festfrequenzempfänger | 6620_fixed frequency receiver | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Funkanlagen (außer Konferenz- und Saal-Sprechanlagen) | 6620_radio systems (except conference and hall intercoms) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Funksendeempfänger | 6620_radio transceiver | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Funksprechgeräte | 6620_two-way radios | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Handfunkgeräte | 6620_handheld radios | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Hochfrequenzsende- und -empfangsgeräte | 6620_radio frequency transmitters and receivers | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Notfunkgeräte | 6620_emergency radios | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Richtfunk-Stationen, -Anlagen | 6620_radio relay stations, systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Satellitenfunkanlagen, -empfangsanlagen | 6620_satellite radio systems, receiving systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Sendeanlagen | 6620_transmitters | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Senderverstärker | 6620_transmitter amplifier | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Sprechfunkgeräte (außer Konferenz- und Saal-Sprechanlagen) | 6620_two-way radios (except conference and hall intercoms) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Transmitter, Transceiver | 6620_transmitters, transceivers | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | VHF/UHF-Empfänger | 6620_vhf/uhf receiver | 66_telecommunication systems |
6620 | Zeitsignal-Empfänger | 6620_time signal receiver | 66_telecommunication systems |
6630 | Bordsprechanlagen | 6630_intercoms | 66_telecommunication systems |
6630 | Dolmetscheranlagen | 6630_interpreting equipment | 66_telecommunication systems |
6630 | Lichtrufanlagen | 6630_nurse call systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6630 | Sprechanlagen, Rufanlagen | 6630_intercoms, call systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6630 | Türlautsprecheranlagen | 6630_door speaker systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6630 | Wechselsprechanlagen | 6630_intercoms | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Alarmanlagen (außer Öltanküberwachung 9890) | 6640_alarm systems (except oil tank monitor 9890) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Bewegungsmelder | 6640_motion detector | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Klingelanlagen, Läutewerke, Gongs | 6640_bell systems, chimes, gongs | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Meldeanlagen (außer Feuermelder 9860), Lichtschranken | 6640_alarm systems (except fire alarm 9860), light barriers | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Objektschutz- und Überwachungsgeräte | 6640_object protection and surveillance devices | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Raumschutzradar | 6640_space protection radar | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Raumüberwachungsgeräte | 6640_room monitoring devices | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Signalanlagen | 6640_signaling systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Sirenen (Alarm-) | 6640_sirens (alarm) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Tongeber, Hörner, Summer (Alarm-, Signal-) | 6640_sounders, horns, buzzers (alarm, signal) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Ultraschall-Schranken | 6640_ultrasonic barriers | 66_telecommunication systems |
6640 | Verkehrsüberwachungs- und Zählanlagen (außer Radar 6670 und Fernsehanlagen 6730) | 6640_traffic monitoring and counting systems (except radar 6670 and television systems 6730) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6650 | Antennenanlagen | 6650_antenna systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6650 | Antennen-Drehstände | 6650_antenna rotating stands | 66_telecommunication systems |
6650 | Antennen-Koppler | 6650_antenna coupler | 66_telecommunication systems |
6650 | Antennenmasten, -systeme (außer Radioteleskope 0740 und Radarantennen 6670) | 6650_antenna towers, systems (except radio telescope 0740 and radar antenna 6670) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6650 | Antennen-Verstärker | 6650_antenna amplifier | 66_telecommunication systems |
6650 | Gemeinschaftsantennenanlagen | 6650_community antenna systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6660 | Stechuhren | 6660_time clocks | 66_telecommunication systems |
6660 | Zeitanzeige- und -registrieranlagen | 6660_time display and registration systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6660 | Zentraluhrenanlagen | 6660_central clock systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6670 | Kollisionswarngeräte | 6670_collision warning devices | 66_telecommunication systems |
6670 | Navigations-Radargeräte | 6670_navigation radars | 66_telecommunication systems |
6670 | Radaranlagen (außer Distanzmesser 0620 und Doppler-Radar 6640 und 8860) | 6670_radar systems (except distance meter 0620 and doppler radar 6640 and 8860) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6670 | Radar-Antennen, -Reflektoren | 6670_radar antennas, reflectors | 66_telecommunication systems |
6670 | Rundsicht-Radargeräte (PPI) | 6670_panoramic radars (ppi) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6670 | Wetterradaranlagen | 6670_weather radar systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6680 | Behälter-Förderanlagen (Rohrpostanlagen) | 6680_container conveyor systems (pneumatic tube systems) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6680 | Rohrpostanlagen | 6680_pneumatic tube systems | 66_telecommunication systems |
6690 | Gebührenzähler (Telefon) | 6690_call counter (telephone) | 66_telecommunication systems |
6690 | Sonstige Fernmeldegeräte und Anlagen | 6690_other telecommunications apparatus and installations | 66_telecommunication systems |
6690 | Sprachschlüsselgeräte | 6690_voice key devices | 66_telecommunication systems |
6690 | Telefon-Anrufbeantworter | 6690_telephone answering machine | 66_telecommunication systems |
6690 | Verschlüsselungsgeräte, Chiffriergeräte | 6690_encryption devices, cipher devices | 66_telecommunication systems |
6700 | Druckkammerlautsprecher | 6700_horn speaker | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Kopfhörer | 6700_headphones | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Lautsprecher- und Tonübertragungsanlagen | 6700_loudspeaker and sound transmission systems | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Lautsprecherboxen und -säulen | 6700_loudspeaker boxes and columns | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Megaphone (elektronische) | 6700_megaphones (electronic) | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Radioempfänger | 6700_radio receiver | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Radiorecorder | 6700_radio recorder | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Stereokopfhörer | 6700_stereo headphones | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Tonsäulen | 6700_sound columns | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Übertragungsanlagen (Lautsprecher) | 6700_transmission systems (loudspeakers) | 67_audio video equipment |
6700 | Unterwasser-Lautsprecher | 6700_underwater speakers | 67_audio video equipment |
6710 | DAT-Recorder (Digital-Kassetten-) | 6710_dat recorder (digital cassette) | 67_audio video equipment |
6710 | Kassettenrekorder für Tonaufzeichnung | 6710_cassette recorders for sound recording | 67_audio video equipment |
6710 | Magnetbänder und -kassetten für Tonaufzeichnung | 6710_magnetic tapes and cassettes for sound recording | 67_audio video equipment |
6710 | Magnetbandgeräte für Musik und Sprache (außer Diktiergeräte 9230) | 6710_magnetic tape recorders for music and speech (except 9230 dictation machines) | 67_audio video equipment |
6710 | Reportage-Tonbandgeräte | 6710_reportage tape recorders | 67_audio video equipment |
6710 | Tonbandgeräte und Zubehör | 6710_tape recorders and accessories | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Compact Disc -Abspielgeräte | 6720_compact disc players | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Plattenspieler, Plattenwechsler | 6720_turntable, record changer | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Schallplattenautomaten | 6720_record vending machines | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Schallplatten-Schneidgeräte | 6720_record cutters | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Steueranlagen, Mischpulte und Schallplattengeräte | 6720_control systems, mixers and record players | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Tonabnehmer | 6720_pickup | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Tonstudiotechnik, Geräte (außer Mikrofone 0040, Lautsprecher 6700 und Magnetbandgeräte 6710) | 6720_recording studio technology, devices (except microphones 0040, loudspeakers 6700 and magnetic tape recorders 6710) | 67_audio video equipment |
6720 | Verstärkeranlagen (Tonstudio) | 6720_amplifier systems (recording studio) | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Bild-Sprechgeräte | 6730_image talkers | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Farbfernsehkameras | 6730_color television cameras | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Fernseh-Kameras und vollständige Fernsehanlagen | 6730_tv cameras and complete tv systems | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Filmabtaster (Fernseh-) | 6730_film scanner (television) | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Industrie-Fernsehanlagen | 6730_industrial television systems | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Infrarot-Fernsehkameras (außer Thermographiegeräte 8620) | 6730_infrared tv cameras (except 8620 thermographs) | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | SIT (Silicon Intensified Target)-Kameras | 6730_sit (silicon intensified target) cameras | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Unterrichts-Mitschau-Anlagen | 6730_instructional viewing facilities | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Videokameras | 6730_video cameras | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Video-Kommunikations-Anlagen | 6730_video communication equipment | 67_audio video equipment |
6730 | Video-Retrieval-Systeme, vollständig (außer Bandlauf-Steuergeräte 7370) | 6730_video retrieval systems, complete (except 7370 tape drive controllers) | 67_audio video equipment |
6740 | Bildmonitore | 6740_image monitors | 67_audio video equipment |
6740 | Farbfernsehempfänger | 6740_color television receiver | 67_audio video equipment |
6740 | Farbmonitore | 6740_color monitors | 67_audio video equipment |
6740 | Fernseh-Empfänger, -Monitoren, -Projektoren | 6740_television receivers, monitors, projectors | 67_audio video equipment |
6740 | Fernseh-Großbildprojektoren | 6740_large screen television projectors | 67_audio video equipment |
6740 | Großbildprojektoren (Fernseh-) | 6740_large screen projectors (television) | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Digital speichernde Fernsehanlagen (Magnetband, für graphische Darstellung) | 6750_digitally storing television systems (magnetic tape, for graphic representation) | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Fernseh-Bildaufzeichnungsapparaturen | 6750_television image recording apparatus | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Magnetbänder für Video-Recorder | 6750_magnetic tapes for video recorders | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Magnetbandspeicher für Fernsehen und Röntgen | 6750_magnetic tape storage for television and x-ray | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Röntgen-Fernseh-Bildspeicher (Magnetband) | 6750_x-ray tv image storage (magnetic tape) | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | VCR (Video-Cassetten-Recorder) | 6750_vcr (video cassette recorder) | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Video-Bandgeräte | 6750_video tape machines | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Video-Plattenspeicher | 6750_video disk storage | 67_audio video equipment |
6750 | Video-Recorder,-Speicher | 6750_video recorder, memory | 67_audio video equipment |
6760 | Bildregie- und Kontroll-Einheiten, Steuergeräte | 6760_image direction and control units, control devices | 67_audio video equipment |
6760 | Farbumsetzer (mit Äquidensiten-Darstellung) für visuelle Bildauswertung | 6760_color converter (with equidensity representation) for visual image evaluation | 67_audio video equipment |
6760 | Fernseh-Regie-Enrichtungen | 6760_tv control equipment | 67_audio video equipment |
6760 | Fernseh-Steuerzentralen | 6760_tv control centers | 67_audio video equipment |
6760 | Fernseh-Trickmischpulte | 6760_tv trick mixers | 67_audio video equipment |
6770 | Sprachlabors | 6770_language labs | 67_audio video equipment |
6770 | Sprachlehrsysteme, Sprachlabors | 6770_language teaching systems, language laboratories | 67_audio video equipment |
6780 | Audio-visuelle Lehrsysteme und Geräte (außer Projektionsgeräte 5500, 5510 und Fernsehanlagen 6730) | 6780_audio-visual teaching systems and equipment (excluding projectors 5500, 5510 and televisions 6730) | 67_audio video equipment |
6790 | Fernseh-Studio-Zubehör | 6790_television studio accessories | 67_audio video equipment |
6790 | Lichttonaufzeichnungsgeräte | 6790_optical sound recorders | 67_audio video equipment |
6790 | Messschallplatten | 6790_measurement records | 67_audio video equipment |
6790 | Sonstige Geräte der Audio-, Videotechnik (außer 0040 Mikrofone und 6700-6780) | 6790_other audio and video technology devices (except 0040 microphones and 6700-6780) | 67_audio video equipment |
6790 | Tonaufzeichnung auf Film | 6790_sound recording on film | 67_audio video equipment |
6790 | Tonstudiozubehör | 6790_recording studio accessories | 67_audio video equipment |
6800 | Belastungswiderstände | 6800_load resistors | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Dioden-Abschwächer, (PIN-Dioden-) | 6800_diode attenuator, (pin diode) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Messwiderstände | 6800_measuring resistors | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Rheostate | 6800_rheostats | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Spannungsteiler (außer Messbrücken und Kompensatoren 6450) | 6800_voltage divider (except measuring bridges and compensators 6450) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Stöpsel-Rheostaten | 6800_plug rheostats | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Wendelpotenziometer | 6800_potentiometer | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Widerstände, Potenziometer | 6800_resistors, potentiometers | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6800 | Widerstands-Dekaden | 6800_resistance decades | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6810 | Drehkondensatoren | 6810_variable capacitors | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6810 | Kapazitäts-Dekaden | 6810_capacitance decades | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6810 | Kapazitäts-Normale | 6810_capacity normal | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6810 | Kondensator-Dekaden | 6810_capacitor decades | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6810 | Kondensatoren (Abstimm- und Messkondensatoren) | 6810_capacitors (tuning and measuring capacitors) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Drosselspulen (für Elektronik) | 6820_choke coils (for electronics) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Faradayspulen | 6820_faraday coils | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Induktivitäten, Transformatoren (Übertrager) | 6820_inductors, transformers (transformers) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Induktivitätsnormale | 6820_inductance standards | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Isoliertransformatoren | 6820_isolation transformers | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Netztransformatoren | 6820_power transformers | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Schutztransformatoren | 6820_protection transformers | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Schwingkreisspulen | 6820_resonant circuit coils | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Trenntransformatoren | 6820_isolation transformers | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6820 | Übertrager (Transformatoren) | 6820_transformers | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Codier-Schalter | 6830_coding switch | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Dioden-Schalter (PIN-Dioden-) | 6830_diode switch (pin diode) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Fehlerspannungs-, -stromauslöser | 6830_error voltage, current release | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Programmschaltwerke | 6830_program controllers | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Reed-Relais, -Kontakte | 6830_reed relays, contacts | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Schalter, Magnete, Relais, Sicherungen | 6830_switches, magnets, relays, fuses | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Schaltschütze | 6830_contactors | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Stufenschalter | 6830_step switch | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Türöffnermagnete | 6830_door opener magnets | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6830 | Überstrom-Selbstauslöser (außer 2650) | 6830_overcurrent self-timer (except 2650) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Bildröhren | 6840_picture tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Bildspeicherröhren | 6840_image storage tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Bildverstärker-Silizium-Vidicon SIT, ISIT) | 6840_image intensifier silicon vidicon sit, isit) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Bildwandlerröhren | 6840_image converter tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Braunsche Röhren | 6840_braun tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | BWO (Backward Wave Oszillatoren) | 6840_bwo (backward wave oscillators) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Carcinotrons | 6840_carcinotrons | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Elektronenröhren, Mikrowellen-Generatorröhren | 6840_electron tubes, microwave generator tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Elektronenstrahl-Röhren | 6840_electron beam tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Fernseh-Aufnahme-Röhren (Vidicon, Plumbicon) | 6840_tv recording tubes (vidicon, plumbicon) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Impulsmagnetrons | 6840_pulse magnetrons | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | ISIT-Röhren | 6840_isit tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Klystrons | 6840_klystrons | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Magnetrons | 6840_magnetrons | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Mehrkammer-Klystrons | 6840_multi-chamber klystrons | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Oszillographen-, Oszilloskop-Röhren | 6840_oscillograph, oscilloscope tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Reflexklystrons | 6840_reflex klystrons | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Rückwärtswellen-Oszillatoren | 6840_reverse wave oscillators | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Senderöhren | 6840_transmitter tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | SIT-Röhren | 6840_sit tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Spezialröhren | 6840_special tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6840 | Thyratron-Röhren | 6840_thyratron tubes | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6850 | Dioden (außer Photo-Dioden 5800) | 6850_diodes (except photo-diode 5800) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6850 | Halbleiter-Bausteine und integrierte Schaltungen | 6850_semiconductor devices and integrated circuits | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6850 | Transistoren | 6850_transistors | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Abschlusswiderstände (Mikrowellen-) | 6860_termination resistors (microwave) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Balanced Mixer | 6860_balanced mixer | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Dämpfungsglieder (Mikrowellen) | 6860_attenuators (microwaves) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Einweghohlleiter (nicht reziproke Leiter) | 6860_one-way waveguide (non-reciprocal conductors) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Ferrit-Isolatoren (nicht reziproke Leiter) | 6860_ferrite insulators (non-reciprocal conductors) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Ferritmodulatoren | 6860_ferrite modulators | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Hohlleiter, Hohlleiter-Bauelemente | 6860_waveguide, waveguide components | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Hohlleiterschalter | 6860_waveguide switch | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Hornantennen, Hornstrahler (außer Radar 6670) | 6860_horn antennas, horn radiators (except radar 6670) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Impedanzwandler (für Mikrowellen) | 6860_impedance converter (for microwaves) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Isolatoren (nicht reziproke Leiter) | 6860_insulators (non-reciprocal conductors) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Koaxiale Bauelemente | 6860_coaxial components | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Mikrowellen-Bauelemente | 6860_microwave components | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Reaktanz-Leitungen, Kurzschluss-Leitungen für Mikrowellen | 6860_reactance lines, short-circuit lines for microwaves | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Richtkoppler | 6860_directional coupler | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Streifenleiter (Mikrowellentechnik) | 6860_strip line (microwave technology) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Wellenleiter (Hochfrequenztechnik) | 6860_waveguide (high frequency technology) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Wellensümpfe, Abschlusswiderstände für Mikrowellen | 6860_wave sumps, termination resistors for microwaves | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6860 | Zirkulatoren | 6860_circulators | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6870 | Bin & Power Supply, Überrahmen mit Netzteil (CAMAC) | 6870_bin & power supply, overframe with power supply (camac) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6870 | CAMAC-Crate, -Power Supply Crate, -Überrahmen | 6870_camac crate, power supply crate, overframe | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6870 | Gehäuse, Racks | 6870_housing, racks | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6870 | NIM-Überrahmen (mit Netzteil) | 6870_nim overframe (with power supply) | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6870 | Racks für elektronische Bauelemente | 6870_racks for electronic components | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6880 | Drehübertrager (schleifringlos, Quecksilber-Kontakte) für Messwertübertragung | 6880_rotary transmitter (without slip ring, mercury contacts) for measured value transmission | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6880 | Verbindungselemente, Steckvorrichtungen, Schleifringe | 6880_connecting elements, plug-in devices, slip rings | 68_electrical, electronic components and measuring standards |
6890 | Sonstige elektrische und elektronische Bauelemente | 6890_other electrical and electronic components | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6900 | Elektrische und mechanische Regelsysteme | 6900_electrical and mechanical control systems | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6910 | Pneumatische und andere Regelsysteme (außer 6900) | 6910_pneumatic and other control systems (except 6900) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6920 | Elektromechanische Zähler, Zählwerke | 6920_electromechanical counters, counters | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6920 | Mechanische Zähler, Stückzähler | 6920_mechanical counters, piece counters | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6920 | Mechanische, pneumatische und hydraulische Zähl- und Registriergeräte | 6920_mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic counting and recording devices | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6930 | CNC-Steuerungen (Computerized Numerical Control) für Maschinen | 6930_cnc controls (computerized numerical control) for machines | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6930 | Elektrische Steuergeräte und Anlagen | 6930_electrical control devices and installations | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6930 | NC-Steuerungen für Maschinen (Numerical Control) | 6930_nc controls for machines (numerical control) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6930 | Programmgeber (Kurvenscheiben-) | 6930_programmer (cam disc) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6930 | Programmsteuerwerke | 6930_program control units | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6930 | Schrittmotoransteuerungen | 6930_stepper motor controls | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6940 | Elektropneumatische Stellungsregler, Signalformer | 6940_electropneumatic positioners, signal conditioners | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6940 | Pneumatische Steuergeräte und Versuchsanlagen | 6940_pneumatic control devices and test systems | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6940 | Signalformer, elektropneumatisch | 6940_signal conditioner, electropneumatic | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6940 | Stellungsregler, elektropneumatisch | 6940_positioner, electropneumatic | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6950 | Hydraulik-Steuerungen | 6950_hydraulic controls | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6950 | Hydraulische Steuergeräte und Versuchsanlagen | 6950_hydraulic control devices and test systems | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6960 | Fernmess- und Fernwirksysteme (außer für Medizin/Biologie 3480), Leitstände | 6960_remote measuring and remote control systems (except for medicine/biology 3480), control stations | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6960 | Leitstände für Mess- und Versuchsanlagen, Verkehr | 6960_control stations for measuring and test systems, traffic | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6960 | Warten für Kraftwerke, Verfahrenstechnik | 6960_waiting for power plants, process engineering | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Annäherungsschalter | 6970_proximity switch | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Anzeigeelemente (Flüssigkristall-, Laserdioden-, Plasma-) | 6970_display elements (liquid crystal, laser diode, plasma) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Bauelemente und Baugruppen für Fernmess-, Fernwirk- und Steuer-Systeme | 6970_components and assemblies for telemetry, telecontrol and control systems | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Displays, Ziffern- und alphanumerische Displays (außer Datensichtgeräte 7200 für EDV) | 6970_displays, numeric and alphanumeric displays (except data display devices 7200 for edp) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Elektrooptische Sensoren (Annäherung, Formerkennung, außer 8710) | 6970_electro-optical sensors (proximity, shape recognition, except 8710) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Elektrooptische Trennverstärker für Fernmesssysteme | 6970_electro-optical isolating amplifiers for remote measuring systems | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Fernseh-Sensoren für Form-, Positionsprüfung (außer Bildanalysegeräte 7430) | 6970_tv sensors for form, position verification (except image analyzers 7430) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Fernsteuersender, -Empfänger | 6970_remote control transmitter, receiver | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Flüssigkristall-Anzeigen (LCD) | 6970_liquid crystal displays (lcd) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Grenzschalter | 6970_limit switch | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Kompensations-Anzeiger | 6970_compensation indicator | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Laserdioden (LED) für Messwertanzeige | 6970_laser diodes (led) for measured value display | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Leuchtanzeigen | 6970_indicator lights | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Lumineszenz-Dioden-Anzeigen | 6970_luminescent diode displays | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Mechanische und elektrische Messwertanzeigegeräte | 6970_mechanical and electrical measurement value display devices | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Messwertanzeigegeräte, mechanisch, elektrisch | 6970_measured value display devices, mechanical, electric | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Sensoren (Annäherung, Formerkennung) | 6970_sensors (proximity, shape recognition) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Stellglieder, Stellantriebe, Servoantriebe | 6970_actuators, actuators, servo drives | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Telemetriesender, -empfänger (außer Medizin 3480) | 6970_telemetry transmitter, receiver (except medicine 3480) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Ultraschall-Fernsteuergeräte | 6970_ultrasonic remote control devices | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6970 | Ziffernanzeige-Einheiten, Displays (CAMAC) | 6970_digit display units, displays (camac) | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6980 | Mechanische und elektrische Messwertanzeigegeräte | 6980_mechanical and electrical measurement value display devices | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6980 | Tableaus für Melde-, Ruf-, Steuer- und Verkehrsanlagen | 6980_panels for signaling, call, control and traffic systems | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6980 | Zeichengeneratoren (alpha-numerisch) für Displays | 6980_character generators (alpha-numeric) for displays | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6990 | Fluidik-Elemente und -Anlagen | 6990_fluidics elements and systems | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
6990 | Sonstige Regelsysteme und Steuergeräte | 6990_other control systems and control devices | 69_electrical and mechanical, pneumatic and other control systems and control devices |
7000 | Zentrale Rechenanlagen: Rechenzentren (außer Storage) | 7000_central computing systems: data centers (except storage) | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7000 | Zentrale Rechenanlagen: Rechenzentren (Schwerpunkt Storage) | 7000_central computing systems: data centers (focus on storage) | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7000 | Medizinische Verwaltung (KIS / KAS) | 7000_medical administration (his / kas) | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7000 | Bibliotheken, Verwaltung | 7000_libraries, administration | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7010 | RJE-Stationen (Remote-Job-Entry-) | 7010_rje stations (remote job entry) | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7010 | Satellitenrechner, Datenfernstationen | 7010_satellite computers, remote data stations | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Biologie, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated computers, biology, analog hybrid computing system | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Chemie, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated computers, chemistry, analog hybrid computing system | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Geisteswissenschaften, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated calculators, humanities, analog hybrid calculator | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Geowissenschaften, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated calculators, earth sciences, analog hybrid calculator | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Informatik, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated computers, it, analog hybrid computing system | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated computers, engineering, analog hybrid computing system | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Mathematik, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated calculators, mathematics, analog hybrid calculator | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Medizin, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated calculators, medical, analog hybrid calculator | 70_data processing installations, computers |
703_760 | Dedizierte Rechner, Physik, Analog-Hybrid-Rechenanlage | 703_760_dedicated computers, physics, analog hybrid computing system | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7031 | Labor-EDV-Systeme | 7031_laboratory computer systems | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7032 | Patienten-Datenmanagement-Systeme (PDMS) | 7032_patient data management systems (pdms) | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7032 | Anäthesiologie-Dokumentationssysteme | 7032_anesthetic documentation systems | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7032 | Intensivmedizinische Dokumentationssysteme | 7032_intensive care documentation systems | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7040 | Vektor-, Parallel-Rechner System, High-Performance-Computing (HPC) | 7040_vector, parallel computer system, high-performance computing (hpc) | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7050 | Radiologische Informationssysteme, Bildarchive, Nuklearmedizin | 7050_radiological information systems, image archives, nuclear medicine | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7070 | WAP-Cluster | 7070_wap cluster | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7080 | Gleitkomma-, Floating Point-Recheneinheiten, -Zusätze | 7080_floating point, floating point arithmetic units, additions | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7080 | Transputer-Einheiten | 7080_transputer units | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7080 | Zentrale Baugruppen für EDV-Anlagen (außer 710-749) | 7080_central assemblies for it systems (except 710-749) | 70_data processing installations, computers |
7100 | Arbeitsspeicher, RAM | 7100_random access memory (ram | 71_data storage |
7100 | Halbleiterspeicher (außer Festspeicher, ROM 711) | 7100_semiconductor memory (except read-only memory, rom 711) | 71_data storage |
7100 | Hauptspeichereinheiten (für EDV) | 7100_main memory units (for it) | 71_data storage |
7100 | Memory Expansion | 7100_memory expansion | 71_data storage |
7100 | Pufferspeicher (CAMAC) | 7100_buffer memory (camac) | 71_data storage |
7100 | RAM-Speicherplatinen | 7100_ram memory boards | 71_data storage |
7110 | Festspeicher (für Mikroprogramme) ROM, PROM | 7110_read-only memory (for microprograms) rom, prom | 71_data storage |
7110 | Mikroprogrammspeicher | 7110_microprogram memory | 71_data storage |
7110 | Parameterspeicher | 7110_parameter memory | 71_data storage |
7110 | Programmierbare Logik, PLA (Programmable Logic Arrays) | 7110_programmable logic, pla (programmable logic arrays) | 71_data storage |
7110 | Programmspeicher, Mikroprogrammspeicher | 7110_program memory, microprogram memory | 71_data storage |
7110 | PROM, Programmable Read Only Memory | 7110_prom, programmable read only memory | 71_data storage |
7110 | ROM, Read Only Memory | 7110_rom, read only memory | 71_data storage |
7120 | CD-Brenner (EDV) | 7120_cd burner (edp) | 71_data storage |
7120 | Optische Speichereinheiten und Steuergeräte (EDV) | 7120_optical storage units and control devices (edp) | 71_data storage |
7120 | Steuergeräte für optische Speichereinheiten (EDV) | 7120_control units for optical storage units (edp) | 71_data storage |
7130 | Festplattenspeichereinheiten | 7130_hard drive storage units | 71_data storage |
7130 | Floppy-Disc-Einheiten | 7130_floppy disc units | 71_data storage |
7130 | Magnetplattenlaufwerke | 7130_magnetic disk drives | 71_data storage |
7130 | Massenspeicher (Magnetplatten-) | 7130_mass storage (magnetic disk) | 71_data storage |
7130 | Plattenspeicher, Wechselplattenspeicher | 7130_disk storage, removable disk storage | 71_data storage |
7130 | Steuereinheiten (Magnetplatten-) | 7130_control units (magnetic disk) | 71_data storage |
7130 | Wechselplattenspeicher und -steuereinheiten | 7130_removable disk storage and controllers | 71_data storage |
7130 | Winchester-Plattensysteme | 7130_winchester record systems | 71_data storage |
7140 | Digital-Kassettenrecorder | 7140_digital cassette player | 71_data storage |
7140 | Magnetbandgeräte (digitale) | 7140_magnetic tape recorders (digital) | 71_data storage |
7140 | Magnetbandkassetteneinheiten (digital) | 7140_magnetic tape cassette units (digital) | 71_data storage |
7140 | Magnetbandspeichergeräte (digital) | 7140_magnetic tape storage devices (digital) | 71_data storage |
7140 | Magnetbandsteuereinheiten | 7140_magnetic tape control units | 71_data storage |
7150 | Eich- und Justiergeräte für Magnetbandgeräte | 7150_calibration and adjustment devices for magnetic tape devices | 71_data storage |
7150 | Entmagnetisierdrosseln für Magnetbandgeräte | 7150_demagnetizing chokes for magnetic tape devices | 71_data storage |
7150 | FM-Magnetbandgeräte | 7150_fm magnetic tape recorders | 71_data storage |
7150 | Impulscodiergeräte (für Analog-Bandgeräte) | 7150_pulse encoders (for analog tape decks) | 71_data storage |
7150 | Magnetbandspeichergeräte (Analog-) | 7150_magnetic tape storage devices (analog) | 71_data storage |
7150 | Messmagnetbandgeräte (analog und PCM) | 7150_measuring magnetic tape devices (analogue and pcm) | 71_data storage |
7150 | PCM-Magnetbandspeicher (Puls-Code-Modulation) | 7150_pcm magnetic tape storage (pulse code modulation) | 71_data storage |
7150 | Steuereinheiten für Magnetbandgeräte | 7150_control units for magnetic tape devices | 71_data storage |
7170 | Signalspeicher, digitale | 7170_latches, digital | 71_data storage |
7170 | Speicheroszilloskope, digitale | 7170_storage oscilloscopes, digital | 71_data storage |
7170 | Transient Digitizer (mit Multidioden-Bildspeicherröhre) | 7170_transient digitizer (with multi-diode image storage tube) | 71_data storage |
7170 | Transientenrecorder | 7170_transient recorder | 71_data storage |
7170 | Waveform Digitizer | 7170_waveform digitizer | 71_data storage |
7180 | CD-Platten (EDV-) | 7180_cd disks (edp) | 71_data storage |
7180 | Disketten für optische Speichereinheiten | 7180_floppy disks for optical storage devices | 71_data storage |
7180 | Lochkarten, Lochstreifen | 7180_punched cards, punched tape | 71_data storage |
7180 | Magnetbänder und -kassetten für EDV | 7180_magnetic tapes and cassettes for edp | 71_data storage |
7180 | Magnetplatten, Magnetfolien für EDV | 7180_magnetic discs, magnetic foils for edp | 71_data storage |
7180 | Platten, Plattenstapel für Magnetplattenspeicher | 7180_disks, disk stacks for magnetic disk storage | 71_data storage |
7180 | Speichermedien für EDV | 7180_storage media for edp | 71_data storage |
7190 | Datenspeicher, elektronenoptische | 7190_data storage, electron-optical | 71_data storage |
7190 | Elektronenoptische Datenspeicher | 7190_electron-optical data storage | 71_data storage |
7200 | Alphanumerische Displays | 7200_alphanumeric displays | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Bildschirmterminals | 7200_screen terminals | 72_data input and output |
7200 | CRT-Displays (Sichtgeräte) | 7200_crt displays (visual devices) | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Display Terminals | 7200_display terminals | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Druckerterminals | 7200_printer terminals | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Eingabetastaturen (EDV-) | 7200_input keyboards (edp) | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Graphische Terminals (außer interaktive graphische Systeme 746) | 7200_graphic terminals (except interactive graphic systems 746) | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Scope Display Driver, Sichtgeräte-Ansteuerung (CAMAC) | 7200_scope display driver, display device control (camac) | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Sichtgeräte (für EDV-Anlagen) | 7200_display devices (for edp systems) | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Tastaturen (EDV-) | 7200_keyboards (edp) | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Terminal Driver (CAMAC) | 7200_terminal driver (camac) | 72_data input and output |
7200 | Terminals | 7200_terminals | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Ausgabeschreibmaschinen | 7210_output typewriters | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Blattschreiber | 7210_chart recorder | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Datenschreiber (EDV-Ein-/ -Ausgabe) | 7210_data recorder (it input/output) | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Fernschreiber (für EDV) | 7210_teletypewriter (for it) | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Matrixdrucker, -printer | 7210_matrix printer, printer | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Mosaikdrucker | 7210_mosaic printer | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Nadeldrucker | 7210_dot matrix printer | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Schreibstationen (Daten-Ein-/ -Ausgabe) | 7210_write stations (data input/output) | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Teletypes (TTY) (EDV-Ein-/ -Ausgabe) | 7210_teletypes (tty) (it input/output) | 72_data input and output |
7210 | Thermodrucker | 7210_thermal printer | 72_data input and output |
7240 | Kettendrucker | 7240_chain printer | 72_data input and output |
7240 | Laserdrucker | 7240_laser printer | 72_data input and output |
7240 | Lineprinter | 7240_line printer | 72_data input and output |
7240 | Schnelldrucker (EDV-Peripherie) | 7240_high-speed printer (edp peripherals) | 72_data input and output |
7260 | Bildausgabegeräte (Photo-Write-Systeme) | 7260_image output devices (photo-write systems) | 72_data input and output |
7260 | Mikrofilmausgabegeräte (EDV) | 7260_microfilm output devices (edp) | 72_data input and output |
7280 | Klarschriftleser (OCR) | 7280_optical character reader (ocr) | 72_data input and output |
7280 | Markierungsleser | 7280_tag reader | 72_data input and output |
7280 | Scanner (EDV) | 7280_scanner (edp) | 72_data input and output |
7290 | Ausgabeeinheiten (EDV), Ein- und Ausgabe (außer 720-728) | 7290_output units (edp), input and output (except 720-728) | 72_data input and output |
7290 | Ein- und Ausgabeeinheiten (außer 720-728) | 7290_input and output units (except 720-728) | 72_data input and output |
7290 | Kassetten-Lese- und -Schreibeinheiten (digital) | 7290_cassette readers and writers (digital) | 72_data input and output |
7290 | Magnetkartenausgabegeräte | 7290_magnetic card dispensers | 72_data input and output |
7290 | Magnetkartenleser | 7290_magnetic card reader | 72_data input and output |
7300 | Netze, Netzkomponenten, Datenübertragung | 7300_networks, network components, data transmission | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | A/D-Wandler-Baugruppen (Prozeßrechner, CAMAC) | 7310_a/d converter assemblies (process computer, camac) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Controller (CAMAC) | 7310_controllers (camac) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Crate-Controller (CAMAC) | 7310_crate controller (camac) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | D/A-Wandler-Baugruppen (Prozeßrechner, CAMAC) | 7310_d/a converter modules (process computer, camac) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Datenaustausch- (-koppel-) Einheiten | 7310_data exchange (coupling) units | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Datenkoppler (Interface) | 7310_data coupler (interface) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | IEC-Standard-Schnittstellen, Interfaces | 7310_iec standard interfaces, interfaces | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Interfaces | 7310_interfaces | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Kanaladapter (EDV) | 7310_channel adapter (edp) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Leitungsadapter, Kanaladapter (EDV) | 7310_line adapter, channel adapter (edp) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Linearisierungseinheiten (Messwert-) | 7310_linearization units (measured value) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Messgeräte-Interfaces für IEC-Bus | 7310_measuring device interfaces for iec bus | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Multiprogrammer | 7310_multiprogrammer | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Schnittstellen-Anpaßgeräte, -Wandelgeräte | 7310_interface adapters, converters | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7310 | Signalanpaßgeräte | 7310_signal conditioning devices | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Analog-Multiplexer | 7320_analog multiplexer | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Data-Logger | 7320_data logger | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Datenerfassungsgeräte, Data-Logger | 7320_data acquisition devices, data loggers | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | I/O-Expander | 7320_i/o expander | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Interrupt-Moduln, -Register (EDV) | 7320_interrupt modules, registers (edv) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Konzentratoren (Datenübertragung) | 7320_concentrators (data transmission) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Messstellenwähler, -abtaster, -steuergeräte | 7320_measuring point selectors, scanners, control devices | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Messwerterfassungsanlagen (Prozeßperipherie oder fest programmierte) | 7320_data acquisition systems (process peripherals or permanently programmed) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Multiplexer | 7320_multiplexer | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Read-Out, Spark Chamber- (CAMAC), Ausleseelektronik für Funkenkammern | 7320_read-out, spark chamber- (camac), readout electronics for spark chambers | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Register, Input-, Output-, Interrupt- (CAMAC) | 7320_register, input, output, interrupt (camac) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Relaisansteuerung | 7320_relay control | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Relaismultiplexer | 7320_relay multiplexer | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Schnittstellen-Vervielfacher | 7320_interface multiplier | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7320 | Umschaltgeräte zum Anschluß und Abgleich von DMS-Messstellen | 7320_switching devices for connecting and adjusting strain gauge measuring points | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7330 | Mess- und Prüfautomaten für Logik-Bausteine | 7330_measuring and testing machines for logic components | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7340 | Analog-Klassiergeräte (außer 750-753) | 7340_analog classifiers (except 750-753) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7340 | Hardware-Monitorgeräte für Leistungsmessungen in der Datentechnik | 7340_hardware monitor devices for performance measurements in data technology | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7340 | Pegelhäufigkeitszähler | 7340_level frequency counter | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7340 | Probability-Meter, Signalstruktur-Analysegeräte zum Ermitteln statistischer Kennwerte | 7340_probability meter, signal structure analysis device for determining statistical parameters | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7340 | Statistikgeräte (außer 733, 743 und 750-753) | 7340_statistics units (except 733, 743 and 750-753) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7340 | Strukturanalysatoren (Signalstruktur, statistische Kopplung) | 7340_structure analyzers (signal structure, statistical coupling) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7360 | Converter (Rechner-) | 7360_converter | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7360 | GDN, Gleichstrom-Datenübertragungs-Einheiten (mit niedrigem Pegel) | 7360_gdn, dc data transmission units (with low level) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7360 | Gleichstrom-Datenübertragungs-Einheiten | 7360_dc data transmission units | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7360 | Modems | 7360_modems | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7360 | Parallel-/Serien-Umsetzer | 7360_parallel/serial converter | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7360 | Steuerschaltungen, Steuergeräte fur EDV-Ein-/ -Ausgabe (außer 720-729) | 7360_control circuits, control devices for it input/output (except 720-729) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7370 | Datum-Uhrzeitgeber | 7370_date timer | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7370 | Echtzeit-Uhren (Rechnersteuerung) | 7370_real time clocks (computer control) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7370 | Start Stop Control (CAMAC) | 7370_start stop control (camac) | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7370 | Taktgeber, -generatoren | 7370_clock generators | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7370 | Time Clock, Echtzeituhren | 7370_time clock, real time clocks | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7370 | Zeitcode-Generatoren, -Geräte | 7370_time code generators, devices | 73_process peripherals, measured value acquisition, data transmission |
7400 | Graphische Datenerfassungsgeräte | 7400_graphic data acquisition devices | 74_graphic data processing |
7410 | Diagrammabtaster (automatisch) | 7410_diagram scanner (automatic) | 74_graphic data processing |
7410 | Kurvendigitalisierer (automatisch) | 7410_curve digitizer (automatic) | 74_graphic data processing |
7410 | Kurvenfolger (opto-elektronisch) | 7410_curve follower (opto-electronic) | 74_graphic data processing |
7430 | Analytische Bildauswertung | 7430_analytical image evaluation | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | Ausgabeeinheiten, graphische | 7450_output units, graphic | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | Digital-Plotter | 7450_digital plotter | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | Graviereinrichtungen (Zeichenmaschinen-), rechnergesteuert | 7450_engraving devices (drawing machines), computer-controlled | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | Plotter | 7450_plotter | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | Plotter-Driver | 7450_plotter driver | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | Trommelplotter | 7450_drum plotter | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | XY-Plotter (digital angesteuert) | 7450_xy plotter (digitally controlled) | 74_graphic data processing |
7450 | Zeichenmaschinen, rechnergesteuert (automatisch) | 7450_drawing machines, computer-controlled (automatic) | 74_graphic data processing |
7460 | Interaktive Graphik, Cave-Systeme, VR-Systeme | 7460_interactive graphics, cave systems, vr systems | 74_graphic data processing |
7470 | Graphische Systeme, CAD, Cax | 7470_graphic systems, cad, cax | 74_graphic data processing |
7480 | Rechner Produktionsplanung, PPS, CIM | 7480_computer production planning, pps, cim | 74_graphic data processing |
7500 | Averager, Signal-Averager (Mittelwertrechner) | 7500_averager, signal averager (mean value calculator) | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7500 | Messwerterfassungs- und -verarbeitungssysteme | 7500_measured value acquisition and processing systems | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7500 | Mittelwertrechner, Korrelator-, Mikroprozessorsysteme | 7500_average calculator, correlator, microprocessor systems | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7500 | Multi-Channel-Analyzer (außer Strahlungsmessplätze 026) | 7500_multi-channel analyzer (except radiation measuring stations 026) | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7500 | Signalanalysatoren, -prozessoren | 7500_signal analyzers, processors | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7500 | Vielkanalanalysatoren (für Strahlenmessung, außer Strahlungsmessplätze 0 | 7500_multi-channel analyzers (for radiation measurement, except for radiation measurement stations 0 | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7520 | Autokorrelations-Rechner, -Zusätze | 7520_autocorrelation calculator, add-ons | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7520 | Echtzeit-Korrelatoren | 7520_real-time correlators | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7520 | Korrelatoren, digitale Korrelatoren | 7520_correlators, digital correlators | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7530 | FFT (Fast-Fourier-Transform-)-Analysatoren | 7530_fft (fast fourier transform) analyzers | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7530 | Fourier-Transform-Rechner | 7530_fourier transform calculator | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7530 | Kurvenanalysatoren, Curve-Resolver | 7530_curve analyzers, curve resolvers | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7530 | Kurvensynthetisatoren (Analoge Kurven-Synthese und -Analyse) | 7530_curve synthesizers (analog curve synthesis and analysis) | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7530 | Zeitsignalanalysatoren, digitale Fourier-, Modal-, Signatur-Analyse | 7530_time signal analyzers, digital fourier, modal, signature analysis | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7540 | Taschenrechner | 7540_calculator | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7560 | Entwicklungssysteme für Mikroprozessoren | 7560_development systems for microprocessors | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7560 | Mikroprozessor-Entwicklungssysteme | 7560_microprocessor development systems | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7560 | Programmiergeräte für Speicher (PROM) | 7560_programming devices for memory (prom) | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7590 | Mathematische Instrumente (außer Planimeter und Integraphen 876) | 7590_mathematical instruments (except planimeters and integraphs 876) | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7590 | Rechengeräte, sonstige (Addiergeräte, Rechenschieber) | 7590_calculators, other (adders, slide rules) | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7590 | Rechenschieber | 7590_slide rule | 75_hardwired computers and data processing equipment |
7600 | Software, Betriebssystem- | 7600_software, operating system | 76_operating system software, programs |
7610 | Interpreter-Software | 7610_interpreter software | 76_operating system software, programs |
7610 | Software, Compiler-, Interpreter- | 7610_software, compiler, interpreter | 76_operating system software, programs |
7700 | Software, Datenbank- | 7700_software, database | 77_user software, programs |
7710 | Software, Textverarbeitung | 7710_software, word processing | 77_user software, programs |
7720 | Software, Wissenschaftliche | 7720_software, scientific | 77_user software, programs |
7730 | CAD-, CAM-Software | 7730_cad, cam software | 77_user software, programs |
7730 | Software, Graphik-, CAD/CAM- | 7730_software, graphics, cad/cam | 77_user software, programs |
8000 | Axialgebläse, -Lüfter | 8000_axial blowers, fans | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8000 | Gebläse, Lüfter | 8000_blower, fan | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8000 | Radialgebläse, -lüfter | 8000_centrifugal blowers, fans | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Axialverdichter | 8010_axial compressor | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Flüssigkeitsring-Pumpen, -Verdichter | 8010_liquid ring pumps, compressors | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Gasverdichter, Kompressoren | 8010_gas compressors, compressors | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Kolbenverdichter | 8010_piston compressor | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Radialverdichter | 8010_centrifugal compressor | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Schraubenverdichter | 8010_screw compressor | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Seitenkanalverdichter | 8010_side channel compressor | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Trockenlaufverdichter | 8010_dry running compressor | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Verdichter für Gase | 8010_compressors for gases | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8010 | Wasserringpumpen | 8010_water ring pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Eintauchpumpen | 8020_submersible pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Fasspumpen | 8020_barrel pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Gasumlaufpumpen | 8020_gas circulation pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Handpumpen, Handpressen (Hochdruck-) | 8020_hand pumps, hand presses (high pressure) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Hochdruckpumpen (für Gase und Flüssigkeiten) über 200 bar, Druckverstärker | 8020_high-pressure pumps (for gases and liquids) over 200 bar, pressure intensifiers | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Kanalradpumpen | 8020_channel impeller pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Kolbenpumpen | 8020_piston pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Kreiselpumpen | 8020_centrifugal pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Membrankompressoren (Hochdruck-) | 8020_diaphragm compressors (high-pressure) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Ovalradpumpen | 8020_oval gear pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Pumpen für Flüssigkeiten | 8020_pumps for liquids | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Schraubenpumpen | 8020_screw pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Spaltrohrpumpen | 8020_canned pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8020 | Zahnradpumpen | 8020_gear pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8030 | Druckverstärker, Drucksteigerer | 8030_pressure intensifier, pressure booster | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8030 | Gasumlaufpumpen | 8030_gas circulation pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8030 | Handpumpen, Handpressen (Hochdruck-) | 8030_hand pumps, hand presses (high pressure) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8030 | Membrankompressoren (Hochdruck-) | 8030_diaphragm compressors (high-pressure) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8040 | Dosierpumpen, Schlauchpumpen | 8040_dosing pumps, peristaltic pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8040 | Hochdruck-Dosierpumpen (außer Chromatographie 1380) | 8040_high pressure dosing pumps (except chromatography 1380) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8040 | Peristaltische Pumpen | 8040_peristaltic pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8040 | Präzisionspumpen, Dosierpumpen (außer Chromatographie 1380) | 8040_precision pumps, dosing pumps (except chromatography 1380) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8050 | Elektrodynamische Pumpen | 8050_electrodynamic pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8050 | Induktionspumpen (Flüssigmetall) | 8050_induction pumps (liquid metal) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8050 | Pumpen für flüssige Gase | 8050_pumps for liquid gases | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8050 | Schneckenpumpen | 8050_screw pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8050 | Speisepumpen | 8050_feed pumps | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8050 | Spezielle Pumpen (außer 3700, 3710 und 8000-8040) | 8050_special pumps (except 3700, 3710 and 8000-8040) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8060 | Be- und Entwässerungsanlagen | 8060_irrigation and drainage systems | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8060 | Rasensprenger, -regner | 8060_lawn sprinklers, sprinklers | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8060 | Regner, Garten-Beregnungsgeräte | 8060_sprinklers, garden sprinklers | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8060 | Schöpfwerke | 8060_pumping stations | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8070 | Armaturen, Ventile, Schieber (außer 8170, 8180 und 8270) | 8070_fittings, valves, slides (except 8170, 8180 and 8270) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8070 | Kondensatableiter | 8070_condensate drain | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8090 | Pulsatoren (für Extraktionskolonnen) | 8090_pulsators (for extraction columns) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8090 | Sonstige Pumpen und Kompressoren, Zubehör (außer 8000-8070) | 8090_other pumps and compressors, accessories (except 8000-8070) | 80_pumps, compressors, fittings |
8100 | Drehkolbenpumpen | 8100_rotary lobe pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8100 | Drehschieber-Pumpen | 8100_rotary vane pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8100 | Gasballastpumpen | 8100_gas ballast pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8100 | Mechanische Vakuumpumpen (Vorpumpen) | 8100_mechanical vacuum pumps (backing pumps) | 81_vacuum pumps |
8100 | Roots-Pumpen | 8100_roots pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8100 | Rotationspumpen | 8100_rotary pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8100 | Wälzkolbenpumpen | 8100_roots pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Booster-Pumpen | 8110_booster pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Ejektoren | 8110_ejectors | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Getter-Pumpen | 8110_getter pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Ionen-Zerstäuberpumpen | 8110_ion spray pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Kryopumpen | 8110_cryopumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Öldampfstrahlpumpen | 8110_oil vapor jet pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Öldiffusionspumpen | 8110_oil diffusion pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Quecksilber-Dampfstrahlpumpen | 8110_mercury vapor ejectors | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Quecksilber-Diffusionspumpen | 8110_mercury diffusion pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Sorptionspumpen, Ionenpumpen einschl. Netzgeräte | 8110_sorption pumps, ion pumps including power supplies | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Treibmittelpumpen (Dampfstrahl, Diffusion) | 8110_propellant pumps (steam jet, diffusion) | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Wasserdampfstrahlpumpen | 8110_steam jet pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8110 | Wasserstrahlpumpen | 8110_water jet pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8120 | Getter-Pumpen | 8120_getter pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8120 | Ionenpumpen, Ionen-Getter-Pumpen | 8120_ion pumps, ion getter pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8120 | Ionen-Zerstäuberpumpen | 8120_ion spray pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8120 | Kryopumpen | 8120_cryopumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8120 | Netzgeräte für Ionen-, Titan-Zerstäuberpumpen | 8120_power supplies for ion, titanium spray pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8120 | Titan-Zerstäuber-, -Verdampferpumpen | 8120_titan atomizer, evaporator pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8130 | Turbomolekularpumpen | 8130_turbomolecular pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8140 | Flüssigkeitsring-Vakuumpumpen | 8140_liquid ring vacuum pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8140 | Heliumdichte Vorvakuumpumpen | 8140_helium-tight backing pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8140 | Spezielle Vakuumpumpen | 8140_special vacuum pumps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Dosierventile für Hochvakuumanlagen | 8160_dosing valves for high vacuum systems | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Federbalgventile, Faltenbalgventile (für Hochvakuumanlagen) | 8160_bellows valves, bellows valves (for high vacuum systems) | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Gaseinlassventile | 8160_gas inlet valves | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Säulenpumpstände | 8160_column pumping stations | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Tischpumpstände | 8160_table pumping stations | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Turbomolekularpumpstände | 8160_turbomolecular pumping stations | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Vakuumpumpstände (mit Vor- und Hochvakuumpumpen) | 8160_vacuum pumping stations (with backing and high vacuum pumps) | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Vakuumschieber | 8160_vacuum slide | 81_vacuum pumps |
8160 | Vakuumventile | 8160_vacuum valves | 81_vacuum pumps |
8170 | Dosierventile für Hochvakuumanlagen | 8170_dosing valves for high vacuum systems | 81_vacuum pumps |
8170 | Federbalgventile, Faltenbalgventile (für Hochvakuumanlagen) | 8170_bellows valves, bellows valves (for high vacuum systems) | 81_vacuum pumps |
8170 | Gaseinlassventile | 8170_gas inlet valves | 81_vacuum pumps |
8170 | Vakuumschieber | 8170_vacuum slide | 81_vacuum pumps |
8180 | Absorptionsfallen, Feinvakuum-Absorptionsfallen | 8180_absorption traps, fine vacuum absorption traps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8180 | Flansche für Vakuum- und UHV-Anlagen | 8180_flanges for vacuum and uhv systems | 81_vacuum pumps |
8180 | Kondensatoren, Dampfkondensatoren für Vakuumanlagen | 8180_condensers, steam condensers for vacuum plants | 81_vacuum pumps |
8180 | Kühlfallen, Kugelkühlfallen | 8180_cold traps, ball cold traps | 81_vacuum pumps |
8180 | Manipulatoren für Vakuumanlagen, Drehdurchführungen | 8180_manipulators for vacuum systems, rotary unions | 81_vacuum pumps |
8180 | Vakuumbauteile, Rezipienten, Dampfsperren | 8180_vacuum components, recipients, vapor barriers | 81_vacuum pumps |
8190 | Sonstige Vakuumpumpen und Zubehör (außer 8100-8180) | 8190_other vacuum pumps and accessories (except 8100-8180) | 81_vacuum pumps |
8200 | Heizautoklaven | 8200_heating autoclave | 82_pressure equipment |
8200 | Hydrothermal-Anlagen | 8200_hydrothermal plants | 82_pressure equipment |
8200 | Reaktionsgefäße für Hochdruck, Autoklaven | 8200_reaction vessels for high pressure, autoclaves | 82_pressure equipment |
8200 | Rührautoklaven | 8200_stirred autoclave | 82_pressure equipment |
8200 | Schüttelautoklaven | 8200_shaking autoclaves | 82_pressure equipment |
8210 | Behälter, Gasbehälter (Experimentieranlagen, außer Hochdruck- 8200 und Vakuumanlagen 8300-8330) | 8210_containers, gas containers (experimental systems, except high-pressure 8200 and vacuum systems 8300-8330) | 82_pressure equipment |
8210 | Druckbehälter (außer Gasflaschen) | 8210_pressure vessels (except gas cylinders) | 82_pressure equipment |
8220 | Air Conditioner, Luftaufbereitung | 8220_air conditioner, air treatment | 82_pressure equipment |
8220 | Druckluftanlagen, Druckluftversorgung | 8220_compressed air systems, compressed air supply | 82_pressure equipment |
8220 | Luftversorgungsanlagen, -aufbereitungsanlagen | 8220_air supply installations, air treatment installations | 82_pressure equipment |
8230 | Helium-Rückgewinnungsanlagen (nicht: Helimverflüssigungsanlagen 8570) | 8230_helium recovery systems (not: helim liquefaction systems 8570) | 82_pressure equipment |
8240 | Hydraulikaggregate (Pumpen mit Antriebsmotor und Druckspeicher) | 8240_hydraulic units (pumps with drive motor and pressure accumulator) | 82_pressure equipment |
8240 | Hydraulikanlagen (ohne Pressen) | 8240_hydraulic systems (without presses) | 82_pressure equipment |
8240 | Wasserdruck-Erzeugungsanlagen (Hydraulik) | 8240_water pressure generating systems (hydraulics) | 82_pressure equipment |
8260 | Hochdruckanlagen | 8260_high-pressure systems | 82_pressure equipment |
8270 | Berstplatten | 8270_rupture plates | 82_pressure equipment |
8270 | Explosionsschutz-Anlagen (Abschirmung, Dämmung) | 8270_explosion protection systems (shielding, insulation) | 82_pressure equipment |
8270 | Hochdruckventile und Bauteile für Hochdruckanlagen | 8270_high-pressure valves and components for high-pressure systems | 82_pressure equipment |
8270 | Sicherheitsventile (speziell für Hochdruckanlagen) | 8270_safety valves (especially for high-pressure systems) | 82_pressure equipment |
8280 | Druckminderer für Gasflaschen | 8280_pressure reducer for gas cylinders | 82_pressure equipment |
8280 | Gasflaschen und Zubehör | 8280_gas cylinders and accessories | 82_pressure equipment |
8280 | Gasflaschenventile | 8280_gas cylinder valves | 82_pressure equipment |
8280 | Stahlflaschen für Gase | 8280_steel cylinders for gases | 82_pressure equipment |
8290 | Sonstige Druckanlagen (außer 8200-8280) | 8290_other pressure equipment (except 8200-8280) | 82_pressure equipment |
8300 | Labor-Vakuumeinrichtung | 8300_laboratory vacuum device | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8300 | Vakuumkammern | 8300_vacuum chambers | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8310 | UHV-Anlagen mit Analytik | 8310_uhv systems with analytics | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8320 | Ultrahochvakuumanlagen | 8320_ultra-high vacuum systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8320 | Weltraum-Simulationsanlagen, Raum-Simulationskammern | 8320_space simulation facilities, space simulation chambers | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Argon Ionenkanonen | 8330_argon ion cannons | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Gefrierätzanlagen | 8330_ freeze etching plants | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Glimm-Einrichtungen | 8330_glow facilities | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Ionen-Ätz- und -Abdünnanlagen | 8330_ ion etching and thinning systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Ionendünnungsanlagen | 8330_ion thinning plants | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Kathodenzerstäuber-Anlagen | 8330_cathode atomizer systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Sputtering-Anlagen | 8330_sputtering systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8330 | Vakuumbedampfungsanlagen und -präparieranlagen | 8330_vacuum vaporization systems and preparation systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8340 | Gefriertrocknungsanlagen | 8340_freeze drying plants | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8340 | Lyophilisatoren | 8340_lyophilizers | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8340 | Teller-Glocken-Anlagen | 8340_dish bell systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Absolutdruck-Aufnehmer, -Messgeräte | 8350_absolute pressure sensors, measuring devices | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Aneroid-Absolutdruckmesser (außer Barometer 0500) | 8350_aneroid absolute pressure gauge (except barometer 0500) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Differenz-Druckaufnehmer | 8350_differential pressure transducer | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Druckaufnehmer für Flüssigkeiten und Gase | 8350_pressure transducers for liquids and gases | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Druckmessgeräte (außer 3000 und 8970) | 8350_pressure gauges (except 3000 and 8970) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Druckwaagen | 8350_pressure compensators | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Feindruckmesser | 8350_precision knife | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Hydraulische Waagen | 8350_hydraulic scales | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Kapazitäts-Manometer | 8350_capacity manometer | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Manometer | 8350_manometer | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Manometer und Vakuum-Meter (mechanisch und elektromechanisch), Druck- und Vakuum-Regelgeräte | 8350_pressure gauges and vacuum gauges (mechanical and electromechanical), pressure and vacuum control devices | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | McLeod-Vakuummeter | 8350_mcleod vacuum gauge | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Mechanische Vakuummeter | 8350_mechanical vacuum gauges | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Membran-Manometer | 8350_membrane pressure gauge | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Quecksilber-Vakuummeter | 8350_mercury vacuum gauge | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8350 | Tauchsichel-Feindruckmesser | 8350_diving crescent precision knife | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8360 | Penning-Vakuummeter | 8360_penning vacuum gauge | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8360 | Pirani-Vakuummeter | 8360_pirani vacuum gauge | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8360 | Vakuummeter für Hochvakuum, UHV, thermische Vakuummeter, Ionisationsvakuummeter | 8360_vacuum gauges for high vacuum, uhv, thermal vacuum gauges, ionization vacuum gauges | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8360 | Wärmeleitungs-Vakuummeter | 8360_heat conduction vacuum gauge | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8370 | Lecksucher | 8370_leak detector | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8370 | Massenspektrometer-Lecksuchgeräte | 8370_mass spectrometer leak detectors | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8380 | Elektronenstrahl-Verdampfungsquellen | 8380_electron beam evaporation sources | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8380 | Ionenstrahl-Quellen (zum Anätzen und Anpolieren im Vakuum) | 8380_ion beam sources (for etching and polishing in a vacuum) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8380 | Kohlebedampfungs-Einrichtungen | 8380_carbon vaporization facilities | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8380 | Plasmamonitore | 8380_plasma monitors | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8380 | Schichtdickenmessgeräte, Verdampfungs- und Steuergeräte (für Vakuumbedampfung, außer 8330) | 8380_coating thickness gauges, evaporation and control devices (for vacuum evaporation, except 8330) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8380 | Schwingquarz-Schichtdicken-Messgeräte | 8380_oscillating quartz layer thickness gauges | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8390 | Ausheizöfen (für Hochvakuumanlagen) | 8390_baking furnaces (for high vacuum systems) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8390 | Haus-Vakuumanlagen (zentrale Vakuumversorgung) | 8390_house vacuum systems (central vacuum supply) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8390 | Isolieröl-Aufbereitungsanlagen | 8390_insulating oil processing plants | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8390 | Sonstige Vakuumgeräte und -anlagen (außer 8300-8380) | 8390_other vacuum equipment (except 8300-8380) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8390 | Vakuumgießharz-Anlagen | 8390_vacuum casting resin systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8390 | Ventile (Vakuum) | 8390_valves (vacuum) | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8390 | Zubehörteile zu Hochvakuumanlagen | 8390_accessories for high vacuum systems | 83_vacuum systems and pressure gauges |
8400 | Anlassöfen | 8400_tempering furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Auftaugeräte | 8400_thawing devices | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Diffusionsöfen | 8400_diffusion furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Drei-Zonen-Öfen | 8400_three-zone ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Elektro-Rohröfen | 8400_electric tube furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Glühöfen, Glühanlagen | 8400_annealing furnaces, annealing plants | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Härteöfen | 8400_hardening ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Hochtemperaturöfen | 8400_high temperature furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Kammeröfen, Muffelöfen, Rohröfen | 8400_chamber furnaces, muffle furnaces, tube furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Tiegelöfen | 8400_crucible furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8400 | Wärmebehandlungs-Öfen | 8400_heat treatment furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Brenner für Öfen | 8410_burners for stoves | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Brenner und spezielle Wärmegeräte, Zünd- und Überwachungsgeräte | 8410_burners and special heating devices, ignition and monitoring devices | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Fackeln, Abfackelanlagen | 8410_flares, flare systems | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Flammenüberwachungsgeräte | 8410_flame monitoring devices | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Flämmgeräte | 8410_flame treatment equipment | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Ölbrenner | 8410_oil burner | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Plasma-Brenner, Argon-Plasmabrenner | 8410_plasma torch, argon plasma torch | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8410 | Zugregelgeräte (Ofenanlagen) | 8410_draft control devices (furnace plants) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Elektronenstrahl-Schmelzöfen | 8420_electron beam melting furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Hochfrequenzöfen | 8420_high frequency ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Lichtbogenschmelzöfen | 8420_arc melting furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Mikrowellenöfen und -wärmegeräte (außer 3950 und 9500) | 8420_microwave ovens and warmers (except 3950 and 9500) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Mittelfrequenzöfen | 8420_medium frequency ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Nernst-Tammann-Öfen | 8420_nernst-tammann ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Plasmaöfen | 8420_plasma furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Schmelzöfen | 8420_furnaces | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Sonnenöfen | 8420_solar ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Spezielle Öfen (Induktions-, Lichtbogenheizung, Vakuumöfen) | 8420_special furnaces (induction, arc heating, vacuum furnaces) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8420 | Strahlungsheizkammern | 8420_radiant heating chambers | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8430 | Heißluftgebläse | 8430_heat gun | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8430 | Heizgeräte (Infrarot-) | 8430_heaters (infrared) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8430 | Lufterhitzer, Luftheizgeräte (transportabel), Infrarotheizgeräte | 8430_air heaters, air heaters (portable), infrared heaters | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8430 | Wärmestrahler (außer für Therapie 3950) | 8430_radiant heater (except for therapy 3950) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8440 | Dampferzeuger (für Laboratorien), Dämpfanlagen | 8440_steam generators (for laboratories), steaming installations | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Critical-Point-Trocknungsgeräte | 8450_critical point drying devices | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Frischluft-Trockenöfen | 8450_fresh air drying ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Laborglas-Trockner | 8450_laboratory glass dryer | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Lack-Trocken- und Einbrenn-Öfen | 8450_paint drying and baking ovens | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Trockenschränke | 8450_drying cabinets | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Trocknungsanlagen, Exsikkatoren | 8450_drying systems, desiccators | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Vakuumtrockenschränke | 8450_vacuum drying cabinets | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8450 | Walzentrockner | 8450_drum dryer | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8470 | Bad- und Einhängethermostaten, Temperiergeräte | 8470_bath and immersion thermostats, temperature control units | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8470 | Öfen (Thermostaten) für optische Bauelemente | 8470_ovens (thermostats) for optical components | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8470 | Thermostate (Bad- und Einhänge-Thermostaten) | 8470_thermostats (bath and immersion thermostats) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8470 | Umwälzthermostate | 8470_circulators | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8470 | Wasserbäder (Thermostate) | 8470_water baths (thermostats) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8480 | Gasbrenner (Labor-), Bunsenbrenner | 8480_gas burner (laboratory), bunsen burner | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8480 | Heizöfen (außer 9830) | 8480_stoves (except 9830) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8480 | Heizplatten, Heizbänke | 8480_heating plates, heating benches | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8480 | Laborheizgeräte und Brenner | 8480_laboratory heaters and burners | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8480 | Ölbäder | 8480_oil baths | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8480 | Sandbäder | 8480_sand baths | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8480 | Wasserkocher, elektrische (Labor-) | 8480_kettle, electric (laboratory) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Abschreckbäder und -einrichtungen für Härterei | 8490_quenching baths and equipment for hardening | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Brennöfen (Keramik-, außer 8400) | 8490_kilns (ceramic, except 8400) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Drehrohröfen | 8490_rotary kilns | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Feldschmieden | 8490_field forges | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Härte- und Abschreckanlagen, Härtemaschinen | 8490_hardening and quenching plants, hardening machines | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Heizkörper für technische Geräte | 8490_radiators for technical devices | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Sonstige Öfen und Wärmegeräte (außer 8400-8480) | 8490_miscellaneous ovens and warmers (except 8400-8480) | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Tauchheizkörper | 8490_immersion heater | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Wärmeaustauscher | 8490_heat exchanger | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Wärmeröhren (Heat Pipes) | 8490_heat pipes | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8490 | Wärmespeicher | 8490_heat accumulator | 84_furnaces and heating systems |
8500 | Flockeneisautomaten | 8500_flake ice machines | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Kälteanlagen (mit geschlossenem Kreislauf) | 8500_refrigeration systems (closed circuit) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Kältemaschinen (bis -100Grd C) | 8500_chillers (up to -100 degrees c) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Kühlwasserkreislaufsysteme, Rückkühlsysteme | 8500_cooling water circulation systems, recooling systems | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Laboreisautomaten | 8500_laboratory ice machines | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Refrigeratoren (bis -100 Grad C) | 8500_refrigerators (up to -100 degrees c) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Solekühler | 8500_brine cooler | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Trockeneiserzeuger | 8500_dry ice maker | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8500 | Umlaufkühler (für Laborgeräte) | 8500_recirculating chiller (for laboratory equipment) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8510 | Kühlschränke und Gefriertruhen (bis -100 Grad C) | 8510_refrigerators and freezers (up to -100 degrees c) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8510 | Tiefgefriertruhen, -Schränke | 8510_freezer chests, cabinets | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8510 | Tiefkühltruhen | 8510_freezers | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8520 | Eintauchkühler | 8520_immersion cooler | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8520 | Kältethermostaten | 8520_cooling thermostats | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8520 | Kryostaten, Tauchkühler (bis -100 Grad C) | 8520_cryostats, immersion coolers (up to -100 degrees c) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8520 | Kühlgeräte, Kühlgehäuse für IR-Detektoren und Elektronen-Vervielfacher | 8520_cooling devices, cooling housings for ir detectors and electron multipliers | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8520 | Mikrokryostaten (Mikrokryoskope) für Mikroskopie | 8520_microcryostats (microcryoscopes) for microscopy | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8520 | Peltier-Kühlgeräte | 8520_peltier cooling devices | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8520 | Thermoelektrische Kühlgeräte, Peltierkühler | 8520_thermoelectric cooling devices, peltier coolers | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8530 | Cryogeneratoren, Cryocooler (mit geschlossenem Kreislauf) | 8530_cryogenerators, cryocoolers (closed circuit) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8530 | Kältemaschinen und Refrigeratoren (unter -100 Grad C) | 8530_chillers and refrigerators (below -100 degrees c) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8530 | Kreislaufkälteanlagen (unter -100 Grad C) | 8530_circulation refrigeration systems (below -100 degrees c) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8540 | Einfrierautomaten | 8540_automatic freezers | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8540 | Einfriergeräte für biologisches Material | 8540_freezers for biological material | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8540 | Flüssigstickstoff-Gefrierbehälter | 8540_liquid nitrogen freezer container | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8540 | Tiefgefrieranlagen (flüssiger Stickstoff) | 8540_deep freezers (liquid nitrogen) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8541 | Einfrieranlagen zur Probenvorbereitung, z.B. in der Mikroskopie | 8541_freezing systems for sample preparation, eg in microscopy | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8550 | Helium-Kryostaten | 8550_helium cryostats | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8550 | Mischkryostaten (Helium-) | 8550_mixing cryostats (helium) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8550 | Spezielle Kryostaten (für tiefste Temperaturen) | 8550_special cryostats (for the lowest temperatures) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8550 | Stickstoff-Kryostate | 8550_nitrogen cryostats | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8550 | Verdampfer-Kryostaten (Helium-) | 8550_evaporator cryostats (helium) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8560 | Gasverflüssigungs-, Luftzerlegungsanlagen | 8560_gas liquefaction, air separation plants | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8560 | Luftverflüssigungsanlagen | 8560_air liquefaction plants | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8560 | Stickstoff-Verflüssigungsanlagen | 8560_nitrogen liquefaction plants | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8570 | Helium- und Wasserstoff-Verflüssigungsanlagen | 8570_helium and hydrogen liquefaction plants | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8580 | Behälter für flüssige Gase | 8580_containers for liquid gases | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8580 | Dewargefäße | 8580_dewars | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8580 | Helium-Transportkannen | 8580_helium transport cans | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8580 | Kaltvergaser | 8580_cold carburetor | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8590 | Gaskühler (für Kompressoren und Windkanäle) | 8590_gas cooler (for compressors and wind tunnels) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8590 | Gasverflüssigungsanlagen-Zubehör | 8590_gas liquefaction plant accessories | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8590 | Kälteanlagen-Zubehör | 8590_refrigeration system accessories | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8590 | Kryostaten-Heber | 8590_cryostat lifter | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8590 | Kühltürme, Wasserrückkühlanlagen | 8590_cooling towers, water cooling systems | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8590 | Sonstige Kälteanlagen und -geräte (außer 8500-8580) | 8590_miscellaneous refrigeration systems and equipment (except 8500-8580) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8590 | Wärmeaustauscher (Kältetechnik) | 8590_heat exchanger (refrigeration) | 85_refrigeration systems and gas liquefiers |
8600 | Fernthermometer | 8600_remote thermometer | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Kontaktthermometer | 8600_contact thermometer | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Messumformer, -verstärker für Thermoelemente und Widerstandsthermometer | 8600_measuring transducers, amplifiers for thermocouples and resistance thermometers | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Oberflächenthermometer (elektronisch) mit Temperaturfühler | 8600_surface thermometer (electronic) with temperature sensor | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Quarzthermometer (elektronisch) | 8600_quartz thermometer (electronic) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Thermoelemente, Anzeigegeräte | 8600_thermocouples, indicators | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Thermometer (elektronisch) mit Temperaturfühler | 8600_thermometer (electronic) with temperature sensor | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Thermometer, (Berührungsthermometer), allgemein (außer für Geophysik 0450, 0510 und Medizin 3910) | 8600_thermometer, (contact thermometer), general (except for geophysics 0450, 0510 and medicine 3910) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8600 | Widerstandsthermometer (außer für tiefste Temperaturen 8610) | 8600_resistance thermometer (except for the lowest temperatures 8610) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8610 | Spezielle Thermometer für tiefste Temperaturen (einschließlich elektronischem Anzeigegerät) | 8610_special thermometers for extremely low temperatures (including electronic display unit) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Farb-Pyrometer | 8620_color pyrometer | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Gesamtstrahlungs-Pyrometer | 8620_total radiation pyrometer | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Infrarot-Kameras (außer 3910) | 8620_infrared cameras (except 3910) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Infrarot-Mikro-Scanner | 8620_infrared micro scanner | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Infrarot-Mikroskope, -Mikroscanner | 8620_infrared microscopes, microscanners | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Infrarot-Thermosonden | 8620_infrared thermal probes | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Quotienten-Pyrometer, Verteilungs-Pyrometer | 8620_ratio pyrometer, distribution pyrometer | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Radiometer (Infrarot) | 8620_radiometer (infrared) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Scanning-Infrarot-Thermosonden | 8620_scanning infrared thermal probes | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Spektralpyrometer, Teilstrahlungs-Pyrometer | 8620_spectral pyrometer, partial radiation pyrometer | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Strahlungsthermometer (außer Aktinometer 0540) | 8620_radiation thermometer (except actinometer 0540) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Strahlungsthermometer, Pyrometer, Thermosonden | 8620_radiation thermometers, pyrometers, thermal probes | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Thermographiegeräte (technisch) | 8620_thermographic devices (technical) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Thermometer, spezielle | 8620_thermometer, special | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Thermovisionskameras (außer Medizin 3910) | 8620_thermovision cameras (except medical 3910) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8620 | Wärmebild-Kameras (außer Medizin 3910) | 8620_thermal imaging cameras (except medical 3910) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8640 | Heizwertmessgeräte | 8640_calorific value meters | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8640 | Kalorimeter und Heizwertschreiber (außer 8650, 8660) | 8640_calorimeter and calorific value recorder (except 8650, 8660) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8640 | Wärmemengen-Mess- und -Regelgeräte | 8640_heat quantity measuring and control devices | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8650 | Dilatometer | 8650_dilatometer | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8650 | Spezielle Kalorimeter | 8650_special calorimeter | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8650 | Thermische Abbauanalysatoren (TEA, Thermal Evolution Analyzer) | 8650_thermal degradation analyzers (tea, thermal evolution analyzer) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8650 | Thermogravimetriegeräte | 8650_thermogravimetric devices | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8660 | Differentialkalorimeter | 8660_differential calorimeter | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8660 | Differential-Scanning-Kalorimeter (DSC) | 8660_differential scanning calorimeter (dsc) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8660 | DTA-Apparaturen (Differential-Thermoanalyse) | 8660_dta equipment (differential thermal analysis) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8660 | Mikrokalorimeter | 8660_microcalorimeter | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8660 | ITC - Mikrokalorimeter (isothermal titration calorimetry) | 8660_itc - microcalorimeter (isothermal titration calorimetry) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8660 | Thermoanalysegeräte (DTA, DTG), Dilatometer | 8660_thermal analyzers (dta, dtg), dilatometers | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8660 | Thermowaagen | 8660_thermobalances | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8670 | Kryomess- und -regelgeräte | 8670_cryogenic measurement and control devices | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8670 | Raumthermostaten, -temperaturregler | 8670_room thermostats, temperature controllers | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8670 | Temperaturregler | 8670_temperature controller | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8670 | Temperatur-Zeit-Programmregler | 8670_temperature-time program controller | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8670 | Thermostate (Temperaturregler) | 8670_thermostats (temperature controllers) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8680 | Geräte zur Messung von Schmelzpunkt, Siedepunkt, Tropfpunkt | 8680_devices for measuring melting point, boiling point, dropping point | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8680 | Gleichgewichtsapparaturen (Flüssigkeits-Dampf-Gleichgewicht) | 8680_equilibrium apparatus (liquid-vapour equilibrium) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8680 | Siedepunktbestimmungsgeräte (außer Ebullioskope 1630 für Molekulargewichtsbestimmung) | 8680_boiling point devices (except ebullioscope 1630 for molecular weight determination) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Eispunkt-Referenzgeräte, Nullpunkt-Thermostate | 8690_ice point reference devices, zero point thermostats | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Gasadsorptions- und Desorptions-Isothermen, Messgeräte (außer 1640) | 8690_gas adsorption and desorption isotherms, meters (except 1640) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Sonstige Messgeräte für thermische Größen (außer 8600-8680) | 8690_miscellaneous thermal meters (except 8600-8680) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Temperaturmesser-Zubehör | 8690_temperature gauge accessories | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Temperatursonden, nichtmetallisch (für HF-Heizung) | 8690_temperature probes, nonmetallic (for hf heating) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Tripelpunktzellen (für Thermoelemente) | 8690_triple point cells (for thermocouples) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Wärmefluss-Messeinrichtungen | 8690_heat flow measuring devices | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8690 | Wärmeleitfähigkeits-Messgeräte (außer für Chromatographie 1380) | 8690_thermal conductivity meters (except for chromatography 1380) | 86_measuring devices for thermal quantities |
8700 | Dickenmessgeräte, mechanisch (mit Kernstrahlung siehe 4130, pneumatische siehe 8720) | 8700_thickness gauges, mechanical (with nuclear radiation see 4130, pneumatic see 8720) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Endmasse, Parallel-Endmaße | 8700_gauge blocks, parallel gauge blocks | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Feintaster, Feinmessgeräte | 8700_fine probes, precision measuring devices | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Koordinaten-Messmaschinen (mechanisch) | 8700_coordinate measuring machines (mechanical) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Lehren, mechanische | 8700_gauges, mechanical | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Mechanisch abtastende Längen- und Dickenmessgeräte, Messmaschinen | 8700_mechanical scanning length and thickness gauges, measuring machines | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Messuhren (Länge, Dicke) | 8700_dial gauges (length, thickness) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Mikrometer (-schrauben) | 8700_micrometer (screws) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8700 | Schieblehren | 8700_callipers | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Elektrooptische Längen- und Wegmessgeräte | 8710_electro-optical length and path measuring devices | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Encoder, optische (Längenmessung) | 8710_encoder, optical (length measurement) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Fernseh-Mikrometer | 8710_tv micrometer | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Interferenzkomparatoren | 8710_interference comparators | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Kathetometer | 8710_cathetometer | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Komparatoren | 8710_comparators | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Laser-Lichtschnittgeräte | 8710_laser light cutting devices | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Laser-Messmaschinen, -Interferometer | 8710_laser measuring machines, interferometers | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Laser-Telemetrie-Systeme | 8710_laser telemetry systems | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Lichtschnittgeräte | 8710_light section devices | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Optische Längenmessgeräte (außer 0620-0670 und Messmikroskope 5030) | 8710_optical length measuring devices (except 0620-0670 and measuring microscope 5030) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8710 | Wegaufnehmer und -messgeräte (optisch, elektrooptisch) | 8710_displacement sensors and measuring devices (optical, electro-optical) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Elektronische und pneumatische Längenmessgeräte, Wegaufnehmer und Anzeigegeräte | 8720_electronic and pneumatic length measuring devices, displacement transducers and display devices | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Formprüfgeräte, Formtester, Rundheitsmessgeräte (elektronisch-mechanisch, pneumatisch) | 8720_form testing devices, form testers, roundness measuring devices (electronic-mechanical, pneumatic) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Induktive Wegaufnehmer, Taster | 8720_inductive displacement transducer, button | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Kapazitive Wegaufnehmer | 8720_capacitive displacement sensors | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Laser-Mess-Systeme für Form- und Positionsmessung | 8720_laser measuring systems for form and position measurement | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Messmaschinen (elektronisch-mechanisch, pneumatisch) | 8720_measuring machines (electronic-mechanical, pneumatic) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Messverstärker (Trägerfrequenz-) und Messbrücken für induktive und kapazitive Aufnehmer | 8720_measuring amplifier (carrier frequency) and measuring bridges for inductive and capacitive sensors | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Positions-Anzeigegeräte (mit Weg- oder Winkel-Aufnehmer) | 8720_position indicators (with displacement or angle sensors) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Profilmessmaschinen (elektronisch, mechanisch) | 8720_profile measuring machines (electronic, mechanical) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Rundheitsmessgeräte | 8720_roundness gauges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Stellungsmessgeräte, -messumformer | 8720_position measuring devices, transmitters | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Verlagerungsaufnehmer (elektronisch) | 8720_displacement sensor (electronic) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8720 | Zahnform-, Zahnrad-Prüfgeräte (elektronisch-mechanisch) | 8720_tooth form and gear testers (electronic-mechanical) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Brückenabgleich-Einheiten (für Dehnungsmessbrücken) | 8730_bridge balance units (for strain gauge bridges) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Dehnungsmessgeräte und -messbrücken | 8730_strain gauges and bridges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | DMS-, Dehnungsmessstreifen, -messbrücken | 8730_dms, strain gauges, measuring bridges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Kompensatoren, manuell, automatisch (digital) für Dehnungsmessstreifen | 8730_compensators, manual, automatic (digital) for strain gauges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Messverstärker für Dehnungsmessstreifen und DMS-Aufnehmer | 8730_measuring amplifier for strain gauges and strain gauge sensors | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Rotationsgeber | 8730_rotary encoder | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Schwingsaiten-Dehnungsmessgeräte und -aufnehmer | 8730_vibrating wire strain gauges and transducers | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Teilkreisprüfgeräte | 8730_pitch circle testers | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Trägerfrequenz-Brücken für Dehnungsmessstreifen | 8730_carrier frequency bridges for strain gauges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Winkel-Codierer, -Schrittgeber | 8730_angle encoder, stepper | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Winkel-Endmaße, -Prüfgeräte | 8730_angle gauge blocks, testing devices | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8730 | Winkelmessgeräte, Goniometer, Drehgeber | 8730_angle measuring devices, goniometers, encoders | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8740 | Brückenabgleich-Einheiten (für Dehnungsmessbrücken) | 8740_bridge balance units (for strain gauge bridges) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8740 | DMS-, Dehnungsmessstreifen, -messbrücken | 8740_dms, strain gauges, measuring bridges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8740 | Kompensatoren, manuell, automatisch (digital) für Dehnungsmessstreifen | 8740_compensators, manual, automatic (digital) for strain gauges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8740 | Messbrücken für Dehnungsmessstreifen | 8740_measuring bridges for strain gauges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8740 | Messverstärker für Dehnungsmessstreifen und DMS-Aufnehmer | 8740_measuring amplifier for strain gauges and strain gauge sensors | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8740 | Schwingsaiten-Dehnungsmessgeräte und -aufnehmer | 8740_vibrating wire strain gauges and transducers | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8740 | Trägerfrequenz-Brücken für Dehnungsmessstreifen | 8740_carrier frequency bridges for strain gauges | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8760 | Integraphen, mechanische | 8760_integraphs, mechanical | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8760 | Planimeter, mechanische Integraphen | 8760_planimeters, mechanical integraphs | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8770 | Füllstandsmessgeräte (kapazitiv, Kernstrahlung, Ultraschall) | 8770_level gauges (capacitive, nuclear radiation, ultrasonic) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8770 | Niveaumessgeräte, -messumformer | 8770_level measuring devices, transmitters | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8770 | Wasserstandszeiger, -gläser | 8770_water level indicators, glasses | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8780 | Eichgefäße | 8780_calibration vessels | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8780 | Litermaße | 8780_liters | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8780 | Luftpyknometer, Luftvergleichs-Pyknometer | 8780_air pycnometer, air comparison pycnometer | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8780 | Pyknometer | 8780_pycnometer | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8780 | Stampfvolumeter | 8780_pitch volumeter | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8780 | Volumenmessgeräte (außer 1900 und 1920) | 8780_volumetric instruments (except 1900 and 1920) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8780 | Volumetrische Mikrometer | 8780_volumetric microns | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8790 | Flächenmessgeräte (außer 1640, 5230, 7430 und 8760) | 8790_area measuring devices (except 1640, 5230, 7430 and 8760) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8790 | Längenmessgeräte (außer 0620-0670 und 8700-8720) | 8790_length gauges (except 0620-0670 and 8700-8720) | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8790 | Sonstige Messgeräte für Länge, Fläche, Rauminhalt | 8790_other measuring devices for length, area, volume | 87_measuring devices for length, area, volume |
8800 | Astronomische Uhren | 8800_astronomical clocks | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8800 | Funk-Uhren, über Zeitzeichen gesteuerte Uhren | 8800_radio clocks, clocks controlled by time signals | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8800 | Normalzeitanlagen | 8800_standard time investments | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8800 | Zeitnormale, Atomuhren | 8800_time standards, atomic clocks | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8810 | Elektronische Uhren (außer 6150 und 7370) | 8810_electronic clocks (except 6150 and 7370) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8810 | Quarzuhren | 8810_quartz watches | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8820 | Mechanische Präzisionsuhren, Chronometer | 8820_mechanical precision watches, chronometers | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8830 | Laboruhren (Kurzzeitmesser, Stoppuhren) | 8830_laboratory clocks (timers, stopwatches) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8840 | Kontaktuhren | 8840_contact watches | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8840 | Schaltuhren, Zeitsteuergeräte | 8840_switch clocks, time control devices | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8840 | Zeitmarkengeber, -generatoren (außer 6550) | 8840_timestamp encoders, generators (except 6550) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8840 | Zeitschalter | 8840_timer | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Anemometer (Strömungsmesser) | 8860_anemometer (flow meter) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Doppler-Radar-Geschwindigkeitsmesser (außer Navigationsgeräte 2460) | 8860_doppler radar speedometer (except navigators 2460) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Geschwindigkeitsmessgeräte (außer 0470, 0530, 1920 und 2440) | 8860_speedometers (except 0470, 0530, 1920 and 2440) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Heißfilm-Anemometer | 8860_hot film anemometer | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Hitzedraht-Anemometer, -Sonden | 8860_hot wire anemometers, probes | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Korrelations-optische Sensoren für Geschwindigkeit, Weg und Beschleunigung | 8860_correlation optical sensors for speed, displacement and acceleration | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Laser-Doppler-Anemometer, -Velocimeter, PIV | 8860_laser doppler anemometer, velocimeter, piv | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Sensoren für Geschwindigkeitsmessung | 8860_sensors for speed measurement | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Tachometer | 8860_speedometer | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Turbulenzgradmesser | 8860_turbulence meter | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8860 | Ultraschall-Strömungs- und -Geschwindigkeitsmesser (außer 1920 und 3010) | 8860_ultrasonic flow and velocity meters (except 1920 and 3010) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8870 | Drehzahlaufnehmer, -sensoren | 8870_speed recorders, sensors | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8870 | Drehzahlmessgeräte, Umdrehungszähler | 8870_tachometers, revolution counters | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8870 | Magnetische Aufnehmer für Drehzahl und Zählvorgänge | 8870_magnetic pick-up for speed and counting processes | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8870 | Optische Aufnehmer für Drehzahl und Zählvorgänge | 8870_optical sensors for speed and counting processes | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8870 | Tachogeneratoren | 8870_tachogenerators | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8890 | Sonstige Messgeräte für Zeit, Geschwindigkeit, Drehzahl (außer 8800-8870) | 8890_other time, speed, rpm gauges (except 8800-8870) | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8890 | Uhren-Prüfgeräte | 8890_watch testing equipment | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8890 | Uhren-Zubehör | 8890_watch accessories | 88_measuring devices for time, speed, rpm |
8900 | Abfüll- und Absackwaagen | 8900_filling and bagging scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8900 | Dezimalwaagen | 8900_decimal scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8900 | Fahrzeugwaagen | 8900_vehicle scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8900 | Gewichte, Gewichtsstücke, Gewichtssätze | 8900_weights, pieces of weight, sets of weights | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8900 | Industrie- und Handelswaagen | 8900_industrial and commercial scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8900 | Tafelwaagen | 8900_panel scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8900 | Waagen (technisch) | 8900_scales (technical) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8900 | Wiegeanlagen | 8900_weighing systems | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8910 | Briefwaagen | 8910_letter scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8910 | Karatwaagen | 8910_carat scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8910 | Laborwaagen, Präzisionswaagen | 8910_laboratory balances, precision balances | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8910 | Tarierwaagen für Zentrifugenrotoren | 8910_taring scales for centrifuge rotors | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8910 | Torsionswaagen | 8910_torsion balances | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8920 | Analysenwaagen (Makro- Mikro-), mechanisch und elektronisch | 8920_analytical balances (macro-micro), mechanical and electronic | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8920 | Mikrowaagen | 8920_microbalances | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8920 | Ultramikrowaagen | 8920_ultra micro balances | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8920 | Vakuummikrowaagen | 8920_vacuum microbalances | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8930 | Betten-Waagen | 8930_bed scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8930 | Dosierwaagen | 8930_dosing scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8930 | Radlastenmesser | 8930_wheel load meter | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8930 | Schwebewaagen, magnetische | 8930_suspension balances, magnetic | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8930 | Spezielle Waagen (ferngesteuert, registrierend) | 8930_special scales (remote controlled, registering) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Accelerometer | 8950_accelerometers | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Anzeigegeräte mit Messverstärker für Kraftmessung und Wägezellen (außer DMS-Messbrücken 8740) | 8950_display devices with measuring amplifier for force measurement and load cells (except strain gauge measuring bridges 8740) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Beschleunigungsaufnehmer (außer Körperschallaufnehmer 0040) | 8950_accelerometer (except structure-borne noise sensor 0040) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Beschleunigungsmessgeräte (außer Seismometer) | 8950_accelerometers (except seismometers) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Biegekraft-Aufnehmer | 8950_bending force transducer | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Brems- (Beschleunigungs-) Messgeräte | 8950_brake (acceleration) gauges | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Druckaufnehmer (Druck-, Kraftmessdosen) | 8950_pressure transducer (pressure, load cells) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Drucktöpfe (Bodendruckmessung) | 8950_pressure pots (ground pressure measurement) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Dynamometer | 8950_dynamometer | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Erschütterungsmesser (außer Seismometer 0420) | 8950_vibration meter (except seismometer 0420) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Kraftmessdosen, Kraftaufnehmer | 8950_load cells, force transducers | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Piezoelektrische, piezoresistive Druckkraftaufnehmer | 8950_piezoelectric, piezoresistive compression force transducers | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Schwingstärke-Messgeräte (außer 0040) | 8950_vibration severity measuring devices (except 0040) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Seilzugwaagen | 8950_draw-wire scales | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Transportstoßmessgeräte | 8950_transport shock gauges | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8950 | Wägezellen (für Zug- und Druckbelastung) | 8950_load cells (for tensile and compressive loads) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8960 | Auswuchtmaschinen, Unwuchtmesseinrichtungen | 8960_balancing machines, imbalance measuring devices | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8970 | Kraftmessgeräte (einschl. elektronischem Anzeigegerät) | 8970_force gauges (including electronic indicators) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8980 | Anzeigegeräte (elektronisch) für Drehmoment-Messung (außer DMS-Messbrücken 8740) | 8980_display devices (electronic) for torque measurement (except strain gauge measuring bridges 8740) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8980 | Indikatoren (Druck, Maschinenleistung) | 8980_indicators (pressure, machine power) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8980 | Leistungsmessgeräte (Maschinenleistung, außer Wattmeter 6440) | 8980_power meters (machine power, except wattmeter 6440) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8980 | Messgeräte für Drehmoment, mechanische Leistung (Messwellen) Anzeigegeräte | 8980_measuring devices for torque, mechanical power (measuring shafts) display devices | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8980 | Messwellen für Drehmomentmessung | 8980_measuring shafts for torque measurement | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
8990 | Sonstige Messgeräte für Masse und Kraft (außer 8900 -8980) | 8990_miscellaneous meters for mass and force (except 8900 -8980) | 89_measuring devices for mass (scales), force and acceleration |
9000 | Grundstücke (DIN 276 1.0.) | 9000_land (din 276 1.0.) | 90_immovable property |
9010 | Erschließung (DIN 276 2.2., außer 9020, 9030, 9070 und 9800-9820) | 9010_development (din 276 2.2., except 9020, 9030, 9070 and 9800-9820) | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Anlegestellen für Wasserfahrzeuge | 9020_piers for watercraft | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Boots-Stege | 9020_boat docks | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Flugplätze | 9020_airfields | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Gleisanlagen, Eisenbahnmaterial (ortsfest) | 9020_track systems, railway material (stationary) | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Parkplätze | 9020_parking spaces | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Schienenanlagen | 9020_rail systems | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Straßen | 9020_streets | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Verkehrsanlagen (DIN 276 5.7.) | 9020_traffic facilities (din 276 5.7.) | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Verkehrszeichen, -signale | 9020_traffic signs, signals | 90_immovable property |
9020 | Wege | 9020_ways | 90_immovable property |
9030 | Gartenanlagen, Grünflächen | 9030_gardens, green areas | 90_immovable property |
9030 | Geländegestaltung, gärtnerische Anlagen, Sportanlagen | 9030_landscape design, gardening facilities, sports facilities | 90_immovable property |
9030 | Pflanzungen | 9030_plantings | 90_immovable property |
9030 | Schwimmbecken | 9030_swimming pool | 90_immovable property |
9030 | Sportplätze, Sportanlagen | 9030_sports fields, sports facilities | 90_immovable property |
9030 | Wasserbecken, Springbrunnen | 9030_pools, fountains | 90_immovable property |
9040 | Gebäude (mit Wohn- und Arbeitsräumen, außer 9060) | 9040_buildings (with living and working rooms, except 9060) | 90_immovable property |
9050 | Absperreinrichtungen | 9050_shut-off devices | 90_immovable property |
9050 | Absperrketten | 9050_barrier chains | 90_immovable property |
9050 | Einzäunungen, Einfriedigungen (DIN 276 5.1.) | 9050_fences, enclosures (din 276 5.1.) | 90_immovable property |
9050 | Gitter, Absperr- | 9050_grid, barrier | 90_immovable property |
9050 | Zäune (außer Elektro-Weidezäune 4340) | 9050_fences (except electric pasture fences 4340) | 90_immovable property |
9060 | Baracken, Gewächshäuser, Maschinenhallen | 9060_barracks, greenhouses, machine halls | 90_immovable property |
9060 | Flugzeug-Hallen | 9060_aircraft hangars | 90_immovable property |
9060 | Garagen | 9060_garages | 90_immovable property |
9060 | Hangars | 9060_hangars | 90_immovable property |
9060 | Schuppen | 9060_shed | 90_immovable property |
9070 | Außenbeleuchtung | 9070_outdoor lighting | 90_immovable property |
9070 | Flugsicherungs-Beleuchtung | 9070_air traffic control lighting | 90_immovable property |
9090 | Anlagevermögen, sonstiges (außer 9000-9080) | 9090_fixed assets, other (except 9000-9080) | 90_immovable property |
9090 | Unbewegliches Anlagevermögen (außer 9000-9080) | 9090_immovable property (except 9000-9080) | 90_immovable property |
9100 | Abstelltische (auf Rollen) | 9100_storage tables (on wheels) | 91_furniture general |
9100 | Arbeitstische | 9100_work tables | 91_furniture general |
9100 | Beistelltische | 9100_side tables | 91_furniture general |
9100 | Besprechungstische | 9100_meeting tables | 91_furniture general |
9100 | Maschinentische | 9100_machine tables | 91_furniture general |
9100 | Rolltische | 9100_rolling tables | 91_furniture general |
9100 | Tische, allgemein | 9100_tables, general | 91_furniture general |
9100 | Zeichentische | 9100_drawing tables | 91_furniture general |
9110 | Büro-Maschinentische | 9110_office machine tables | 91_furniture general |
9110 | Schreibmaschinentische | 9110_typewriter tables | 91_furniture general |
9110 | Schreibtische | 9110_desks | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Arbeitsstühle | 9120_work chairs | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Armlehnen für Arbeitsstühle | 9120_armrests for work chairs | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Bänke | 9120_benches | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Drehsessel (auch Untergestell) | 9120_swivel chair (also base) | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Hocker | 9120_stool | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Schreibtischsessel | 9120_desk chair | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Sessel | 9120_armchair | 91_furniture general |
9120 | Sitzmöbel (Stühle, Bänke) | 9120_seating furniture (chairs, benches) | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Aktenschränke | 9130_filing cabinets | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Betten und Liegemöbel (außer Krankenbetten 9300) | 9130_beds and reclining furniture (except hospital beds 9300) | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Couchgarnituren | 9130_couch sets | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Einbaurahmen (für Schränke), Einbaumöbel | 9130_built-in frames (for cabinets), built-in furniture | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Einbauschränke | 9130_built-in wardrobes | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Holzregale | 9130_wooden shelves | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Kleiderschränke | 9130_wardrobes | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Kommoden | 9130_dressers | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Raumsparbetten | 9130_space-saving beds | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Rollschränke | 9130_rolling cabinets | 91_furniture general |
9130 | Schrankuntersätze, -aufsätze |